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Fresh venison finally!

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Well we finally got the call to go use some nuisance tags for a buddy. He has like a 70 acres grape vineyard and the deer are recking havoc. The other night he had between 8 and 15 deer out at a time. So we went out yesterday just b4 6pm and sat and waited just b4 dusk two deer came out and only one left. Fresh venison for me. Fresh back straps tonight!

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it funny in this area people hate nuisance tags for different reasons. one people filling them don't follow up on and report them as much as other tags. i do know the tag issuing tech here does hand a small number out first and if you fill them only then she'll give you more. also she won't give them out if you don't allow hunters during the season.  mostly though, we don't get high allocations of DMP tags here like other areas of the state. so when people get denied for the season and then see farmers getting deer damage permit/nuisance tags during the summer it bothers them.  if the tags are issued though it's because crop damage is being done and they're needed.

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In New Jersey, you are required to bury the whole deer and not take any of the meat or antlers if you shoot it using a farmers depredation permit.  Permits are only for removal of nuisance deer because of crop damage, not for harvesting meat or trophy antlers.

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In New Jersey, you are required to bury the whole deer and not take any of the meat or antlers if you shoot it using a farmers depredation permit.  Permits are only for removal of nuisance deer because of crop damage, not for harvesting meat or trophy antlers.

That seems like such a waste. They should change the program to have the meat donated to a local soup kitchen somehow if they don’t want the hunter to keep the meat.

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27 minutes ago, Moho81 said:

That seems like such a waste. They should change the program to have the meat donated to a local soup kitchen somehow if they don’t want the hunter to keep the meat.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I agree. That's just stupid. 

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Illegal to possess a whitetail w/o a special NYS permit. Sure you already know this.

I'm "on the fence" about nuisance permits, even considering the fact I hunt near farmland and personally know some of those farmers. On one hand, it's a tool farmers can use to protect their crops and livelihood. Conversely, the permit system IMHO is open to a lot of abuse.


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Nuisance hunting is a good way to fill the freezer.I did it a few years here on long island on town land you couldn't get a new permit until you turned in the two you started with.The problem i had was they where trying to knock the population down,but they closed it to let the fawns grow???Kind of defeats the purpose.

I know a farmer that hunts them all year it's shoot on site and bury it in the compost pile.It works he has very little crop damage.

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16 hours ago, catskillkid said:

In New Jersey, you are required to bury the whole deer and not take any of the meat or antlers if you shoot it using a farmers depredation permit.  Permits are only for removal of nuisance deer because of crop damage, not for harvesting meat or trophy antlers.

New Jersey is a Liberal state. Explains the sense of this'

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If I couldn't eat the meat I wouldn't be shooting the deer just to put them in compost just a waste. Id rather take a ticket then waste it. I think this will be our last year doing this as the land owner is putting a 8ft fence all the way around the vineyard. As is the case a couple deer might get in but he'll just shot them then call us to go get them. Instead of having to over watch the vineyard. I might say they do have a beautiful overview of lake Champlain,

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