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Everything posted by SportsmanNH

  1. Is the beer cost factored into that number ? With that many guys working on the barn I think you can round your $7,500 cost figure up to $10,000 LOL Looking good G-Man. Its going to be nice having a practically new building when its finished.
  2. If you have a spout or a means to hook up a garden hose to the well , run it off to the side and just let it run for a few hours. It will flush out the chlorinated water and you will be fine. I take it that its a dug well if you could reach in and pull rodents out. A full bag of pool shock can chlorinate 10 thousand gallons. It doesn't take much to heavily chlorinate a well with a few hundred gallons in it. Just flush it out and you will be back to normal.
  3. Way to go Rob ! You really made her day a special one ! Congrats to the young lady for catching a beauty and for her achievement on going to college.
  4. Modelo Fresh brewed from the Mexican Drug Cartel Brewery ! LOL
  5. Im sorry but , where did you read that in the law ? I couldn't find anything except what laws ATB was posting. I find no law which says anything about what you and Land 1 claim to be law. If there there are no posted signs , no fences or gates violated , no landowner strictly telling you beforehand that you are not allowed on the property , there is no case or ticket. Any Game Warden who writes these tickets, prosecutor or Judge who has any idea what the black and white written law says would throw those worthless ticket out . They should never even reach the Judge and waste the courts time . Please post the law that you claim exists . Scroll down to NY Trespassing law pertaining to hunting. Someone tried to pull this stunt on me in Maine a few years back when I was in the woods hunting. Guess who actually got arrested. https://www.findlaw.com/realestate/land-use-laws/select-state-laws-on-hunting-and-trespassing.html
  6. I hope you have a room with a high ceiling in your house . Wow is that rack tall ! Congrats on an awesome buck John !
  7. With women factored in , that 8gpm usage just went down the drain . I am very confident my daughter and her average of 60 min showers would drain that well dry in just a couple days ! LOL
  8. In this market I would not be surprised if that old Rem 7400 ends up going for close to the Browning price. But if you want a biased opinion on which one is better , its not even close . This coming from someone that has owned Rem 740 , 3 742's , 7400 and 1 7600 . I now only own one Rem 742 and one 7600 . I also own 4 Browning Bars . The Browning Bar will be lighter , and have less recoil than the 7400 . It also in general will be more accurate. The less recoil will come from the Influx Technology recoil pad that directs the recoil downward rather than into your face and shoulder. I have 2 30-06 Brownings that have that recoil pad . Feels like I'm shooting a 243 . Here is the Browning link for that rifle https://www.browning.com/products/firearms/rifles/bar/current/bar-mk3-mossy-oak-breakup-country.html Here is a link to an article that highlights some of the issues the Remingtons had . One important thing to consider is it might be hard to find replacement parts for the 7400 since they haven't made it in quite a while and the new owners of Remington Arms have not given any indication of bringing it back into production. http://www.leeroysramblings.com/remington_740-742-7400.html
  9. LL Cote just sold 75 Browning Bar MK3 30-06 rifles with wooden stocks for $1299 on Gunbroker and their shop in Errol NH. They were sold out in less than 3 weeks. Beautiful rifles ! So I think this one , even as Splitear pointed out on his post with a $1219 price from Sportsmans Warehouse out of stock inventory , those guns didn't come with a scope or rings. The scope on that Gunbroker listing is only worth $119 and the rings could be maybe worth $30 . Since the gun is listed as only had a few shots fired through it , it probably is a fair price for the times. The Browning price is not going to go down from $1219 no matter what dealer is selling them. If anything , the SW price is already discounted some.
  10. Bone in Rib eye steaks with almond toppers spread over a fresh garden salad ingredients harvested off the shelves at the local grocery store. LOL
  11. There are 3 Browning Bar 243 on gunbroker . One is with the boss system which I never used . They are very loud and never really saw the benefit of one on a hunting rifle . There is another one with a fancy finish on it and the price is outrageous at $2300 + The third one looks nice if you like an all camo finish . Says its only had a few rounds fired through it and comes with a caliber specific Cabelas scope . Its not an expensive scope https://www.gunbroker.com/item/900986983
  12. When I stitched videos together from my trail cams I always used Windows Movie Maker . I haven't done it in a couple years but it was easy. You set the video clips in the each box in the order you wanted them to stitch together and hit the button. You could stitch as many as 24 vids together. I dont know what comp you have G-Man but you might have Windows Movie Maker already downloaded on your comp as part of the operating system. If not you can download it for free on 3rd party sites. There is another newer program on Windows 10 thats hidden in photo editer . I dont know how that one works , but here is a link that shows where it is . The other option is start a free account of Flickr . They have their own movie maker . You might need an account like that on a video site like Flickr or Vimeo to post the vid when its done anyway. https://www.google.com/search?q=windows+movie+maker&oq=&aqs=chrome.0.69i59i450l3.273598552j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  13. Happy Birthday ! Glad the fish cooperated !
  14. Happy Birthday ! Have a great day !
  15. Brilliant young lady ! She is far ahead in maturity beyond her age. I congratulate not only your daughter for her accomplishments , but also you and your wife for giving her the motivation for success.
  16. Tenderloin steak tips skewered with zucchini , summer squash , tomato and onion slices. And the cook needed a can of fuel to make dinner. The tips and the Ale are both done !
  17. Happy Birthday CHC ! I hope you are in the shade on this 90+ degree day with an IPA in each hand
  18. Happy Birthday B G ! Enjoy the day !
  19. I think before you mow you need to drink a few more IPA's . Your mow lines look a little too straight. LOL
  20. I know the feeling . We had to put our 19 year old cat down in Jan of 2020. Got her as for a Christmas present for our kids in 2001 when the kids were little . She was truly part of the family. My condolences .
  21. Do any of you own any of these older model Browning pistols Browning Medalist , Browning Nomad , or a Browning Challenger. All are 22 LR. If you own one now , what do you think of it.
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