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I’ve had it!


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For the last month I have been having it out with the local coyote “hunters.” If that’s what you call them they run coyotes with dogs.


I don’t like coyotes I shoot them on sight, but it’s my property and I enjoy hunting them during the winter. I don’t want every coyote dead because they are fun to hunt but here’s my problem these guys release the dogs on a neighbors 1/4 acre and the dogs come on my property and chase deer and the occasional dog. I have pictures of the dogs chasing deer basically every day of the week. I have found tracks of the guys walking on my property it have yet to get a picture of them. The local encompasses officer says there’s nothing I can do about the dogs because they aren’t breaking any laws. Unless I catch or get a picture of one of the guys trespassing there’s really nothing I can do.


Like I said I don’t have any love for coyotes but I have a huge problem with someone having dogs chasing coyotes on my property!!


Anyone else have any issues with this “sport?”



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17 minutes ago, moog5050 said:

How does one kill the coyote when its run by dogs?  Its not like a bear, coon or cougar that trees itself.

I feel for you buckmaster.  It would annoy me too having someone else's dog chasing game on my property.  Its still a form of trespassing.

just like running rabbits. may times with a shotgun with birdshot. 

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have you tried contacting the Sheriffs office instead of Encon?  Make a complaint of trespassing and they should stop at the persons house to interview them and maybe they will get the hint even if they cant press charges. 

No, but that’s an option I might try. I’ve tried being decent with them and that’s got me no where I guess I gotta step up my game.

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How does one kill the coyote when its run by dogs?  Its not like a bear, coon or cougar that trees itself.

I feel for you buckmaster.  It would annoy me too having someone else's dog chasing game on my property.  Its still a form of trespassing.

I had a long discussion with the encon officer the other day. I’m the furthest person in the world from the “it’s my deer etc because it’s on my property” but it’s just amazing that it’s legal for someone to have dogs running game off my property.


If someone sits 5ft over the line and calls a dog into them I’ll congratulate them and shake their hand but this is just insane!



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Have you tried posting the land and then talking to/asking them to please refrain from entering your land?

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Oh it’s posted on about every other tree, every road is gated etc. I now have over 30 cams up just a matter of time before I get one of these idiots on camera.

I also tried talking to the neighbor where they are letting the dogs go from and his response was that he hates coyotes because one ate his duck.

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Oh it’s posted on about every other tree, every road is gated etc. I now have over 30 cams up just a matter of time before I get one of these idiots on camera.

I also tried talking to the neighbor where they are letting the dogs go from and his response was that he hates coyotes because one ate his duck.

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Ahhhh ok figured I'd try the simplest answer first. Wonder if you could talk to the people running the dogs? Seems your neighbor is pretty set about them running. Has he ever considered a fence around his property? A quarter acre is nothing and a fence would save any animals from entering well aside from deer because they can jump easily over a 6 ft fence

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We have dealt with this ourselves. Per regulation you cannot let your dog run onto others property without permission, if they are running deer it is also illegal and if you have pictures of it the ECO should be writing tickets. This is right from the syllabus: Hunting dogs should remain under control of the hunter or trainer, especially on lands inhabited by deer. Do not allow your dogs to pursue game on any posted land without the landowner’s permission. Do not shoot dogs; report stray dogs to a local Environmental Conservation Officer or your local animal control officer. I would be calling the ECO or his boss, they should be enforcing the law.

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16 minutes ago, Buckmaster7600 said:

Like I said I don’t have any love for coyotes but I have a huge problem with someone having dogs chasing coyotes on my property!!

One experience I had: While running coonhounds on 150 acre parcel I had permission for the dogs ran across a 10 acre parcel that was posted real tight. I stopped at the line and waited for the dogs to come back. They all came back but one which was the old dog. I didn't worry about him because he always came back. I got back to the truck and a sheriff was waiting for me and accused me of trespassing. When I explained what had transpired he informed me that the landowner had grabbed the dog and locked him up in his barn and he wouldn't release him until I was arrested for trespassing even though I never stepped foot on his property. It all got worked out but it was a real pain.

 Coyotes have a tendency to cover some ground while being chased and it is not uncommon to have them go 8-10 miles when pursued by hounds.

If the owner(s) of the hounds goes on your land you can have them issued a trespass ticket but there isn't much that can be done about the dog(s) unless they release them on your property.

It is a common complaint among  landowners in areas where coyotes are run with dogs. Most houndsmen will try to obtain permission in areas that they hunt but there are a lot that do not and most houndsmen will not tolerate their hound running deer.

Sounds like you have a crew of wanna be coyote hunters invading your space. If you call the sheriff enough times they will move on to greener pastures.

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3 minutes ago, sodfather said:

I’ve seen guys run coyotes with dogs before when I was snowmobiling a few years ago. I stopped and talked to the guy. Actually they were very successful at it. Had a group of hunter on one end and dogs would push coyotes right to them. 

ahh - they use the dogs to push.  I was thinking like a rabbit but rabbits circle back.  I assumed that was not the case with a yote.

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different ways dogs work. they run a coyote until they catch up to it and have it stand its ground in which you can then shoot it. they'll drive a coyote out into the open or past you enough to get a shot. depending on the coyote dog some dogs even kill the coyotes.  most of the time i believe it's the second situation. they're very successful around here. there's good ones and bad ones. i have a friend i grew up with that's a good one. even if he has permission nearby he won't let his dogs loose if there's a property close by that doesn't want them there. his dogs are also pretty good about only running yotes and nothing else. too bad you're dealing with a bad group. have to get pictures of them and then you can get tickets written.

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22 minutes ago, Buckmaster7600 said:

Oh it’s posted on about every other tree, every road is gated etc. I now have over 30 cams up just a matter of time before I get one of these idiots on camera.

I also tried talking to the neighbor where they are letting the dogs go from and his response was that he hates coyotes because one ate his duck.

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If you are sure your property is posted legally (properly) you shouldn't even need to go through the certified notification process. If caught on it you will be able to have them arrested. I'd go the sheriff route. 

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8 minutes ago, PREDATORS said:

We have dealt with this ourselves. Per regulation you cannot let your dog run onto others property without permission, if they are running deer it is also illegal and if you have pictures of it the ECO should be writing tickets. This is right from the syllabus: Hunting dogs should remain under control of the hunter or trainer, especially on lands inhabited by deer

Regardless of what the laws says most ECO's realize it is almost impossible for a owner/handler to stop a dog that starts a track on one property from taking it to another property. More times than not there will not be any tickets issued UNLESS the ECO can established that the dog owner released his dogs on property they do not have permission for.

  If a hound is running off game(deer) that is a separate issue.

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9 minutes ago, Culvercreek hunt club said:

If you are sure your property is posted legally (properly) you shouldn't even need to go through the certified notification process.

Posting property in NY is only a tool to show your property boundaries and to warn others not to trespass. Trespassing on any property you do not have permission for is considered unlawful and subject to a ticket.

 You don't have to "post" your property to protect it from unwanted visitors.

" No. Trespassing is illegal even on unposted property. Instead of posting, a landowner or other authorized person may issue written notice to another informing them that they are prohibited from a property. The notice must contain a description of the property, what restrictions apply (hunting, fishing, trapping) and the person or persons prohibited from entry. It should be delivered by certified mail or other processes to prove that the person was served. At any time, anyone asked to leave the premises, posted or not, by the landowner, occupant or other authorized person, must do so immediately"

"A trespass is an intentional, wrongful entry onto another person's land, without the owner's permission and without a legal privilege to do so."

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3 minutes ago, Steve D said:

Posting property in NY is only a tool to show your property boundaries and to warn others not to trespass. Trespassing on any property you do not have permission for is considered unlawful and subject to a ticket.

 You don't have to "post" your property to protect it from unwanted visitors.

" No. Trespassing is illegal even on unposted property. Instead of posting, a landowner or other authorized person may issue written notice to another informing them that they are prohibited from a property. The notice must contain a description of the property, what restrictions apply (hunting, fishing, trapping) and the person or persons prohibited from entry. It should be delivered by certified mail or other processes to prove that the person was served. At any time, anyone asked to leave the premises, posted or not, by the landowner, occupant or other authorized person, must do so immediately"

"A trespass is an intentional, wrongful entry onto another person's land, without the owner's permission and without a legal privilege to do so."

Did you read what you posted?  If it is not posted and you have not served notice there will be NO ticket issued. Count on it. 

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We had all kinds of trespasser problems including people using dogs. We tried to be nice at first, that didn't work. So we became the biggest pr..cks to anyone and everyone we caught. Had some LEO's hunt the land. Had a few people charged.  No big fines, but a pain for them to go to court. Word got out. 

No more Mr. nice guy Buckmaster.

And Those signs may be a big help if they like their dogs as most do.

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