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This guys has been a ghost for three full seasons. He shifts ranges as I don't even pick him up on cam after the shift. Last pic is always the last week in September. 9/30 or 9/31 last two years. Doesn't reappear until Spring. Can't kill what is not there in season...ghost.

Spartan 4.png

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ive got a few of those!  cant pick just one.  Third Pic is "Dark Knight"  never even got a daylight pic of him for 3 years but for 3 years a few night pics  - disappeared last season.  (1) is 2019 one and only pic of him, then (2) 2018 one and only pic of him, (3) 2017 Dark Knight ,  (4) was a big 11 a few years ago and had nighttime pics of him for a couple of years and never saw him and it was 2013 not 2022.   

Augusta Alpha buck.JPG

big buck 2018 stota 2.jpg

Dark Knight rises.JPG

Deers 5.JPG

Edited by Robhuntandfish
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35 minutes ago, 2012_taco said:

I have pics of this guy for 3 years in a row, and have never seem him during the season! I had more pics of him but apparently someone deleted them to save room on my computer! Ugg!


you should be able to find pics on this site somewhere and resave them.  I was watching for you to get this buck all season - a dandy.  Hope he is back for you this year 

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I had to open this thread just to see what BBYHOCBNSODS could possibly stand for!

Here my best one I had on camera that I never saw. He only showed up twice, both during the day once on a Friday and once on a Sunday. That particular Sunday I was home carving pumpkins with the kids instead of sitting in the stand and having a 20 yard broadside shot at him. He's a big 10 point that is no doubt taller than mine from last year. I think he was seen once in person by another hunter but he was 250+ yards away and was only seen for a few seconds. It was at the end of the season so I hope he made it through. 





10 Point 2.JPG

10 Point.JPG

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