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lyme disease hot spots...


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"About 1 in 5 ticks collected were infected – more than researchers expected – and that percentage was fairly constant across geographic areas, she said. Researchers had expected the infection rate to vary."

Dang, 20% chance of getting sick from those little buggers. I expect them to be very heavy this spring with the mild winter.

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I picked up a few cans of permethrin at dicks today. $7 each. Good stuff. Never had a tick on me since using it. My father in law was bit and diagnosed with Lyme disease last year. Now before he heads out he covers himself from head to toe in this stuff.

Edited by Deerthug
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  On 2/6/2012 at 7:36 PM, Mike G said:

In looking at the map, what surprised me is the southern states are lyme free. I thought a warm moist area is where ticks were most prevalent.

I was wondering why the disease hadn't spread down that way yet too, I'm sure they are loaded with ticks. Just not the disease carrying one's.

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  On 2/6/2012 at 7:50 PM, WNYBuckHunter said:

Im glad we dont have to worry about that much out this way. You guys keep your ticks to yourselves lol.

Yes we are sure lucky to go hunting and come home and have the heebie geebies for the next few hours wondering if we found all of the ticks on us. The worst part is picking them off the dogs, the medicine works well on them but they still get them on them.

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I called the Wayne county Health Dept several years ago to find out if I could get innoculated against the Lyme disease . They said they didn't have enough instances where folks in our County had had gotten it . I asked how many people had to get it before shots would be available and she didn't know . Our tax dollars at work !

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  On 2/6/2012 at 8:31 PM, Big Indian said:

Had one imbedded in my foot after coming in from a spring turkey hunt last year, thankfully no problems. My friend put liquid dish soap on it and then washed it out with peroxide. The dish soap apparently causes the tick to retract from your skin

Smothering or burning a tick could make it release fluid-which could be infected-into your body and increase your chance of infection. They only way they should be removed is with a pair of tweezer or a tick key. Talk to a doctor or look up it up in some medical websites.

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Long Island is loaded with ticks. I've taken loads of them out of me . My coonhounds used to have them all over after hunts. My friends used to call me a tick magnet. I never got sick from a bite. I was lucky. I knew a guy who got Lyme and it was brutal.

There are other diseses that they carry like Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and one that begins with a "B". I can't remember the name, but my friend got it and he got REALLY sick...

I know some guys that won't hunt on L.I. because of the ticks.

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And then, way across the country, on the opposite side there is a little chunk of California that has a moderate risk. How did that happen? Thousands of miles of no Lyme disease, and then a county or two that has a moderate risk.

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My dads dog was just diagnosed with lyme disease. I figure its only a matter of time before I get it. I pick ticks off me everytime I go in the woods. Winter, spring, summer and fall. Most are brown dog ticks but I get the occasional black deer tick too. I get stripped searched everytime I come back in from the woods, by my wife. She even got one of those tick pullers from the vets just for me. :D

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Saratoga County infested this fall, both my dogs and I had several each trip to pick off.....After bow hunting one afternoon I got into the truck and it looked like both legs were moving as the fleece was COVERED with them.....

I hunted further North and West and encountered none......

Edited by Salmon_Run
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