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Everything posted by SportsmanNH

  1. Grampy you are the shining light to your wonderful wife as she is to you . Praying for a quick recovery and life back to normal .
  2. We will keep your family in our prayers Don . Everything will be fine . Positive attitude works wonders . My daughter in California caught it and tested positive on Dec 21st . Was 100 percent over it with a negative test on the 27th . My youngest son ( 24 ) tested positive on Jan 3rd . Felt fine after 5 days .Test came back negative yesterday . Both had the same symptoms as you . Hope all of you feel well soon .
  3. From Highland ( very bottom of map under the blue 7 ) to Rochester is 85 miles . That dog can do some serious jogging !
  4. The truth is unfortunately , we actually lost ground. The amount of hunters might have trickled upwards , but not as fast as the population growth . The population by percentage grew faster than the hunters numbers percentage of the population.
  5. God only made a few perfect heads. The rest , he put hair on them to hide the imperfections
  6. Biden hit the jackpot yesterday . He won the " Million " medal of honor. We are the only country in the world that has hit One Million new covid cases in one day. Just under a million the day before. He really knows how to shut down the virus dont he . Hope all you guys and your families and friends get well soon
  7. One helluva nice buck there Rac ! Congrats !
  8. As long as you are wearing double masks and the only one in the cockpit
  9. And here you are back at it out in the cold and rain the next morning ! Now thats dedication ! Either that or your nuts !
  10. That pic reminds me of this Dunkin Donuts commercial LOL
  11. That is very true Chef. We dont know a thing about each individual case . How old, healthy, or with pre existing conditions . It leaves everything vague and can be skewed easily in any direction . But what I do know , is we are now in a bigger mess than 12 months ago . This BOZO has done the same thing as he did during the H1N1 pandemic of 2009-2010 . Obama and Biden basically wiped out all the PPE gear , ventilators , test kits that were in storage . These screwballs wiped out the pipeline of equipment that Trump created and didn't bother ordering everything needed even though they were warned by South Africa almost 2 months ago that this was coming
  12. For the last 3 months Vermont has had more deaths of fully vaccinated people than unvaccinated https://vermontdailychronicle.com/2021/11/30/majority-of-november-vt-covid-deaths-fully-vaxxed/?fbclid=IwAR1WRq-9MTrIrL3RFPt1H0YeKiypBuskUctkd2_7YPxCXESh1xxApwvvBfA Also had a store owner of a butcher shop I always go to die of Covid recently . One heck of a super nice guy . Last time I talked to him was right before Thanksgiving . He was fully vaccinated . According to his Son who has now taken over the store , 3 days after his Dad got the booster shot , he fell severely ill with Covid . He was dead 4 days later . Got the booster shot on Dec 8th , Fell ill on Dec 11th , Died on Dec 15th. He was in great shape . Non smoker or drinker . Not a big guy at all . Loved to play golf , swim , and play tennis . He was 72 years old and easily looked like he was 60 . You just never know .
  13. There is only one on gunbroker.com . Looks like a real nice gun . No bids with 3 days left . If it goes for close to the starting price it would be a great deal . There is no reserve price to meet either . https://www.gunbroker.com/item/920137368
  14. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas Wolc !
  15. Great ! You picked the perfect week Chef ! Should we be expecting to see some kind of delicious gourmet fish dinner tonite in the " Whats For Dinner " thread ?
  16. I can hear the politicians now broadcasting on the news : " Our gun Control Laws Are Working ! "
  17. Cynthia , your FIL is now without pain . He has been looking forward to finally be united with his wonderful wife , holding hands spending eternity together. God bless them both . Amen
  18. Its not a plug in . He is in California . From what he told me the engine charges the battery . Runs on the battery when its going slow like stop and go traffic Runs on gas when higher speeds and power needed. I just called him to confirm there was no plug . He said if the battery is getting low the gas engine kicks in to charge it even if you are in traffic . Battery charge lasts for over an hour in stop and go traffic which is the norm for LA traffic . Tells me he actually gets 36 MPG . The gas engine kicks on at about 30 MPH
  19. My son has a new sport model Toyota Rav 4 hybrid XSE . He loves it ! Lots of power and 34 MPG. Was tough to find one though.
  20. Dont do it ! Interest in buying the truck has nothing to do with if you have a loan on it or not . The only time that would matter at all is if he wants to pay cash for the truck . Even then it doesn't matter because the bank just mails him the titles in a couple days . Sounds like he just wants to see your name and address info . Too many scams out there. Do you have the truck listed for sale somewhere ?
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