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Your favorite Outdoors / Action Movie ?


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I am a HUGE movie fan...  However,  my definiton of an "action movie" may be different than some..  By my defintion, an "action movie"  would be a drama with LOTS of shoot-em-up type action, like a Bruce Willis DIE HARD type movie, or Harrison Ford's Indiana Jones movies, or many of Mel Gibson's movies.. ... Most active chase scene type cop movies would be in this category, like Clint Eastwood's  " Dirty Harry" films...

I exclude westerns, historical dramas and war flicks from this category... I will gladly discuss them as separate categories...I am REAL big on westerns, if any of you western fans want to chat...

In that spirit, my favorite action movie probably would be the original "Dirty Harry", although there have been many good ones... " Miller's Crossing" is a real sleeper, IMHO..

One kind of offbeat action film that I especially like is  " Pulp Ficton" , closely followed by "Reservoir Dogs", both directed by Quentin Tarentino, whom I suspect is a sick SOB...

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The Sand of Iwo Jima with John Wayne. But anything with John Wayne is great.

I'll talk John Wayne films anytime.... I CRY everytime I watch " She Wore a Yellow Ribbon."...

However, I would not classify that ( along with many other classic westerns) as an "action" film...

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Segal is a bad actor . What really put me off with him was to find out that this "macho man" used to beat up his ex-wife kelly leBrock .

His movies are action packed though ........

Yeah, just don't get some folks. :'(


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As long as it's within legal spanking time.


Who the heck do you think you are to tell me what time I can spank at. :O

Just don't want you to get turned into the spanking police. For untimely spanking :D


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I own Jeremiah Johnson & Mountain Men (Heston) DVDs.

Love that era, but classified as action movies?

John McCabe (Willis) movies are okay, as are some of Gibson's.

During the era, I was a huge Harry Callahan (Eastwood) fan.

Stallone & Schwartznagger movies are entertaining, nothing great as they both suck as actors.

The new Mr. NRA had a lot of action movies.

Norris, Segal and most other martial arts experts make terrible actors.

Jet Lei has some decent movies, nothing exceptional.

Can appreciate Deniro & Pacino acting abilities, but not a huge fan of either.

Heat was a pretty good movie!

If you include war movies, Platoon is my all time favorite.

We Were Soldiers and Private Ryan were also good war movies.

The Patriot may not qualify as an action film, but was good all the same.

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