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  1. They are just starting to get up on their feet in daylight hours. I always stay out of the woods until Halloween or when I start getting mature target bucks on cameras. Time to get after it after this crazy heat gets back out of here.
    4 points
  2. Exactly!!! First thing I did was double fence. Then closed my herd down to only on farm live or artificial breeding with no new animals brought in from any state. Even ours!
    2 points
  3. I totally agree with this philosophy, the more exposure to the game the better. I feel one of the best techniques for starting a hunting pup in to have a place where they can safely run loose. When I bought this property one of the things I made sure of is I would have a place that pups can run loose, they learn nothing cooped up in a kennel. My pups always have the opportunity to learn how to get around in the woods and are exposed to all it's sights, smells and sounds. That way when the real training starts they will be way ahead of the game. Ruff has already been exposed to Squirrels, a Coon and a Deer along with a broke wing crow which he tracked for a couple of hundred yards and recovered, I was impressed. Al
    2 points
  4. So I now have a young Airedale pup named "Ruff" that I have been working with for blood tracking. Hopefully Ruff will be taking over for old Harleigh in a year or so. Been going through a bunch of little training drills for handling and obedience, also getting him used to having a long lead on him. So far he has been doing great at just about everything, he loves to retrieve, he is a good tracker and seems to have a very good nose. Fired off a few blanks yesterday during training and believe there will be a zero gun shyness problem as the noise did not faze him. He got his rabies shot last week so I am now comfortable introducing him to game animals. I think he is going to be a good one. Al
    2 points
  5. Music to my eyes!!! The haters will want to say that it’s because I have a big dollar business that I say those same words. Nothing could be further from the truth. In the real world I was a hunter and whitetail lover from the crib with my dad taking me before I could even walk. I actually raised Whitetails for a few years before I even knew there was a market. Then I was smart enough to quit my job at 24 years old, borrow crazy amount of money and make a great business and life out of an animal I love. The truth is CWD is and has always been a political disease. They saw an opening to get huge money from the govt by throwing the Zombie deer scare in people. Those days have been coming to an end when someone up there in power finally realized that after 60 years of hearing the same banter and seeing no carnage of the herds or hurt of the people the money was stopping. More deer die on the Thruway between Syracuse and Rochester in the months of October and November then die from CWD in a year in the whole country. When CWD is found it’s almost always found in a healthy animal killed by other means. Just like this case. Kinda like when we had Covid and a guy died from a car wreck with Covid so it was a Covid death. Now EHD takes out 1000’s of animals across the country every single year and you hear crickets about any research on that. Agendas !!
    2 points
  6. Is there anyone besides myself who wonders why after all these years are we not stumbling over hundreds of deer carcasses that have fallen to this "highly contagious" disease. Every so often these articles show up declaring a new case of CWD and everyone panics for a while and then the story gets forgotten for another dozen years or so.
    2 points
  7. I am sooo excited for my first sit. Can’t go tm am due to family thing. I may go in the pm if I can get back early enough. Sunday morning for sure!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  8. Saw two more bucks, nothin close or big, then saw a spike chasin two doe from the cabin. Tomorrow is gonna be a great day. Taking the evening off for a party
    1 point
  9. Another Squirrel processing video, this is the old way that I use to do my Squirrels. it works perfectly fine. Al
    1 point
  10. we all know it's a debated topic that CWD is a problem in wild deer herds and in captive deer herds. AG and Markets, DOH, and DEC squashed it once. They openly admit once it's established and wide spread in a state deer herd it's practically impossible to get rid of it. That's common knowledge know I'd think with it in so many states. Found inside a fence I'm sure yields a very different result than outside the fence. If I was a deer farmer i'd have a double fence or no way for wild deer to be social and make contact with deer inside my fence. That way it it's found in wild deer you can say it wasn't from the deer inside the fence. Seems like there's a lot of pointing fingers back and forth with a disease with a lot of variables and means to spread.
    1 point
  11. Good luck! Hope he does great!
    1 point
  12. I check in every now and then. Came here to get any additional info on this new found CWD case. Figured if anyone knew anything it'd be @Four Seasons. Same tight knit deer farming community in the same region was my thinking. I guess there's not much to report. I was just in a Zoom meeting where Jeremy Hurst the Big Game Unit leader/section head or whatever his title is from DEC. The meeting was actually informational on the non-lead ammo reimbursement and citizen science gut pile monitoring programs. CWD being recent news it came up though. Said they were monitoring it and would likely have some kind of public info Q&A webinar or something to keep the public apprised. didn't sound like sharpshooters would be sent out. Seems like they're going to get as many local region 6 samples as possible through hunter harvests at taxidermy shops, processors, voluntary reporting/check-in, and roadkill to get a statistically significant sample size.
    1 point
  13. Great sit in the wind protected area. Things are really cooking out here. Bucks are pushing the doe right out of the field, now. Wind or no wind, the boys are back in town.
    1 point
  14. Happy Halloween, the little ones will be out in force trick or treating with this beautiful weather.
    1 point
  15. No panic here. If we're all educated on the subject, this should be a short lived thread.
    1 point
  16. 730 saw a doe 100 yards out, 830 my target 10 pt followed, 845 nice 8 followed.
    1 point
  17. Ruff looks like a great pup! He will do fine for you. If I can help in any way, with tips training for blood tracking, just shoot me a PM or ask here. I will always be happy to help.
    1 point
  18. Animals have been tested since 2006. 100% of all deaths. Hence found behind wire first if it is already in the wild where there is little to no testing. They don’t move alive animals so nothing to quarantine. They will try to investigate where it came from. That will be the tough part seeing though you can hand feed it to animals by simply buying a bag of feed. Sad part is that it’s been proven not to cause harm but they will kill up to 100 wild deer looking for it.
    1 point
  19. Sounds like a nothing burger. If its from a private place, quarantine and test the animals.
    1 point
  20. I’m watching night of the living dead.
    1 point
  21. Up in stand in 9a, pretty good gusts of wind. My friend is on back side of property. Buck came past stand around noon. Hopefully we will see him make another trip thru.
    1 point
  22. If you can’t find any deer, look in the barrels
    1 point
  23. Always like Halloween. Happy Halloween all
    1 point
  24. Deer are moving this morning. Cams are active with buck movement. Unfortunately I can’t get out today. Good luck shoot straight gentleman.
    1 point
  25. At 5:30 I hear crunch crunch crunch and I stand up. I get my bow ready and here comes a healthy spike of about 12” each side, with the right side a small extra point, making him a 3 pointer. He took his time coming up my footsteps all the way to my stand, and then passed me about 10yards. First quartering towards , then broad side, and then quartering away as he passed me. Easy shot, but I chose to pass. With it supposed to get to 70 degrees again this week, it was gonna either have to be a big buck or I was not shooting. Then I head more crunching and see a buck about same size as the first but with only one 4-5 inch spike on the right side. He stayed behind me about 40 yards and stood there for a long time watching the first spike. The first day spike went past, the second spike stayed there staring, and then down in the gully behind the single spike I see another buck. This one was a bit bigger a deer and turned out to be a narrow 6 pointer. They both got antsy with the wind swirling and finally trooped off up the hill. So even though I did not shoot, it was still a lot of fun. It has been a long time since I saw three bucks together. It looks like this may be a fun season.
    1 point
  26. The highlight of the sit so far was a turkey at 20 yards and tree surfing. These winds could stop at anytime. Hoping this last hr will produce some action. Sent from my moto g power (2022) using Tapatalk
    1 point
  27. In and up for my second short sit of the season. Drove out to Rochester for my dentist appointment on Friday, and spent the next two days with my 7 year old grandson doing up the Halloween thing. Lol Got back this morning and finished tucking in my bee hives, so now I can concentrate a little more on deer. Had a big doe about 30 yards away giving me the stare down on my way in. A lot of leaves fell since last week, and really opened up the woods. It’s overcast, windy, and chilly here in 7M. Congratulations to you guys that got deer already!
    1 point
  28. Another small 8 on my way out, multiple deer by houses still up and feeding. Gotta take my kid to sports
    1 point
  29. Havnt seen a buck with this much potential in awhile. Hes a no doubt pass for everyone!
    1 point
  30. They are keeping a lot of the info close to their chest. Closed herd since 2006, Non Native species with no hunting or movements say that it, came from the wild deer thru the fence, was hand fed with positive corn or hay from other state Or spontaneous. With heavy public and restaurant meat sales and usda certification being involved I’m sure they will investigate deeply. Now they will bring the sharp shooters in and wipe out 50-100 deer from the area and require hunters to hand over all heads from any kill for X amount of miles.
    0 points
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