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The Nuge explodes


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Thats probably how I'd have answered that question..lol.. I didn't see any problem with it what so ever. I like when someone speaks how they feel... whether I like what they have to say or not... I don't agree with everything that Ted says, but I REALLY love how he says it!!

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Look, the majority of the news agencies out there are anti-gun and pro-sensationalism. They are going to jump on any opportunity to say Ted is a nut case. If the guy farts too loud, they report it. The people that feed into it by acting like a 13 year old girl with some new gossip to share just make it worse.

As far as that album cover goes sits, I guess you dont know much about marketing yourself or portraying an image in order to do so. You must believe that professional wrestlers really are who they portray on TV and at wrestling events.

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Ted gets over the top and may not be politically correct but he sure as heck stands up for the 2nd Amendment ! He says what he feels and makes a lot of people cringe .

I don't particularly care for him as a person but he makes the stand for Gun Rights clear enough !

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I'm no big fan of Ted. I will say he is very passionate about the way he feels, sometimes too passionate. There will be repercussions when you say "ride in and chop the head off the president". The military is not going to stand for that, no way it's called insubordination. Ted does some real nice things out there for kids, thats a given. If it's all not a show he has some pretty high standards for himself.He needs to let his brain catch up to his mouth now and then, he would be in a better place for sure. At least he listens to his wife!!! (He can take direction)

Edited by First-light
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I think NYAntler, WNYBuckhunter and First-Light got it right... While I love his passion about the 2nd ammendment and our rights he has a huge target on his back with the media and anything he says that can be deemed wrong or improper is blown out of proportion and sesationalized. Rather have him on my side than against I just wish as a rep. for hunters he was a little more level headed. The poaching charges in Alaska do not help our cause and as a rep. for the NRA he should have known better...

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The interview has been edited. At the 19 second mark and the 23 second mark, the continuity is broken. What was said by CBS at these two points that was edited out? Sounds like they are playing a tape that has been doctored to make Ted look like he is exploding for no reason. I trust CBS about as far as I can throw a baby grand.

Nobody has a right to pass judgement on Ted. That's for God to decide in the end. Judge not, and you will not be judged.

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Aw come on...That "Judge Not" stuff is a bunch of crap! It is important for us to judge the character of others...so that we can decide whom we wish to associate with, and whom we don't. "Judge Not"....Gimme a break!

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I have to say that I am curious as to what makes people such haters when it comes to someone who speaks up for gun ownership and hunting. I can understand the obvious answer to that, except that most of you claim to be hunters who prize your right to own firearms. What is this perverse need for destruction of our advocates? Why is there so much comment here that sounds an awful lot like it is coming directly from campaigns of animal rights organizations, and/or the Brady bunch of gun confiscators? Is the left wing getting so transparent now that they can't even be a little bit subtle about their hatred of gun and hunting advocates?

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Of course your definition of a "whacko" might just be the thing that is in question. I've heard other gun rights advocates referred to as whackos. I think the common term is "gun nuts". Actually, that is a term that the anti-gun crowd likes to use on anyone who has any strong, pro 2nd amendment thoughts, or even those who have the audacity to even own a gun. Is that what you believe? .... that he is a gun nut? Is it really his stance on these issues that you don't like? Or maybe it's the fact that he dares speak his mind when it comes to the support of guns and hunting. You want him silenced? If so, you have a lot of company. Go to any Handgun Control Inc. meeting or any animal rights organization and you will find all kinds of people who agree with you. Speak your mind at a PETA rally and you will get cheers from the crowd.

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OMG....You are using the "Anything anti-Nugie is anti-gun" argument. Do you really believe that anyone who doesn't worship Nugent as you do is a PETA supporter? One can be pro-gun...pro-hunting, and still be anti-Nugent. Grow up! Hero worship ends with the 4th Grade!

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What I find fascinating in one sense and disturbing in the other is that the guy is a self confessed Draft Dodger, has 8 children with five different women, has had documented child support issues, has been unfaithful to his current wife,has committed two known game law infractions and because he is pro gun ownership and doesn't hesitate to tell people where to go he is the "answer" as it relates to who our spokesman should be.

I say BS,no freaking way do I want this person to pretend to speak on my behalf! If he was a pro gun control advocate most sportsman would be tearing apart his credibility as they should, but so many of us turn a blind eye to it. What am I missing here? Why does he get a pass on all of this?

I personally think he is an embarrassment to us and has more than likely turned more people away from supporting our interests than he has drawn to supporting our interests.

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I agree with Scot, Nugent doesnt have the perfect track record... when it comes to hunting he really hurt his fellow hunters with the game law infractions, he is now labeled as a Poacher in the eyes of animal right people and when he agrues that term, those animal right people turn around and label the rest of us law abiding citizens as poachers or "gun nuts" as well. He should have known the game laws for where he was hunting. Sure people make mistakes but when you have that many people on your payroll all producing your show, somebody sure as hell knew but just didnt speak up. He does speak his mind which is respectable. Not alot of people do that now adays. There is always going to be someone that people dont like because they are not afraid of what others think. Alot of people dont like Obama and what he stands for and thats their opinion and right to. I do not feel that the secret service should have or should have been ordered to get involved with Nugent speaking what he feels. If he was a threat to the Presidents life then yes by all means get involved, but I dont think Nugent would do anything to physically harm the president, just his pride

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Our nation was created with political propoganda cartoons. some violent, some non-violent, what Neugent said at that NRA meeting about cutting the President head off was political VERBAL propoganda. politically incorrect absolutly but had he worded it differently and not so direct it would not have been such an issue

Edited by apoallo
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Hey, the Nuge may not be perfect, but he's on our side. If you attack him, you side with them. It's that simple. If you think he should shut up, who do you propose to take his place? Name me any other well known person who is fighting the gun rights/hunting rights fight like he is. Anybody else doing it for our benefit? No.

So then, it's either him or nothing. And if it's nothing, they win. We are silenced and they are the winners. And if you are OK with that, your judgement stinks.

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