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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/24 in all areas

  1. Do some needed shopping for her and dinner over in Cold Spring! I'll tell her you old farts say hello! Will always have the cards you guys sent under her bed!
    5 points
  2. He was a three year old male cbr. As luck would have it I found myself on the end of the shooting line in the last blind. The dog owner and #1 goose caller was to my immediate left, and then the dog sat right outside the edge of the last blind. I had a front row seat for the dog show. Good stuff.
    3 points
  3. Well said. On this board if you weren't on the side of the fence that many here seemed to think was mandatory on all issues you were immediately deemed a libtard socialist democrat (see the post above yours for proof of this). This in a nutshell has been the main reason for the demise of this forum. More so than people not being able to register. Some of folks that remain seem to love it now that anyone with contrary opinions to theirs are gone for good. This just proves that not everyone was welcome on this forum. I guess they now have the type of forum they wanted. The three or four regulars remaining can happily continue talking with each without anyone else having the nerve to interject an opposing view.
    3 points
  4. Well okay then. We disagree on this subject and more in the future, no doubt. This is what raises forum participation, views, and interest which makes for a successful site. My main goal.
    2 points
  5. Ha-ha-ha-ha.......So there does come a point where genetically manufactured deer can be made to look quite ridiculous. I think there is a point that is too far. Some of these have reached that point.
    2 points
  6. As the old saying goes "The Truth Hurts" Sorry but I call them as I see them. Do you people have your heads up your rear, take a good look at what has happened to this country. Something has to be done. I can not be a hypocrite and pretend these people are my friends, I won't do it. The political actions of those that are ruining the outdoor and shooting sports along with the whole country for that matter need to be called out and just because you hunt does not give you a free pass from the terrible harm that is being caused. I will not be quiet about it and I will expose those responsible every chance I can get. The days of keeping quiet and my head in the sand are over!! Al
    2 points
  7. Well the furry critter says spring will be coming right along. Can’t wait to see what the boys look like this year.
    2 points
  8. I don't care what anyone's opinion is. Opinions are not facts and can be challenged. If you express an opinion, you should be willing to accept challenges to your opinion. If you have carefully formed your opinion, you should be able to defend it and do it civilly. If you get upset when others challenge your opinion and refute it with facts, you prove you have not thought it through and are just wishing it was a fact. If that is you, admit you are not open minded and will never change your mind, no matter how many facts refute what you believe. It's best you don't try to debate your opinion at all. The shouting matches we see on this board are the result of people not being able to open their minds and be civil.
    2 points
  9. Morning goose hunt. 15 guns total, 2 bird limit. From a-frame blinds in the middle of a cut cornfield. 45 minutes of goose insanity and we were done.
    2 points
  10. You left one out: Wolc, 2-7/8” Northern Erie, dmp buck
    2 points
  11. Exactly. And now these same idiots are on a bus headed towards California. Black,Brown or green they are just 20-30 year old males that will just make more gangs and destroy any area they end up calling home. Anyone that would vote anything left in this country these days are a special kind of fool.
    2 points
  12. Check this a@#$hole out: https://www.foxnews.com/video/6346009226112 This is what Bidens allowing to sashay across the southern border! I was discussing this last evening with a Libbie from, ironically, Texas who is too busy feeling sorry for these "brown people" (her term used repeatedly)and is wholly unconcerned with American citizens. For the life of me, I just cant understand this!!
    1 point
  13. We are an equal opportunity employer around here. No discrimination of Gender,Age or Color. All do their part to keep the $$$ coming in and going out. Perfect!
    1 point
  14. Well at least viewers won't have to look at Taylor Swift. F%@K her!
    1 point
  15. Fred Bear in 1959 on the Little Delta River in Alaska
    1 point
  16. The leftists who feel sorry for these "brown people" have "white guilt" and want to alleviate it with other people's tax dollars. Leftists give far less to charities and always demand bigger government to solve everything. They also refuse to accept responsibility for anything that goes wrong with their agenda, since that will prove they are not "morally superior", just stupid.
    1 point
  17. Makes sense. Those of us that choose that way get everything a person could get out of hunting. We get all the pleasures of of the woods, comrades hunting along with us, a mature buck with trophy antlers and all the meat we can use. Now that can’t be beat.
    1 point
  18. From Meat Eaters site https://www.themeateater.com/wired-to-hunt/whitetail-management/why-you-might-want-to-forget-about-mature-bucks-and-just-hunt?fbclid=IwAR1HfoYVsBo1dxNYx42_MvmR33C0C3P-WClfMyHR8NEGRM6IDnmqx_w9Xfc
    1 point
  19. We ate duck jerky and pork braciola. The younger guys were cranked on red bull and duck videos 24/7. Some epic foos was played and a championship awarded. Making plans to go back next year.
    1 point
  20. Most days we hunted the cove near home depending on weather. Bluebills, buffleheads and mallards, etc. One of the younger guys shot a merganser.
    1 point
  21. "Cash" was an absolute beast and goose getting machine. Really fun to watch him work.
    1 point
  22. lol. All gross. Anyways like I said after how many years in Ny it’s”Like None”. Compared to what the fella compared to Illinois…Even more so “Like None” Ny is far from a long time 200 inch harvest state. Although any is great for sure.
    1 point
  23. Roosevelt Lucky buck 221 5/8" all gross Homer Boylan 254 +7/8" Mark Surdi 217 3/8" all 3 Erie county Kieth Levick 231 2/8" Niagara Bjorn Holubar 211 28" Suffolk county Brandon Peters 203 4/8 Niagara Richard Wright 206 6/8" nett Steuben Fred Kelly 205 7/8" Steuben Herman Sweet 202 0/8" Chautauqua Kenneth Lacy 225 2/8 net St Lawrence Dave Edwards 206 0/8 Cortland The list goes on. I can show more, but I think this proves my point. Right out of the NYBBC book 16 th edition. I like to get a recent copy and will.
    1 point
  24. Exactly. And the Select Few that you speak of that carried the Wolf Pack mentality and ganged up to belittle others are now history and this site so much better for it. Amazes me that some come back on here saying how bad this site is with only our 4-5 Regular posters. When in the real world there are now many more that post on here that didn’t in the past because of the wolf pack. They say the site is doomed yet the members here continue to enjoy it daily and those nay sayers continue to feel the need to try and downgrade it.
    1 point
  25. I never wear the noise makers rubbing against the tree as you try to get your bow in position for a shot. Although the law down on Letchworth is the only place I have been asked about it.
    1 point
  26. I think that censoring opinions in any fashion, through active means or simply wearing folks down who don't have the bandwidth to constantly go back-and-forth diminishes us all. It leads to internet reverb, where a select few reinforce each other's opinions. I am not trying to engage in political commentary, but instead I'm expressing an opinion on social media, including message boards. Name calling, aggression, unwillingness to admit culpability of to even consider being in the wrong...it occurs on both sides of the fence. It's tough to see, and responding feels like screaming into the void. I've been active on this board for many years. I hope it continues to do well. I applaud efforts to focus on our core strengths, while maintaining individuality. But the whole blame game and denigration of other hunters is tough to take.
    1 point
  27. Not many here have been members long enough to know the history of its origin. This forum was started by Burmjohn at a time when an existing forum suddenly shut down leaving a pile of us hanging without a New York State hunting forum. For that I thank him for the years of interesting discussions and interfaces that he made available for us to use. Now we find that he is no longer in contact with the forum for whatever reason. Most of you have made an assumption that he has just arbitrarily abandoned the site. But none of us know the actual reason for his absence. As for myself, I am not in a hurry to judge without any facts. I can only say thanks for the 13 years that we have had the site. It was a good thing that he picked up the ball when no other New York State hunter was willing to do so. Now let's see if the current members are adult enough to keep things going along smoothly without so much of the petty and small-minded bickering that makes the atmosphere here so strained and unfriendly at times. We don't really need all the static.
    1 point
  28. Well, this thread is headed in the wrong direction. I started it to show how many users are still logging in for the worth while content. Please don't spoil the thread here with differences of opinion. Let's play the positive card for a change, shall we.
    1 point
  29. So you talk smack about they way I hunt and my choices of hunting only certain bucks one on one and then you write your last sentence….I don’t compete against anyone but the critters I take. Which is just what I do. Perfect!!
    1 point
  30. No truer words spoken. It’s not much of a real challenge to just kill the dumbest deer in the woods. And sorry to say to some that those of us that choose to hunt only the best of the best…. We still get to enjoy every part of hunting that they do… Just add in a bunch more inches.
    1 point
  31. I have to admit that when I heard my dad describe me as the outdoorsman of the family, that I did feel some pride from that. But that did not become the driver for my reasons for hunting. Frankly, I have to say that now-a-days, the best that you could ever get from most people is a polite, "That's nice". My reasons for hunting are personal and within myself. My accomplishments are internally valued. Do I need the approval of others in order to enjoy hunting?......Absolutely not. If I did, I probably would not be into it because there really isn't a whole lot of approval for hunting going on these days. I never needed recognition from anybody for the fish that I catch or the trapping successes that I had as a kid. None of these things has anything to do with anyone's approval but my own. These things are between me and nature's creatures and my ability to best them. That's where my satisfaction comes from, not other people's approvals or out-doing other hunters. I don't need scoring systems and such to measure my satisfactions and fulfillment. I don't compete against anyone but the critters that I take.
    1 point
  32. My first slingshot was a Wham-o and made from wood, I later picked up a Wrist Rocket that I believe I still have somewhere. Like just about everything else slings shot like archery equipment has evolved and some have got Hi Tech with provisions for flashlights and laser sighting. They are a lot of fun. Al
    1 point
  33. I always felt the question "Why do you hunt?", coming from non-hunters is best answered with the question, "Why don't you hunt?" As for me, I hunt, and fish, for them same reason. I like to. If I have to explain it to you, you would never understand. I know a few people who like nothing better than staying home in their house. I don't ask them to explain, because I will never understand.
    1 point
  34. Dang yearlings are always finding some kind of mischief.
    1 point
  35. As of February 7th, spectrum will no longer be carrying CBS. Channel 8 in the Rochester area you will have to find an alternative channel to watch the Super Bowl
    0 points
  36. Private gun sale ban? In an effort to further infringe on Americans' Second Amendment rights, the Biden administration plans to soon roll out new ATF regulations that would effectively ban private gun sales. As Tristan Leavitt, president of the whistleblower organization Empower Oversight Whistleblowers & Research, argues, "Such an expansive rule that treats all private citizens the same as federal firearms licensees would circumvent the separation of powers in the Constitution, which grants 'all legislative powers' to Congress while requiring that the president 'take care that the laws be faithfully executed.'" The new regulations wouldn't merely require a background check for private gun sales; they also would create a new threshold for anyone selling a firearm, effectively requiring them to register as a federally licensed firearms dealer to legally sell a firearm. Of course, the question of what constitutes a firearms dealer is key, as it has previously been defined as the selling of firearms for "the principal objective of livelihood and profit." That definition of "dealer" would exclude the vast majority of individuals who have sold a firearm. Leavitt noted that the White House directed the ATF to create this regulation and that "whistleblowers say the rule is being drafted by Senior Policy Counsel Eric Epstein, who worked as the Phoenix Field Office's Division Counsel during Operation Wide Receiver (a precursor of Operation Fast and Furious)." Leavitt says that these ATF regulations would so blatantly infringe upon the Second Amendment that he believes the courts would quickly overturn them. Therefore, Biden's likely motive is political, making it a disingenuous gun control issue on which to campaign.
    0 points
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