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Are we watching the downfall of our country?

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54 minutes ago, BowmanMike said:

about which companies got bailouts

Companies got bailouts? WTH? 

I know there was PPE loans which are converted to grants once employers prove that they used the money on employee payrolls and certain operating expenses. Those funds were supposed to keep employees on the payroll and not fire them during the shutdown of business. 

But there were pure bailouts? I did not realize that..

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16 hours ago, Chef said:

So you would support the end of democracy in this country great job

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If you think for one moment we have a democracy you are truly delusional. This country has become collection of "special interest" groups each with their own agenda. African Americans, Asian Americans, Latino Americans, LGBT Americans, Jewish Americans, Latino Americans, etc., etc.

We are supposed to be AMERICANS first and be doing what is good for the country and each other instead of addressing each group individually.

Here is ONE example of your democratic society. Will we see mass protests when lawmakers take a constitutional right away.... I think not. Biden has made it clear that one of his main agendas is confiscation.

HR 5717 would:

  • Create a nationwide gun registry
  • Ban almost all semiautomatic rifles
  • Institute a federal Magazine Ban
  • Implement national "Red Flag" gun confiscation
  • Tax guns at 30% and ammo at 50%
  • Ban patriots under 21 from exercising their Second Amendment rights
  • Ration guns by making it illegal to purchase more than one firearm in a 30-day period
  • Force "Safe Storage" requirements on gun owners
  • Ban home builds
  • Ban suppressors
  • Force FFLs to spend massive amounts of money to comply with new "security" requirements
  • Expand "Gun Free Zones" 
  • And more than we can possibly list here in this space

HR 5717 is so sweeping and all-encompassing that it is literally an ENCYCLOPEDIA of gun control!

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1 hour ago, Steuben Jerry said:

Companies got bailouts? WTH? 

I know there was PPE loans which are converted to grants once employers prove that they used the money on employee payrolls and certain operating expenses. Those funds were supposed to keep employees on the payroll and not fire them during the shutdown of business. 

But there were pure bailouts? I did not realize that..

Forgive my wording,they got money from the stimulus bill. I just would like to know who got how much.

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21 minutes ago, BowmanMike said:

Obama didnt affect my daily life much either for that matter.

I paid more in taxes than I do now, and my healthcare costs went up dramatically. The cumulative additional expense adds up to a fairly painful number. I put off buying a new truck until the tax cuts a couple of years ago. I also couldn't keep my doctor. 

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6 minutes ago, Steuben Jerry said:

I paid more in taxes than I do now, and my healthcare costs went up dramatically. The cumulative additional expense adds up to a fairly painful number. I put off buying a new truck until the tax cuts a couple of years ago. I also couldn't keep my doctor. 

Thanks Obama

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27 minutes ago, Culvercreek hunt club said:

I agree with you 100%. Any Company or individual who receives tax payer money as part of a program should be listed and in plain view of the entire public. 

And what it was used for. 

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54 minutes ago, blackbeltbill said:

I think the Chinese Plague and Resulting Lockdown + empty Shelves has you Bored to the Hilt!!   Never heard a peep out of you before the Pandemic...

It's not that,it is reading these kinds of threads and people spouting off their political opinions. Usually I keep quiet about it,but I figured I could join the discussion. My attitude towards this is sadly under-represented in this thread. 

You can certainly block my posts if I am getting on your nerves.

It's supposed to be a free country,right?

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1 hour ago, BowmanMike said:

Obama didnt affect my daily life much either for that matter.

Lucky you, I had to change health insurance from a great HMO that became unaffordable thanks to Obama care to a 80/20 plan that is making me go broke taking care of my health issues. On top of that he raised my taxes. His urban sprawl program made a tax payer funded bus route from Schenectady to Saratoga so now I get to follow busses like I live in the city and look at all the garbage these people leave at the bus stops. I could go on but it just makes me mad....

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12 minutes ago, BowmanMike said:

It's not that,it is reading these kinds of threads and people spouting off their political opinions. Usually I keep quiet about it,but I figured I could join the discussion. My attitude towards this is sadly under-represented in this thread. 

You can certainly block my posts if I am getting on your nerves.

It's supposed to be a free country,right?

It's a free country, although it is becoming less free everyday. What have you contributed to the thread other than calling people names that don't agree with you? 

I would love to have an intelligent conversation with someone with the opposite political views as myself but that doesn't ever seem possible. 

I have replied respectfully to several of your posts with my feelings in regards to them with no response. Are you still looking for an article where voter fraud went for the conservative candidate? 

I find it hard to believe that if you are a middle class American like most of us here that Obama didn't negatively affect your life. If he was a positive I would love to hear how.

What do you want to see as a direction for this country? IMO it should be well proven that you can't government people into prosperity. 

Do you agree with Black Lives Matter and defunding the police? Do you agree with tearing down our history? Do you agree with CHAZ in Seattle and think those people are patriots? Do you agree that police are killing unarmed black men even though every statistic says that isn't true?

How do you think Biden will better your life over Trump? 

If your going to join the discussion.... Actually join the discussion..

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17 minutes ago, ApexerER said:

It's a free country, although it is becoming less free everyday. What have you contributed to the thread other than calling people names that don't agree with you? 

I would love to have an intelligent conversation with someone with the opposite political views as myself but that doesn't ever seem possible. 

I have replied respectfully to several of your posts with my feelings in regards to them with no response. Are you still looking for an article where voter fraud went for the conservative candidate? 

I find it hard to believe that if you are a middle class American like most of us here that Obama didn't negatively affect your life. If he was a positive I would love to hear how.

What do you want to see as a direction for this country? IMO it should be well proven that you can't government people into prosperity. 

Do you agree with Black Lives Matter and defunding the police? Do you agree with tearing down our history? Do you agree with CHAZ in Seattle and think those people are patriots? Do you agree that police are killing unarmed black men even though every statistic says that isn't true?

How do you think Biden will better your life over Trump? 

If your going to join the discussion.... Actually join the discussion..

From where I am sitting it looks like there is plenty of room for improvement when it comes to systemic racism. You never hear about unarmed white guys  getting shot in the back or choked to death for minor offenses. And it is not because the media keeps quiet about those. I am not excited about Biden in the least bit,very much like the last election. You gotta choose the lesser of two evils.

I think the police unions have too much power. I am generally for unions.

If you think black folks like growing up in ghettos with little chance for personal betterment and growth then I dont know what we can discuss. 

I think a lot of racism bubbled back up when we had a black president,who by the way was a moderate. And now Trump embraces the right wing white folks. I think it makes people feel ok to let it out.

This thread should be in the political discussion section,and then I won't look at it anymore.

I called no names besides saying one of Rattlers posts was dumb.

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19 hours ago, BowmanMike said:

From where I am sitting it looks like there is plenty of room for improvement when it comes to systemic racism. You never hear about unarmed white guys  getting shot in the back or choked to death for minor offenses. And it is not because the media keeps quiet about those. I am not excited about Biden in the least bit,very much like the last election. You gotta choose the lesser of two evils.

I think the police unions have too much power. I am generally for unions.

If you think black folks like growing up in ghettos with little chance for personal betterment and growth then I dont know what we can discuss. 

I think a lot of racism bubbled back up when we had a black president,who by the way was a moderate. And now Trump embraces the right wing white folks. I think it makes people feel ok to let it out.

This thread should be in the political discussion section,and then I won't look at it anymore.

I called no names besides saying one of Rattlers posts was dumb.

Thank you for the response. 

Your part number 1. Of course there is plenty of room for improvement when it comes to systematic racism. I can't agree more. There is room for improvement in a facet of life. As far as you never hear of unarmed white guys getting shot. That isn't true. More unarmed white men were shot in 2019 than black men. That is a fact. Was it that way 10 years ago? Probably not but saying more unarmed black men are killed today than unarmed white men isn't true. The overwhelming majority of police are good people. Nobody is saying what happened to George Floyd was ok. I believe like Martin Luther King said. People should be judged by their character and not the color of their skin. I believe there are scumbags, in every walk of life and good people in every walk of life. 

Your part number 2: I agree with you that police unions have too much power. I think Unions in general have to much power from the police union to the teachers union etc. IMO, at some point, unions went from addressing working conditions for the worker to protecting the bad apples. They have created their own downfall. Democrats are the ones that always back unions. 

Your part number 3. I am not really sure how to respond to that. I didn't grow up in the ghetto so I have no idea what they are thinking. What I do believe is, you can't government people into prosperity. This has been proven over and over again. I believe there are people in the Ghetto that want to get out and work hard to accomplish that. There are plenty of examples of this.  I also believe there are a lot of people that would rather sell drugs then work at McDonalds like I did. (I actually worked at Dairy Queen) Where they have to show up at a specific time and answer to someone. I think there are a lot of people that don't want to leave the ghetto as well. Its the life they know and like. Why do football players that make millions of dollars go right back to the ghetto and get arrested in the off season if all they wanted to do was get out. Why don't the people in the ghetto speak out about all the crime and shootings in their neighborhood? Why don't they protest that crime and violence? I don't know the answer to those questions. 

Your part number 4. Racism bubbling back up under Obama was true and I 100% disagree that Obama was a moderate. Obama had the opportunity to unite this country like no other president. His message could have been to all the black people out there, see what America can do if you are a black person and you work for it? You can obtain anything you want to if you try, even become president of the United States. I would have respected the hell out of him if that was his message even when I wasn't liking his policies. Instead his message was the exact opposite of that. His wife said it was the first time she was ever proud of her country. I have no idea how you can say Obama was a moderate. Everything he did was to try and equalize people through taxes and health care and the middle class took the brunt of it. How did Obama better your life? 

In your opinion Trump embraces the right wing white folks, IMO he is just the only one that speaks with common sense. He is the only one saying that the overwhelming majority of police officers are good people. He is saying that what happened to George Floyd was atrocious and has never said anything but that. He is saying that we need law and order in this country. Somehow saying all lives matter has become racist. How is tearing down our history helpful? How is letting looters and rioters tear down our history a good thing? I agree it is a scary time, but not because of Trump. 

I would still love to hear how Obama improved your life.....


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21 hours ago, BowmanMike said:

And that is awesome and how it is supposed to be. I am just curious how much the big ones got.

It was a 3 month paycheck protection program. So whatever their payroll is x 3 months in return for not laying anyone off. You had to prove that your business was deeply effected by the shutdown which at least for me was very simple....

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2 hours ago, ApexerER said:

There is room for improvement in a facet of life. As far as you never hear of unarmed white guys getting shot. That isn't true. More unarmed white men were shot in 2019 than black men. That is a fact. Was it that way 10 years ago?

You would be correct https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/



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3 hours ago, Steve D said:

It says right in the first paragraph that the per capita rate of people shot is the highest for the black ethnicity. 

@ApexerER,I will have to sit down later to give you a more detailed response. Obama is/was a moderate,bernie on the other hand is not. It depends on your point of view. I would have loved to see Bernie get the nomination,but that got squashed by the democratic leadership and special interest groups,i,e, the top 1%. No surprise they were not Bernie fans.

You make good points and I agree with some of them.

Trump embracing white nationalist groups is something that he has been doing. I am not referring to right now,but before. The protesters that went into the Michigan courthouse and other events. 

Can you imagine a group of armed black guys walking into a courthouse? That would turn into a swat team shootout in five seconds flat.

I also have no experience with growing up in a ghetto,but I think it is not hard to see that black people face more obstacles then white folks,as do Hispanics. Just look at the unemployment rate for black vs white folks.

I fully agree that there are assholes in every ethnic group and you cant judge a group as a whole. 

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