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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/12/16 in Posts

  1. Working nights, not a good time to be playing with water.... We wear the same clothes ( bunker gear ) if it -9 or 90. Can't really layer up under it very much either. All part of the gig . For Paula....
    7 points
  2. My buddy works for the Elma water dept. Nights like this I'll call and pretend I'm reporting a water main break. He doesn't think I'm funny but he's wrong
    6 points
  3. Gonna be a nipply weekend no doubt. I got a friend coming over to help me get some wood.
    5 points
  4. Slept out in a lean to in Lake Placid area in '91 when it was -37. Actually slept to. Mummy bag inside a down bag. Fn cold though. Saturday's high looking like 0 here. Beach weather !
    5 points
  5. Whooohh…….easy there Hombre!!! I think that Grow said , a while back, that the camera on her phone didn't have zoom!!! LOL!!
    3 points
  6. All avenues must be exhausted through the legal process. The stumbling block to that in many cases is when the Govt is the one you have a grievance with. They have eternally deep pockets (thanks to you and me), while a private citizen doesn't. I definitely don't see it as "better" and doubt I would see it ever come to that in my lifetime but given the wedge that is driven into our society, I could be convinced it is coming in the future.
    3 points
  7. So I decided to hit the the woods before the lake effect hit yesterday morning. I found at least 10 sheds and got pictures of a few of them, but I think I have a different species of shed antler in my woods. They will not stay still long enough for me to pick them up!!!!
    3 points
  8. Just because a simple majority vote passes a bill in the Senate, does not make it law now does it. Checks and balances. Look it up.
    3 points
  9. I am out like a trout, heading to Fla
    3 points
  10. Hello NY. New guy here. Lots of great topics. We certainly face a lot of adversity from Cuomo and public opinion. It helps to know there's lots of us with voices and votes. Lou
    2 points
  11. With me the whole thing is that they were convicted, served the full jail sentence handed down by the judge, and then released. some time later they were told that they have to return to jail to face further time on the same charge. No one here will say that if the same thing happened to them , or their son or daughter, wife, husband or any other family member, or close friend …that they would be OK with that. NO ONE!!. I dont agree with these people taking over the refuge office, in the middle of nowhere, but if a mistake was made at sentencing then punish the sentencing Judge, NO ONE!!
    2 points
  12. Found 1!! Mice chewed it up pretty bad though. I found it in the same spot I found my first shed three years ago. Same deer??? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  13. It's quite obvious you wingnuts are very selective in your outrage concerning violations of the Rule of Law. You get real "offended" when your political opposition is guilty of it, then turn around and show nothing but admiration and support when your political favorites are guilty of it. That is the point that needs to be made in this discussion whenever Rule of Law comes up. That's not a belief in it. That's an uneven application of it.
    2 points
  14. Do some of you not realize this guy is using public land set aside for conservation of our animals and resources for his own financial gain? Listen to Steven rinellas podcast with the first lite guys. These guys are using public land for their own financial gain and claiming to be patriots? Burning public land? Wtf?
    2 points
  15. Lesson here is your helpless against your government. It's scary to think that this could happen to any American they want it to.
    2 points
  16. If u get sick of "Mr. B", I'll come up and keep you company and help you hunt. In a non materialistic atmosphere I would grow out my hair, maybe even go with a mullet like FSW. I would definitely eat a lot of your food and become fat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  17. What a night we had last night..... Stand 1: Got permission to hunt at my aunt's house, just behind her barn. Her property butts up to about 20 acres of brush lots. We get setup just after sunset and were just waiting for it to get dark enough to start running the light. We were about 5 minutes from starting to call when all of a sudden my partner flips the light on quick and there's the biggest grey fox I think I have ever seen!! I scrambled to get the gun on him as we smooched him. He stopped once but then quickly disappeared into the brush. My partner swings the light back and there's another one, coming right towards our lip squeaking. I throttled her right there with my buddy's 17 WSM. We called for a few minutes and then decided it probably wasn't a good idea to educate so we cut the call and moved on. Stand 2: Set up in a field across the road from the house where we park and I put the call close to an island of thick brush and we sat across the field with our backs to the edge of the hardwoods with a creek behind us. 5 minutes of nutty nuthatch and we hear the infamous "tsh tsh tsh tsh" of something coming in, right behind us! A grey fox slipped up the creek and was going to come out right where we were sitting....it got about 5 yards from us and then hooked a U-turn and left at the same speed it came in. we continued our set to no avail, but did hear a pack of coyotes light up across the road. Stand 3: Went to the laydown yard just outside of town that my boss owns (I work for a construction company) and got setup. Played nutty nuthatch for about 3 minutes and the wind and snow picked up like crazy. 2 minutes later my call dies.....unbelievable. So we sit there a few minutes in silence ad the snow stops. My partner decides to use his mouth call. About 10 minutes later we catch eyes across the railroad tracks and disappear as quick as they were found. We called on and off for another 20 minutes and decided to pack it up. Got halfway across the laydown yard and my partner thinks he forgot his bag so goes back to get it. I shine the light around and see nothing, I'm about 30 yards from the truck so I'm just looking down, daydreaming. All of a sudden I hear "hey hey hey hey hey hey hey" and I look up, my partner is 10 yards to one side and a grey fox is 10 yards on the other!! We shined him and tried to stop him but he took off outta there. we were speechless...... I walk over to the truck and start putting stuff away while my partner walks over and grabs the chair he dropped when we tried to get the fox. I look up and 65 yards down the haul road I see the fox start to cross. Are you kidding me?! I lip squeak and light him up. he stops for a half a second and disappears. What a night..... saw a grey fox at every stand and only managed to get one. And that one wasn't even called to!
    2 points
  18. Thanks guys. We went back out last night and took a newbie with us and put him behind the gun. First stand was dry but on our second stand we called a grey in from behind us, we think he came from across the road. I ran some bird sounds on this stand and then switched to grey fox distress and shortly after I hear something over my right shoulder and he popped out 12 yards to our right. he kinda busted us but was confused and ran out to 60 yards and began circling the call. Our new partner was having trouble keeping up with the fast pace but was able to squeeze a shot off after the fox stopped 4 or 5 times lol. Unfortunately he missed....bad news for him is that he's hooked now lol
    2 points
  19. This conversation is not about whether this administration is violating the rule of law. Obama can't hold a candle to the crimes of Bush 2, Clinton, Reagan, Nixon, Johnson, Roosevelt, Hoover, and many others. Anyway, the federal policies the militants objected to predate Obama. Obama is not the issue. How to address grievances is the issue. The reason we keep bringing up rule of law is because we want to know if you wingnuts believe in it. Do you find armed confrontation a better solution than the legal process?
    2 points
  20. they require a 2/3 vote in both houses and that is just to Propose the amendment. It does not go to the POTUS. (Or a Constitutional Convention can be called by the states to propose the amendment) It goes to the states where is requires a 3/4 ratification. (38 out of 50). That is why this process hasn't been used by the left to push their gun agenda. 13 no votes at it would be dead in the water. Much easier to load the Supreme Court
    2 points
  21. Potato soup flavored with Leek Sausage!
    2 points
  22. Boring Ol Meatloaf. The cold meatloaf sammies on Saturday will be stupendous.
    2 points
  23. Pan cooked venison with sliced onion,garlic,portabella.a. few dashes of worchester. Baked tator,green beans,carrots drizzled with maple syrup
    2 points
  24. I agree with Culvercreek. The founders did not want a simple majority rule. Not sure how far back it goes but the senate doesn't pass bills on a simple majority. They must have a 2/3 majority to pass a bill (except Obamacare which was passed with 51 votes).
    2 points
  25. I have had pretty darn good luck with the two SG cameras I've owned. Good score!
    2 points
  26. Tuna, minced pickled jalapeño relish , sliced hard boiled eggs , provolone and anchovies on ciabatta bread
    2 points
  27. Cool account, Chris...Back in the late 70s/early 80s we used to call in a lot of greys here in Steuben...Our best night we killed 8...They were bringing $50 then, and reds were bringing $75, but we killed very few reds...They seemed a lot tougher to bring to the call and tended to hang out of range of our shotguns and #4 shot..Coyotes were not even heard of in this area at that time.
    2 points
  28. That's the same way I make jerky. No dehydrator so I just use the oven, low & slow right on the racks with a drip pan. I use a little Worcestershire and then my own spices for a marinade. Tonight was another fusion style dinner. A soup made with pork, shrimp, onions, and mushrooms, chili powder, hot curry powder, and a few other spices. Wide lo mein noodles, garnished with bean sprouts. I also used some ripened jalapeno slices from a batch I made last summer. Man those suckers are hot. LOL Steamed veggies on the side.
    2 points
  29. I think if you talk to any bird hunter they would wish they shot better on grouse. I know i do,but I do shoot better than the state average of almost 20 flushes for one bird in hand. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  30. Yup built one with my grandfather about 20 years ago. We also elevated it 20' off the ground. Inside picture Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
    2 points
  31. As far as the reference to Rule of Law, why is it nobody on the Left is upset about the current administration's complete disregard of it, as well as the rights identified and enumerated in the Bill of Rights? That lawlessness affects American citizens much more than anything any western rancher could ever do.
    2 points
  32. Prosciutto is better! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  33. Intellectually competent adults who would like to make their own personal healthcare decisions without anyone else's interference. Can't imagine why there should be any opposition.
    2 points
  34. I just recently dropped over $700 on a SS kimber 1911. It's an $1100 gun and a great deal. Every so often I "drill" my wife to be sure she remembers the finger combo to the gunvault by the bedside and how the guns work. So the kimber replaced my glock 23. She picks it up and is like "wow this is big and heavy". "is it new? this is new isn't it?". "No honey, that's the same gun, remember here's the thumb safety and there's one in the chamber?". "yeah I guess" It's not a matter of hiding anything. we're a single income family and generally she gets what she wants. It's just easier to not give her more ammo when we're talking about our $300 grocery bills
    2 points
  35. I did see that post/pic looked good.
    1 point
  36. I just had a nice snack!Give this a try slice pepperoni place on cookie sheet and bake at 325 for 15 minutes remove and place on paper towel to catch/drain left over grease.What a great snack kinda like potato chips with out potato's.
    1 point
  37. Interesting thread from this perspective: With the advances in ML technology (they are not "primitive" weapons any more), I thought for sure there would be a lot of bragging about 300 and 400 yard shots (which I have heard from people). Reading through though, it appears quite the opposite. A lot of closer range shots. My longest kill was 185 yards on a Mule Deer. The beauty of the shot though, is in Utah, a ML is still considered a primitive weapon hunt so you are not allowed to use any optics. I made that shot with open sights! Hit him in the heart. I'm pretty proud of that shot. As noted, I thought at 185 yards I would be the "short" guy in the room.....
    1 point
  38. Personally, I'd drive a little further and head to Georgia or Florida, real free range hogs and good established populations. Anywhere near Abbeville or Savannah in Georgia, or Lake Okeechobee in Florida.
    1 point
  39. I guess it's better than not banning. These fines were probably pre-inflation prices. What can you get for $1000 these days? X-Calibur Lighting Systems http://facebook.com/XCaliburLightingSystems
    1 point
  40. From USA Today: Along with the lifetime ban, they also were ordered to pay $1,000 each in court costs, $5,000 in restitution, had their weapons — a rifle and a crossbow — confiscated, must perform 100 hours of community service for the TWRA and were placed on 18 months probation. Still, I would have hit them for a lot more $ than that plus jail time. Bans mean nothing to a poacher. They were willing to illegally take deer anyway...why would you need a license to continue to illegally take deer?
    1 point
  41. Of course we should learn from mistakes we've made in the past. There are several people on this site that think that the Bundys and Hammonds are evil. Specifically the person that started this post.
    1 point
  42. I've never tumbled a case either. Prior to resizing, I'll wipe exterior of case necks and run a nylon brush inside case necks. I'll wipe off any excess case lube after the resizing function. That's it for me.
    1 point
  43. Someone was getting rid of and gave me a apple laptop last yr that might be close to 7-8 years old. Runs great.
    1 point
  44. The modern Liberal; that which is good is evil and that which is evil is a victim. The Evil Koch brothers want to help the Evil Bundy's. And those Evil farmers of 1900 for destroying the plains.
    1 point
  45. I just turned up my heat. Brrr
    1 point
  46. I definitely have a lot more luck pulling the fox in rather than the coyotes. In the past, I've seen the greys charge harder, where the reds will sit and observe, and then creep but this year, the reds have been equally as bold for us. The coyotes are still a huge PITA for our calling efforts. Only got one of them this year but we have had some awesome encounters and close calls though.
    1 point
  47. love the smell of the house when jerky is drying...looks good
    1 point
  48. I have never attempted to make a long range tool of my ML...It is an old TC Hawken with a peep sight. I sight in about 2 inches high at 50 yards and that puts me on at around 100, but it drops like a rock after that. The longest distance I have ever taken a game animal with it is perhaps 75 yards. Back in 2004, I drew a ML elk tag in a good unit in Colorado. I shot the rifle a lot and was confident out to 125 yards with a 460 grain conical bullet..If fact, with a little Kentucky windage, I was perforating a 20 pound propane bottle at 175 yards, from a steady rest. I ended up shooting a 6x6 bull elk at 20 yards....<<GRIN>>...
    1 point
  49. I think Ive only been hunting for about 2-3 months. Hooked. Sometimes I stay awake at night thinking about deer. Pretty weird.
    1 point
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