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First Self Filmed Bow Kill (Public Land Doe)

Canis Latrans

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nice job.  i use to film stuff for my own use and sharing with others that hunt with me. standard def so that sony cam is more or less useless now. i have a nice nikon dslr but have told myself i'm never bringing it up in a tree. if i ever dropped it out of the tree i'd puke. camera arm i found out is as important as the camera. that one seems to work good. cheap ones are hard to stay the same tightness when panning. also start and stop of motion is super jittery. your video didn't have any of that. really well done.  stayed on it too after the shot not zoomed too far in. mine's good for 20 mins of HD video recording at a time. if i hike into Pine Bush I've got more to worry about more power to you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

great video and great shot. i agree with others on the lighted nock,  would include the slow motion clip and would of liked to see other side of deer. You said something like "always disturbing not to see blood on the head". like that has happened to you before. not to derail but have many others seen or had this happen. i would of guessed that wouldnt be possible

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