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Hey guys, Took some time away from the site. Too much political stuff for my liking. Hope the banter has calmed and the warmer weather has cheered a few of you up. This past weekend Turkey opened up here in Mississippi and I couldn't have been happier to get into the woods. It was in the 60* and I didn't hear or see a bird on public land, but couldn't have been more satisfied. I think the recent cold weather has pushed the mating back, so hoping for some good hunting this weekend. I can shoot 3 toms here but jakes aren't legal.2 points
Borngeechee---- that's the one I remember . It's a wonder those hunters didn't shoot each other !2 points
Actually I have softened a bit as I've gotten older... lol The funny thing is I do have a soft spot for domestic animals, but not so much for wild animals... not sure why that is... I'm pretty sure I'm a little messed up.2 points
We never find them around here any longer. They are well fed with feed left in the ground and sometimes we lose 1000lbs Alfalfa bales off the wagons and they seem to fall in just the right spots for them. I give the guys grief for it when they lose them but 10-12 bales a year are not going to break the place.2 points
Went out and pulled one of my cameras today. Got a pic of the back end of a coyote and some pics of does. They don't look to bad off for the winter we have had.1 point
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My 30-30 Winchester Model 94 was a gun that I bought just because I had to have it. It's just a beautiful gun with a great history. When I bought it (decades ago), we were a shotgun only deer hunting county, so I knew it was not likely to be ever used on big-game. But I just had to have it anyway ......... My "cowboy gun"1 point
Lol ..... It could be that as predators, we want the job done by our own hand rather than with the help of something so impersonal as weather (or a fence). I do believe it relates to the hunt where we believe that we will do a cleaner, more humane kill. I have always said that no animal will ever receive a kinder end than a well-placed arrow or bullet from a hunter. Now, I realize that there are occasional exceptions to that, but Mother Nature is one cruel S.O.B. (and that does not stand for Sweet Old Bill either .... lol). I mean, when you think about all the different ways that she controls populations, it quickly is clear that none of them is anything we would like to go through. So it is possible that we plan for a better end for the critters than the lingering ways of death that Mother Nature has planned for them. Ah, but all that stuff is tied up with the reasons that we hunt. And we have had that thread here before and it turns out that we all have our own spin on why we hunt. It's a very personal set of reasons.1 point
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I believe that was in the mid to late 80's. But then you can imagine how my memory for dates gets more and more messed up as each year goes by.... lol.1 point
I came home the back way to check one of our back lines...28 deer feeding and bedding in the farmers hay field that lines our woods...That was a welcome site...at 2:30pm...on the way to gym there was one fawn in the lower PT field. We still have over a foot on the ground but the farmers hay field is a south facing one so it's melted faster. Everyone just a 1/2 mile below us has more bown than white showing now.1 point
Just be aware that judging a deers physical condition can be a little misleading when based entirely off a single set of trail cam pics this time of year. The snow will act as a giant reflector filling in all the shadows between ribs on an animal that may have obvious signs of winter wear. It's obvious the sun is at your cameras back side here looking at the tree shadows, but just keep that in mind. Night time IR pics can also be deceiving as the IR acts as a fill flash that eliminates a lot of the contrast between differences of depth of your subject. (deer) Extreme cases of poor condition may be very obvious under the any conditions in real life, or even on a traditional camera under the same conditions, but you can't always trust what a trail cams flat image tells you on the surface unless you know the basics about analyzing a picture for what it's worth. Sorry to get side tracked on you. Nice shots!1 point
it's a mueller reflex. $100 and very happy with it. auto-illumination and different reticles. Much cheaper than the popular burris at $200.1 point
First Time Offered To The Public! After 8 Years Of Intense Management On Our Farm, We Are Offering Quality Deer And Turkey Hunts To The Public In 2015. We Concentrate On The Hunt! With Over 50 Years Of Combined Hunting Experience, Established Food Plots, Comfortable Shooting Houses And Proven Stand Locations, We Will Strive Give You The Hunt Of A Lifetime. We Are Not Your Average Outfitter And Are Not Interested In Simply Running Large Numbers Of Hunters On Our Farm For Profit. Our Goal Is To Keep The Pressure Low, The Cost Affordable And The Experience Great To Assure You An Opportunity At A Trophy Of A Lifetime. Don't Pay High Prices For Things You Are Not Interested In. While our website is under construction you can see pictures here.You may have to copy and paste the link. http://s100.photobucket.com/user/huntr467/slideshow/Hill%20Bluff%20Farms%202014 We Are Located In Crittenden County, One Of The Most Consistent, And Top Producing Counties In The State. For A Quality Hunting Experience Give Us A Call. Hurry Space Is Limited. Contact Greg @ 270-969-8256 or email [email protected] For More Info.1 point
Awesome pics guys! Federals 3rd degree is basically hevi shot mag blends, but with lead instead of hevi-shot.1 point
Taking out ole Mitch... Mossberg 500 with a full choke and Remington Nitro Turkey #6 3"... Tried the long-beards last year and they patterned poorly out of my gun. Anyone try out those new Federal 3rd Degree rounds... Seen them in a bunch of magazines1 point
Benelli supernova paired with kicks gobblin Thunder choke and hevi shot magna blend1 point
You're the man Wooly, no recoil pad. My NEF is possibly a newer or upgraded model (Pardner) in 12ga, 3 1/2", camo with an Xtra full choke tube. It has a modest recoil pad. I've had a bruised shoulder a few times from mine! See it also comes in a 10ga, 3 1/2"mag. That dude is definitely not for the faint of heart! Anyone that has shot a single barreled shotgun knows what I mean!1 point
Rem 870 supermag, 23" rs barrel, Hevi-shot .662 choke. Probably gonna use the mag blends again.1 point
Gun = Browning BPS / 3.5" / 26" barrel Load = Hevi Magnum Blend Choke = Pure Gold .6701 point
X-bow for first time or REM.870 extra full turkey choke 2 3/4 mag # 5s1 point
LOL.. we humans are complicated animals that have emotions that wander all over the place... I guess we can be sensitive and understand reality at the same time. As much time as I spend in the woods I see very little in the way of winter kill in my area1 point
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Mossberg 500 pump 12ga for me, 20ga for her. both have mossy oak vinyl gun wraps. just bought truglo reflex sights for both but haven't put them on yet. also truglo extra full turkey chokes. using Remington high velocity turkey loads #6. might switch to bow if we have some early season success!1 point
I think the 2nd shot was "insurance" & they were both made at the same location. As for firearms, I wouldn't want to face a large bear W/anything that couldn't push a 200gr bullet at least 2900fps. That leaves out the 30-06. Something on the order of 325 WSM, 8 X 68S or 338 Win Mag would be minimum. The thing about Alaska is, you never know when you might face a large carnivore looking to do you serious bodily harm.1 point
Ranger Islander contest is really heating up!!!! What was that other NY or upstate team………….lol..sorry you had your day.1 point