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Ted nugent vid clip


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It's very weird ...... There's nothing that he says that I actually disagree with, but there's something about the way he says it that makes me feel like I just heard the ravings of a drug burned-out madman. What a shame that his message is so mangled up in all that pycho-babble that he actually takes thoughts that I hold close and turns them into something that would turn off just about anyone who hears it. I've heard him described as a spokesman for sportsmen and women, but there is a sound of lunacy whenever he supposedly speaks on our behalf that seems to have a very negative affect to anyone listening. Our spokesman? Not in my view.

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  I agree with Doc. & I wonder if Ted & Charlie Sheen are related !? lol


They may be portrayed as humans who have attained magical or mystical powers, often evil, such as in the fantasy television series "Spirit of the Wild!"

Uncle Ted is mystical  Warlock!

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The guy definitely brings it all on himself. All these little vid-clips always seem to be aimed at just trying to get attention. What ever ya gotta do to try to keep yourself relevant .... eh? I don't blame him. It's probably an age thing ..... lol.

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It's very weird ...... There's nothing that he says that I actually disagree with, but there's something about the way he says it that makes me feel like I just heard the ravings of a drug burned-out madman. What a shame that his message is so mangled up in all that pycho-babble that he actually takes thoughts that I hold close and turns them into something that would turn off just about anyone who hears it. I've heard him described as a spokesman for sportsmen and women, but there is a sound of lunacy whenever he supposedly speaks on our behalf that seems to have a very negative affect to anyone listening. Our spokesman? Not in my view.

Agree 100% with you Doc.

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however one of his rants hits you tube and everyone including ourselves critiques it.  That is exactly what he wants.  bad publicity is as good as good publicity.  But for every person who says he is a stoned freak, there is another who thinks he is sopt on. I for one lean toward the freak part.  either way his name is mentioned, his vid is posted on sites like this one for everyone to see.  hmm who is the nuts one here I must ask? 

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His appeal seems to be regional, due to his style, mannerism and speak.  I notice on some national hunting sites he is loved by folks in the Midwest, Northwest, Southwest and even parts of the South.  He is originally from Detroit, so that explains the weirdness I think.  Seems he rubs people in the Northeast the wrong way, and New Yorkers seem to dislike him the most as far as I can tell.

Still, I am glad he is on our side, and love some of the debates he's had in the past with anti hunters and gun banners.  The outdoors definitely gets him loopy, but I don't think that makes him a bad guy.  Put him in an intellectual debate on the issues though, and you will find the man knows his facts and presents his case very well.

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I don't listen to his music...not that it's bad just don't.....it's not what I listen to....Thanks to many a Ted hater.... I've listened to a bunch of his hunting stuff...and Lord help me read a lot of Ted comments....

I can honestly say for all the "Professional" hunting gurus out there....He's not the worst....he is how he is.... and there's no under "lying" agenda....ie...the ones stating they're only concern is for the herd and quality of hunting for the future..BS....it's the $$$ ppl    With Ted...it's $$ and a need for the spot light...but I think he has a serious hunting bug...like many of us...just it comes out a lot more wild...personalities!! get over it!!

The only vessel his "RANTS" as ppl call them..... have in hurting hunting.... is the ...seemingly never ending stream of negative personal attacks hunters on all sites are unleashing...You do nothing but draw attention to him ::) 

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I don't listen to his music...not that it's bad just don't.....it's not what I listen to....Thanks to many a Ted hater.... I've listened to a bunch of his hunting stuff...and Lord help me read a lot of Ted comments....

I can honestly say for all the "Professional" hunting gurus out there....He's not the worst....he is how he is.... and there's no under "lying" agenda....ie...the ones stating they're only concern is for the herd and quality of hunting for the future..BS....it's the $$$ ppl    With Ted...it's $$ and a need for the spot light...but I think he has a serious hunting bug...like many of us...just it comes out a lot more wild...personalities!! get over it!!

The only vessel his "RANTS" as ppl call them..... have in hurting hunting.... is the ...seemingly never ending stream of negative personal attacks hunters on all sites are unleashing...You do nothing but draw attention to him :;)

Yeah, he draws some of our attention.  And why do you think this is so?  Since you don't seem to understand why, I will tell try to tell you.  He above any other hunter draws the attention of the non-hunters out there.  Do the Bill Jordans, Jackie Bushmans, Craig Boddingtons of the hunting world draw the same kind of attention from non-hunters??  No way!  That is why some of us are very vocal against Nugent.  He has proclaimed himself the representative of hunters to mainstream America and many hunters think he is exactly the WRONG kind of person we need representing us.  The guy appears on stage at his concerts with AR-15's in his hands, spews verbal rants against the president, the government and any one who might disagree with him in the slightest.  If that is what you want the non-hunting public to think all hunters are like, then you can go ahead and love the guy.  I for one don't go out in public brandishing any firearms and don't want society to think all hunters support such behavior.  Very simple really.  Some of you think it is jealousy that sets us off against Nugent, when the truth is something very different.  We are concerned about how our pastime is represented to non-hunters out there and that is why we speak out against a guy like Nugent.

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however one of his rants hits you tube and everyone including ourselves critiques it.  That is exactly what he wants.  bad publicity is as good as good publicity.  But for every person who says he is a stoned freak, there is another who thinks he is sopt on. I for one lean toward the freak part.  either way his name is mentioned, his vid is posted on sites like this one for everyone to see.  hmm who is the nuts one here I must ask?

I think that sums up Ted's method perfectly, and I think the reason I can't stand his talking is the use of extra words. It seems like he crams words in where they either don't belong or are not needed and I can't over look the slight whistle he makes on his S's...super annoying to me.

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We are concerned about how our pastime is represented to non-hunters out there and that is why we speak out against a guy like Nugent.

I couldn't care less what a non-hunter thinks about hunting... what do they even know about hunting that they can have a real opinion on that matters? Non-hunters will see what they want to see.. regardless of what Ted Nugent has to say... or what any of us have to say... for that matter... and the anti-hunter will continue to be against hunting no matter who is speaking for hunters...Not all Ted's views are necessarily mine and I'm not  huge fan, but he certainly isn't afraid to stand up for his views.. more than I can say for those who tiptoe on eggshells because of what some non-hunter might think...

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"I couldn't care less what a non-hunter thinks about hunting... what do they even know about hunting that they can have a real opinion on that matters?"

Maybe we should be concerned with non hunters veiws, we are outnumbered in this state by a 19-1 margin, those other folks vote in the politician's that make laws that affect us. I do understand your point too though, I kinda side with you to a point. If they don't like it...screw em.

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If you don't already know and I think you don't, there is a difference between non-hunters and anti-hunters.  Yeah, obviously anti-hunters have their minds made up and nothing will change it.  Non-hunters are those who really don't have definite pro or con opinions. Most people fall into the non-hunter category.  Throw Nugent at them as an example of how hunters should act and talk and they just might come to some conclusions.  Get even more people on the anti-hunting bandwagon and tell me how this can possibly help our pastime?

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If you don't already know and I think you don't, there is a difference between non-hunters and anti-hunters.  Yeah, obviously anti-hunters have their minds made up and nothing will change it.  Non-hunters are those who really don't have definite pro or con opinions. Most people fall into the non-hunter category.  Throw Nugent at them as an example of how hunters should act and talk and they just might come to some conclusions.  Get even more people on the anti-hunting bandwagon and tell me how this can possibly help our pastime?

You might not have noticed, but I referenced both non and anti hunters in my post...I don't see how anything that Ted said in that video would have turned a non-hunter against hunting... as a matter of fact.. quite the contrary. Maybe some of his other stuff is way over the top... but remember too.. there are many many non-hunters that love Ted for his music. I think MOST non-hunters are never going to be pro or con either way... and the nutty antis will always be nutty... and as long as hunting continues to be the cash cow that it is.. it will be around for far longer than you or I... so again... I personally couldn't care less what the non-hunters think.. just my view on it

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