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How many people have experience with these little demon bugs? How many people have gotten them? How do you deal with them? How do you get rid of them?

I know we don’t have “actual” chiggers here...I have been told they are tick larvae or mites, but man, they are the most God awful critters on the planet. 

I must have stepped on a nest while out this weekend. Meanwhile, I was telling my son, “don’t step there, look out for that, etc.” :banghead:

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Chiggers are NOT fun. After spending time in the outdoors in the wonderful state of Texas was exposed a number of times. Down there they sold a product called "chigger aid" that you could apply to bites AFTER soaking in a bathtub of hot water as hot as you could stand it.

 About as uncomfortable as the fire ants you can run into in Florida.  Another reason I stay in NY. Was not aware we had chiggers in NY.

 An actual chigger is red in color:




Edited by Steve D
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I got tore up by mites or tick larvae (often called chiggers locally) a few years ago on LI. I don't go in the woods without permethrin. As far as treatment, I used the chiggers stuff others have already mentioned. Hope you get some relief soon.

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We go out east on LI to hunt. If its warm you are dead. These little shits bite the hell out of your legs or any place they can get too. Spay up and pray!!! I hunted in January one year and had 40 degree weather and ended up with ticks all over me. Spay and prat for cold weather!


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I have had heavy chigger populations (this year) around my house. Likely our very wet spring contributed. Use a good repellant when going into the woods or perimeter areas where they congregate, and use Permethrin on clothes and footwear.

BTW, they do not burrow deep into the skin as the story is often told. The nail polish recommendation in worthless BS. They do inject a toxin into the feeding site. The bodies‘ itching is a reaction to that toxin. A good hot, soapy shower after being infested is advisable. 

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I put Vaseline all over the effected areas on my legs then was concerned about getting that crap all over, so I wrapped my legs in plastic wrap (Saran). What a sight, lol. They were choked out and now its just the itchy bumps to deal with. Apparently Off doesn’t work for them so well. I always spray permethrin (sawyers) all over my camo, but didn’t spray the clothes I wore this day. Oh well, live and learn I guess. 

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