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fatal shooting in st lawrence county last evening.


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I hear camo makes everything look smaller, are you sure you want that?

I guess one could use that as a good excuse then. "Ah hun, it only LOOKS small because it's wrapped in realtree camo" LOL

By the way, I have no doubt Elmo will be chiming in very soon since we are discussing this part of the male anatomy.

Edited by steve863
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Yeah I need it so I dont scare so many chicks away. I get tired of hearing "Oh my gosh its just too darn big, you must never shoot small bucks." all the time from my supermodel wife. Remember, Im manly.

Well you're not supposed to walk around with it hanging out the whole time...geeze tuck it away.

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Well you're not supposed to walk around with it hanging out the whole time...geeze tuck it away.

No kidding! Last time he went hunting the guy he was hunting with wanted to borrow it thinking it was a grunt call. Boy, was Bubba pissed when he found out what it really was!

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ABW...living in the middle of the woods in a very high concentrated hunting area...we all wear orange...and the shooting that happened near us...both guys wearing orange....but a buck running top speed ran between them...no looking just swinging and blasting like they where shooting skeet...live buck..dead hunter...what they were wearing in yours and my case has no bearing ...got to shot something at all costs IMO...it has to do with bad hunting...brainless greed

Agreed. And in that case a strong case of bad luck too.

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"In 1991, DEC reviewed hunting-injury reports and concluded that most hunting injuries were associated with violations of basic firearms safety rules." I wonder what percentage of people using BO cause these accidents...

This poor guy was shot wearing BO but that did not make a dif.

I guese upstate or downstate is relative, people in the Hamptons consider everything west of the canal the city yet the traffic in the hamptons is worse than any place I live in huntington.

Arg I should have moved upstate when I had the chance... This way I could say Albany like SteveB.

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Let me provide the article address once again, and you can form your own opinions. http://www.cdc.gov/m...ml/00044112.htm This will probably make an even dozen times that I have given the address. What is that old saying about leading a horse to water ..... lol. Look, I gave you all the pertainant data in that reply that you quoted, that any one needs to know to understand that B/O saves lives. You choose to ignore it, that's up to you.

However, you did finally explain some of the opposition to B/O. I hadn't realized that it was some kind of macho thing, and that some relate hunting safety measures to defining the "real hunters" from the tenderfeet.....Ha-ha. I suspected that it was related to that kind of odd thinking, but I didn't want offend anyone by accusing them of that kind of mentality ..... lol. This is the first time I ever heard anyone try to say that hunters in B/O are more likely to shoot someone. I think that is just a plain old funny notion that probably doesn't even need a reply. Believe me, B/O isn't some kind of fashion statement for greenhorns. And nobody concocted those stats in case you ever have enough interest in the subject to actually read it. And, don't worry, there is no magic spell that comes over people when they put on blaze orange. It doesn't make them take sound shots or fling lead throughout the woods just to see what falls down. However, I will say that I worry a great deal about those in the woods who care so little for hunting safety that they refuse to take such a simple safety measure. It makes me wonder what other safety measures and practices they scoff at.

BO saves lives in some instances according to the criteria of the report. However the report looks at the issue from only one perspective and as such one can make any report conform to their wishes if they choose to look at the issue from only one perspective. For example the hunter who shot his buddy that was doing a drive for him shot because he saw movemnet. I wonder if he shot at movement because he expected to see blaze orange on anything but a deer because he himself was wearing blaze? We don't know because the report only looks at the incident from one perspective what the injured party was wearing and not what the shooter was wearing and how THAT might contribute as well.

Really? you got that its a macho thing out of my post? I thought I had exempted the good hunters who also wear blaze from those tenderfoots who also wear blaze. Don't feel like a tenderfoot because you wear blaze. I can tell by your post that you do but that isn't what I wrote.

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I can't believe ppl still do drives...When any one at camp moves...they have a whistle that is blown every so many feet...everyone wheres BO and has a whistle..the whistles have had very little effect on the deer other than....making them stop to try and get a baring on where the whistle is coming from

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No kidding! Last time he went hunting the guy he was hunting with wanted to borrow it thinking it was a grunt call. Boy, was Bubba pissed when he found out what it really was!

what is wrong with you? Dragging me into your fantasies is just wrong.

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what is wrong with you? Dragging me into your fantasies is just wrong.

That's OK Bubba..We KNOW it gets LONELY up there in the north country...

Not that's there's anything WRONG with that...<<wink>>..

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Posted Today, 03:17 PM

Easy grow now you'l be having calls for mandatory whistles while hunting and new studies where the guy that was shot didn't have a whistle and so it's his fault he was shot.

That was a tad sarcastic .to a simple post...Our camp is just choked with wild apple and buckthorn...with the land being marshy golden rod grows 6ft tall most summers...wearing BO does not equal being seen in time if a deer were between you and the shooter...even if being careful...so we learned years ago to use whistles ...I nearly shot a trespasser one year down there...I shouldered on a nice doe and a second before shooting..having been on her and beyond well over a minute...when an orange hat popped up over her shoulder...the neighbor below got an earful...and said well we saw all the trucks leave...ya to got to the store!! So you thought trespassing would be OK?...that could have just as well been me getting drawn down on...and for all I know was!!...Orange may have saved 3 lives that day...it definitely did the deer

I brought the whistle up because it may be deemed a good idea for others that may not have thought of it....ya know.... sharing ideas between hunters

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Hunter Orange (HO) trains people to look for hunter orange! So the LOGIC can be: if you are a hiker, mushroom picker, or just a non hunter person out and about on public land you may be a target and get shot at because the shooter is only looking for HO. NOT IN MY BACKYARD WHERE I HUNT! I don't look for HO! I look for animals that I can shoot. Granted, HO stands out well and can be seen over a long distance and has helped overt tragedies. That in itself does not make it a fool proof. I still look for animals that I can shoot. The basic concept is target identification.

I hunted in Germany and Spain, neither require HO. In fact their hunting garb is muted greens and browns. The difference though is their hunter training program. It took me 6 months to get a license and I had to graduate from a very rigorous course. Bottom line was: Idiots, non-learners, cheaters do not apply - you will fail!. Here we can go into K-Mart, WallyWorld and pay our money to get a license after taking a 1 day safety course. Big Difference. Not saying we should have the same rules as other countries...BUT then again we should admonish and correct those we hunt with that seem to be a little non-conforming. If we do not do it, our friendly, know it all government will make HO laws. It is almost the same as putting "Danger: This firearm may cause injury and or death" on some rifles and shotguns I have seen in the stores. DUH - really. The next thing we will see is HO vests and hats that are embroidered with, "Warning: Not wearing this while hunting may cause death" Give me a break! As in every other activity you need to fully learn your craft. IDENTIFY YOUR TARGET!!

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I can't believe ppl still do drives...When any one at camp moves...they have a whistle that is blown every so many feet...everyone wheres BO and has a whistle..the whistles have had very little effect on the deer other than....making them stop to try and get a baring on where the whistle is coming from

You can't believe people still do drives..???...

Well, not all of us hunt on little "postage stamp deer preserves" like you do..

Admittedly, I'm down to having several hundred acres of private land that I can hunt (rather than several thousand that used to be available to me) but if I recall, you have less than 100 acres...

Driving deer is not my primary choice of hunting methods, but I know LOTS of people who have driven deer all thier lives and never shot anyone.. Up until just a few years ago it was probably the primary method of hunting in this area, until the flatlanders started buying up thier little 50 to 100 acre "postage stamps" and breaking it up..It can be done safely with just a small amount of common sense, and you don't have to run around the woods blowing a damn WHISTLE either...

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Nothing wrong with drives. It can be very productive and when safety rules are followed no different than walking in to a stand. I have hunted up north with a group of 40,,,yes 40... drove whole mountains and went from sunrise to sunset. never had an issue. Not having BO should never be an issue for mistaking a target. It can help in a background situation though.

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Wow...Pygmy ...did I some how pee in your Wheaties with that statement?...You took out the stops with what?..... insults to my lands?...lol ...that's funny...

Where did I say drives where bad in that statement? It was a comment..I can't believe ppl still do drives period...and you gave the reason for it your self ...lots and lots of land that is hunted is on smaller acres where drive just bring in boarder standers and the deer pushed off to posted property...by the way how do you think the whistle think got started at camp?...the guys did regular drives,,,hell we where hunting in Alfred hills and on a hell of a lot more than 100 acres...the family had once owned the entire valley...So loading us all up in the back of a pick up and heading out to different areas was a common practice...We just were smart enough to take safety one step further by using the whistles and still do...Funny how being safety conscious while hunting pushes ppls buttons...where did I ever in that statement say everyone one should do as we do?...some of you need to turn up the air conditioning really...lol

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uh oh now you did it. You wil be admonished soon.

It's not the first time...political correctness is not always my forte.

Up here in the real "Upstate" New York or as we call it the North Country, HO is not required and I hope it never is. Do I wear it? Sometimes I do as it depends where and with whom I am hunting with. If I do wear it it will be a small bandana wrapped around my hat. My objection to HO is that it should not be legislated to make is mandatory. If you believe HO is needed, go for it. I have never criticized anyone for wearing it. However, screw up while hunting with me and you will get my on the spot hunter's wrath AND will think twice before I invite you to hunt with me again. If I don't agree with someone's hunting method or style, I stay away and rather hunt alone.

It'd sound like a field trials for Labs in the woods..............

In some areas of the state, "It's the bark of the town"... :girlcrazy:

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BO saves lives in some instances according to the criteria of the report. However the report looks at the issue from only one perspective and as such one can make any report conform to their wishes if they choose to look at the issue from only one perspective. For example the hunter who shot his buddy that was doing a drive for him shot because he saw movemnet. I wonder if he shot at movement because he expected to see blaze orange on anything but a deer because he himself was wearing blaze? We don't know because the report only looks at the incident from one perspective what the injured party was wearing and not what the shooter was wearing and how THAT might contribute as well.

Really? you got that its a macho thing out of my post? I thought I had exempted the good hunters who also wear blaze from those tenderfoots who also wear blaze. Don't feel like a tenderfoot because you wear blaze. I can tell by your post that you do but that isn't what I wrote.

Look, you can dance around the issue in any way that you want, but you absolutely cannot dispute those numbers. Put any spin on it that you wish, but you still do not get past the reality of data. As far as people becoming conditioned to shoot things that are not orange, there is no data to support that.....none. It's a nice sounding story for those that want to bury their heads in the sand in the face of real data, but no one has shown any study or reason to believe that it actually happens.

And yes, I definitely caught the unmistakeable macho linkage in your post. Funny stuff, but perhaps an attitude held by far too many hunters.

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