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I think he'll get the idiot award lets vote


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3 yrs ago one parcel of land got sold.The guy seemed

nice at first I let him and his son hunt with my son and I.

After 2 yrs he tried bringing his 6 friends and family in,

argued with hunters on adjacent lands.Called landowners

and argued with them.At the end of last yr I cut my losses

and told him its not working.He was threatening,abusive,and arogant.

He called me at home left messages on my fiancee's cell

phone etc.Now the other day I went in to hunt and what did

I find huh.He had put a ladderstand 15 feet of the property

line looking into mine,alawn chair about 100 ft away from

that and mineral blocks around them.He actually did this

after receiving several warnings to leave my property and

I alone.the seat and stand are on an open end of his property

looking into mine.So i ask wheres he hunting not to mention

he's baitingI thought about it for a day and told myself.If he's

that stupid lets see how the D.E.C. looks at it.Today they stopped

by and looked around kinda joked abit about it and asked me to give

them a call when they are in there.After I have to go right through the

area to go to my stands.Theres alot more to this story but I would be here

all night.I will add that this sept my sonwho is 17 had his stand tore down

ladder bent in half and rachet straps cut(I wonder who did that its funny

that thats the stand he used too).So lets take a vote idiot or not.I will remain

nutural as it would be a conflict of interest.Thanks for all votes.

Edited by hb270deermanager
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HB, i'll cast 1 jerk vote, but will say this, sounds like your in for years of hunting nightmares if you don't find some way to co- exist. Nothing worse than two hunting neighbors that hate each other. You did the right thing getting the DEC involved .

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Your right I don't hate him but he's setting a real bad

example for his son who is way to young to see that

kinnda behavior.Its funny the D.E.C. officer said the

same thing theres nothing worse then to hunting

neighbors not getting along.I don't know what to say

to him but I do know right from wrong and I will distill

the same beliefs in my son.Ya theres nothing I can

do about the stands but the only thing in front of him

is my land so I know he's gonna shoot something on

my side then he's trespassing.

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Throw some dog poop on his seat, I've done this in the past.... Can't imagine a more unbearable opening day ! Nothing gets me more fired up than blaze Orange on my property. Either way, these situations get very interesting once guys get guns in their hands. I wish u the best though and be safe. Call the DEC from your stand, maybe they will bump a monster your way

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Ya theres nothing I can

do about the stands but the only thing in front of him

is my land so I know he's gonna shoot something on

my side then he's trespassing.

When and if he does do that, then call the DEC.

It sounds like the guy is acting a bit like an idiot, but you should try to be the bigger man and not retaliate, just let the law deal with him if he insists on being a jackass.

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First I would set up a trail cam hIgh up in a tree facing his stand. And another one facing toward your land. This way if he shoots anything on your property you can get him in the act. If you catch him in the act then. I would file a court action seeking an injunction to keep him off of your land. The camera will give you proof of his actions and you an also use it to bring criminal charges against him. The cameras may be enough to deter him.

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Dealt with a few people who deserved the idiot award in previous years. first one was on neighboring property the had a huge bait pile and killed more than his share of deer every year. at least 3 a week all season. I am assuming he was afraid that I was going to get one deer that he wouldn't have gotten and he spread moth balls all along the field and woods I had permission to hunt that year.

The more recent one is on a different property that I now hunt. the neighboring owner gave me permission to hunt his 60 acres that is attached to our 15 which is very nice of him. but for the last 2 years he goes through and makes as much noises as possible all season long and every time we go into our stands on our property there is a fresh pile of cigarettes butts under and in our stands. and I have this funny feeling he is the one that stole one of our stands the was about 50 yards from the propery line 2 weeks before season started.

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do you have a foxpro?set it up on your side,use the remote and blast coyote howls all morning on opening day lol ,but seriously be sure to check the bolts and cables on your stands often,hate to think it could happen,but i have heard of the (hatfields+macoys)doing that to each other ,hope it works out for you,

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I have my land posted The D.E.C. officers (2) have been

on location.They took pics.They actually were really madder

then I was.The plan is for me to call them when he's there

and hopefully he'll shoot something on my land and be charged

with many D.E.C. violations and misdeamenors.My biggest

thoughts are the safety and protection of my son who just

started hunting.It just wasn't fair that he had to start his hunting

years worrying about crap like this.Its his first yr to hunt away from me

but I told him today we'll have to sit together one more yr.Thats

whys this situation is so upsetting he was looking forward to hunting

in his own stand this season.Thanks everyone for your imput I hope

this never happens to any of you.I will be careful.He thinks he scared

me but I am irate and pissed off but doing the right things.Every law

enforcement agency in the area D.E.C.and township know whats

going on so do all the nieghboring landowners so if something happens

he's busted.

Edited by hb270deermanager
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What are the chances that he just postioned that stand there to just get you upset. Maybe he has no intention of hunting there. That would be more devious than any comment here.

Hope you and your son have a great hunt, don't let him under your skin.

Edited by catskillkid
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Please be careful...I have neighbors that are the same actually the uncle is fine but the nephew that bought just one acres as a hunting camp is ...well his grandparents referred to him as the "Family booze hound" ...and a nasty little A hole....the grandparents had a farm and there were 13 kids and umpteen grand kids...long and short...they didn't like a lot of them and called us up and let us know one of the kids wanted to buy some of the farm land....that they told their kids no ...we had first option?!...Well we couldn't pass that up...

It's been hell since...they nearly shot our daughter her first time out ...have nearly shot me three times ...the last out of a 16ft tree stand....I know it was on purpose to try and scare me ...but the slug ricocheted and whistled past me ear hitting a branch in front of my face....guys like that are bad news...you guys need to carry good cameras and report anything he does illegal immediately..like shooting before and after legal hunting hours...which I bet he does......carry your cells.....and document

buy inexpensive game cameras and put them up high and angle them down in areas you know he'll step into...let the DEC confront him..

remember....Good fencing makes good neighbors....10yrs and I finally have enough fence to put up...planned for this year but too busy...next spring

Good Luck.... be safe

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