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Mattis Finally Breaks Bad

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Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people—does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership. We can unite without him, drawing on the strengths inherent in our civil society. This will not be easy, as the past few days have shown, but we owe it to our fellow citizens; to past generations that bled to defend our promise; and to our children.

Gen. Mattis unloads on Trump

This is the first time I have seen him break his silence on his time in the administration. 

I thought Trump had it sewn up at the beginning of the year for 2020, but I am having some serious doubts lately he will be able to win. 

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There are LOTS of people that left Trump's administration since he took office.  It seems like the majority have left, in fact.  I'm sure all of them have stories they could tell about Trump's antics and lunacy.  However, most are taking a higher road than Trump usually takes and have decided that it's probably best not to say anything.  Others like Mattis don't care about the consequences so he's letting it rip.




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Look at the number of falling outs that Trump has had with people in his administration. First the are touted as the best and brightest. Then honeymoon wears off and he turns on them. The short comings are always blamed on everyone but Trump. However he is the common denominator.
TDS is real, except the people that have it are the ones still supporting him. He is toxic.

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6 minutes ago, Trial153 said:

Look at the number of falling outs that Trump has had with people in his administration. First the are touted as the best and brightest. Then honeymoon wears off and he turns on them. The short comings are always blamed on everyone but Trump. However he is the common denominator.
TDS is real, except the people that have it are the ones still supporting him. He is toxic.

He don't trust anyone.  That in itself tells you a lot about him.  If he could he'd fire everyone and rule all by himself.  Heck, he thinks he knows more than everyone on every topic.  Maybe he'd appoint his sons and daughter to assist him, but that's it.  He wouldn't even trust his wife.  LOL



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He might have squeaked by with 100,000+ Covid deaths and his incompetent response, but not with the pseudo tough guy postering of the last few days. Then again, I've been wrong before. 

The danger - and I truly believe this - is that he may try and burn the whole thing down before he accepts the loss.

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He might have squeaked by with 100,000+ Covid deaths and his incompetent response, but not with the pseudo tough guy postering of the last few days. Then again, I've been wrong before. 
The danger - and I truly believe this - is that he may try and burn the whole thing down before he accepts the loss.

we will be fortunate to get through his presidency without him doing something catastrophic that will make pale all the past tantrums and fleeting moments of irrational behavior.
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1 hour ago, left field said:

He might have squeaked by with 100,000+ Covid deaths and his incompetent response, but not with the pseudo tough guy postering of the last few days. Then again, I've been wrong before. 

The danger - and I truly believe this - is that he may try and burn the whole thing down before he accepts the loss.

You mean like the Dems have been doing for three years.:laugh:

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Mattis obviously was not paying any attention to the Obama administration for 8 years.  Recent events are not new to this country and they certainly did not begin with the election of Trump.

In his second term, Barack Obama stoked the hatred of cops using Mike Brown's death, the choke hold death of career criminal Eric Garner in Staten Island, and the death of drug dealer Freddie Gray in Baltimore as political fodder to maintain black allegiance to the Democrat Party. He unleashed a disgraceful condemnation of police that directly resulted in the premeditated and racially motivated murders of two NYPD officers and likewise the sniper murder of five Dallas PD officers. Apparently for most Democrats, Blue Lives don't matter.

Arguably, riots across the nation were seeded by Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, who ordered police to stand down during the crucial early stages of unrest in that city. His message green-lighted the violence there and, by domino effect, in other cities. Frey became the latest in a long line of Democrat mayors condemning police and empowering rioters to loot and burn neighborhoods and assault anyone who dares stand in their way.

While Tim Walz, Cuomo, Pelosi, de Blasio, and other leftists would have you believe this is something new in order to tie it to Donald Trump this election year, these riots have a well-documented genesis. Their historic roots are in socialist, communist, and anarchist groups in Europe. Rioters had cells in the U.S. during the late 1980s but faded in the mid-2000s until like-minded miscreants re-congealed after Barack Obama's 2008 election. The current cadres of violent organizers have roots with the radical socialist "Occupy" movement that was seeded and empowered by Obama. He was the inspiration for those rioters a decade ago, as they infested cities from coast to coast, including Oakland, Seattle, Denver, Austin, Chicago, Atlanta, Baltimore, New York, and Boston.

They reemerged in force at the 2017 Charlottesville riots and have been gaining even more ground nationwide since.

Then we have ANTIFA.  According to Dartmouth professor Mark Bray, author of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, antifa radicals define "fascism" as whatever suits the moment. Bray says, "There is a lot of debate about what constitutes fascism, and it's a legitimate question to ask — where does one draw the line?" He notes, "The slippery-slope argument, which is that if you start calling everyone a fascist and depriving them of a platform, where does it end?"

Notably, Bray concludes: "These are revolutionary leftists. ... These are self-described revolutionaries. They have no allegiance to liberal democracy, which they believe has failed the marginalized communities they're defending. They're anarchists and communists who are way outside the traditional conservative-liberal spectrum."

They are also way outside the limits of the law and civil society.

Antifa adherents are now using black inner-city frustration to inflame the anti-fascist fascist agenda, which has nothing to do with "justice" for anyone and everything to do with undermining our Constitution and Rule of Law. And their tactics are sophisticated.

As Attorney General Bill Barr confirmed, "In many places it appears the violence is planned, organized, and driven by far left extremist groups and anarchic groups using antifa-like tactics." In an official DoJ statement, he added, "Groups of outside radicals and agitators are exploiting the situation to pursue their own separate, violent, and extremist agenda. It is time to stop watching the violence and to confront and stop it. ... The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa ... is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly."

Finally, Biden and the rest of the Democrat Party protagonists are repeating the race-bait mantra about the "systemic racism" that they claim infests the ranks of every level of our justice system, while insisting "I can't breathe." But allow me this observation: The "systemic racism" canard is a rhetorical caricature of the reality those in law enforcement experience in service to our communities and our nation. There are people who hold racist views on ALL sides, and there is no room for it anywhere. That is especially true among the ranks of those charged with upholding the law — bad cops need to be purged. But as Heather Mac Donald's research concludes, there is no "systemic racism" in our system of justice.

Mattis is setting himself up for failure with his recent comments.  All of the leftist attacks on Trump since his elected have failed and are going to backfire on election day.  Trump is going to win re-election by a landslide in 2020 in spite of all these leftist attacks and attempts to overthrow a duly elected POTUS.  The only thing that could possibly be underestimated, is the level of stupidity of the electorate come election day.

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I voted for him in '16, and being that I vote for actions and not words, I'll probably vote for him again. Is there another alternative candidate that merits consideration? No way can I vote for Biden. So it's Trump or no vote (even though it means nothing in NYS).

That said, over my 45 years working for others, I have had bosses that were very difficult to work for. I outlasted just about every one of them. I couldn't possibly imagine working for Trump. As a person, he redefines the meaning of the word A-hole.

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Leftist lies about Trump are totally out of control.  Why aren't fact checkers saying so?


"It never ends, but these aren’t mistakes. This is how the national media are intended to operate in the Trump era. If they can’t find something wrong with him, they make it up."

Edited by Rattler
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I hope my friend Todd Zywicki doesn’t mind me reposting his excellently written comments on why Donald Trump’s supporters stick with him. The only thing that I would add is that his supporters have seen all the lies that the media have spread about Trump from Charlottesville to the rubber bullets and tear gas supposedly being used against “peaceful” protestors in Lafayette Park.

“He stood with Kavanaugh when most Republicans would’ve caved. And you wonder why so many of his supporters remain loyal?

And that doesn’t speak at all to the extraordinary accomplishments on judges, regulatory reform, historic tax reform, repealing the individual mandate, restoring due process to Title IX, Trying to impose the rule of law on the administrative state, reducing foreign military adventurism, and probably a dozen others that I can’t think of right now. For those who care about policy, what exactly is the case for not voting for him? He Tweets too much? Meanwhile Biden keeps racing further and further to the left. Which do you think will be more likely to promote policies that are going to end the Lockdown-induced economic depression?

So it doesn’t take blind loyalty for someone to look at that policy record on the merits and be pretty happy with it and want those policies to get us out of the economic ditch.”

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23 minutes ago, Rattler said:

Leftist lies about Trump are totally out of control.  Why aren't fact checkers saying so?


"It never ends, but these aren’t mistakes. This is how the national media are intended to operate in the Trump era. If they can’t find something wrong with him, they make it up."


I would agree that the left tells lies about Trump, but you won't get the truth from FOX or any rightwing outlet neither.  They all twist and turn every story in the direction they want to brainwash their followers and NO one is even close to telling the freakin truth anymore!!


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10 minutes ago, steve863 said:

I would agree that the left tells lies about Trump, but you won't get the truth from FOX or any rightwing outlet neither.  They all twist and turn every story in the direction they want to brainwash their followers and NO one is even close to telling the freakin truth anymore!!

Your opinion is duly noted.

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11 minutes ago, steve863 said:

I would agree that the left tells lies about Trump, but you won't get the truth from FOX or any rightwing outlet neither.  They all twist and turn every story in the direction they want to brainwash their followers and NO one is even close to telling the freakin truth anymore!!

Fox has better eye candy though.. Just sayin' :rolleyes:

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10 minutes ago, Rattler said:

Bring it on Steve.  Prove me wrong.

I don't need to prove anything to you or anyone else.  I call things the way I see them.  I don't kiss Trump's, McConnell's, Cuomo's, Pelosi's, Schumer's or any politicians butt.  They all stink to high hell in my opinion.



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32 minutes ago, steve863 said:

I don't need to prove anything to you or anyone else.  I call things the way I see them.  I don't kiss Trump's, McConnell's, Cuomo's, Pelosi's, Schumer's or any politicians butt.  They all stink to high hell in my opinion.

Your opinion is duly noted.

Edited by Rattler
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