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Seneca County Giant!!!

WNY Bowhunter

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All... this was a legal take in Ontario County and not a road kill. Hopefully, the attached pics will help put that to rest.

I took the pics on my iphone at 7:35 within minutes of the kill. The pics copied into this forum from another, were also taken by me between 10:05 and 10:47... I'm not an expert in rigor, so I'll leave that up to you guys!

As someone pointed out, the right (not left) foot had damage... don't know what happened. It looked like the injury was a few days old!

As for the neck, he shot the deer the neck and, as with most deer, there was some dragging involved to get the deer in the truck.

As someone else pointed out, nobody is posing with the deer... I have many pics with people in them, but that's not really the point. I posted the pics on a forum that I frequent to share the DEER, not my Uncle.

Hopefully, you can enjoy the deer for what it is... a deer of a lifetime for a guy who has put in many hours over the years!


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My guess is not. That deer was definitely hit by something other than a slug to the neck. Broken front leg, broken hind hoof, numerous other open contusions, huge hair patch missing on the shoulder...all this from loading it in the pickup??? It may have been finished by a slug to the neck, but was the overall kill "fair chase"? I have my doubts, but he can keep the rack if he finished the deer and legally tagged it (which it wasn't in the camp pictures).

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Nobody said how it was killed. Definitely looks like roadkill but if you saw that rack along the road you wouldn't want that on your wall?

I would want it on my wall, but its not my kill to put on the wall, I would NEVER mount some animal that was roadkill and call it my own.

I would probably cut the head off and to a euro/texas mount and hang it outside some where tho...

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For those who offered congratulations to my uncle, thank you! He is very excited, I am thrilled for him and I'll pass your comments on.

I blocked his face because I posted the pics and chose to protect his privacy. Believe me, he is smiling in the pics!

He is planning to have the deer officially scored and give it the respect it deserves, but HE can do that when HE wants, at HIS pace, not mine.

For the doubters... you have every right to doubt. But that right doesn't change the fact that this was an ethical, fair chase hunt. 3 shots, 3 hits! 2 in the shoulder, 1 in the neck... "he kept running, so I kept shooting."

One more pic and then I'm done with this... believe what you will, but feel free to blow this up and look for road rash, hair loss, broken front legs, etc. With exception to his rear, right hoof, this was a perfectly healthly beast!


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I would'nt go as far as saying jealousy. Sometimes when this dont ad up questions are raised. I mean it is said that the uncle will come out in his own time but he poses for a picture with the buck and the face is blocked out. If you didnt want it out..why take a pic? Brand new to the site but have been watching post but making no comments. Reguardless its a great buck and hopefully ny wilds will get the credit of making such an awesome creature.One thing is for sure if its not on the up and up it will come out sooner or later. For now it can be taken for what it is and thats a stud of a buck that anyone would be proud to sign a tag to!!!!

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For those who offered congratulations to my uncle, thank you! He is very excited, I am thrilled for him and I'll pass your comments on.

I blocked his face because I posted the pics and chose to protect his privacy. Believe me, he is smiling in the pics!

He is planning to have the deer officially scored and give it the respect it deserves, but HE can do that when HE wants, at HIS pace, not mine.

For the doubters... you have every right to doubt. But that right doesn't change the fact that this was an ethical, fair chase hunt. 3 shots, 3 hits! 2 in the shoulder, 1 in the neck... "he kept running, so I kept shooting."

One more pic and then I'm done with this... believe what you will, but feel free to blow this up and look for road rash, hair loss, broken front legs, etc. With exception to his rear, right hoof, this was a perfectly healthly beast!


Congrats to your uncle, thats a deer of a lifetime for anyone.

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