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Everything posted by ants

  1. Thats pretty much LiL King Andy's logic...Or at least he pretends it is....LOL !
  2. Wonder what happens if the person buying the handgun gets a delay or a deny ? Can the FFL just hand the pistol back to the original owner ? or does that start a whole new cluster?
  3. I have seen advertisements (videos) for them and they seem to be real good. I have a bunch of Rage 2 blades that I like. Might try the Shwackers sometime down the road.
  4. Could have been anyone I guess. Anyone from a little kid to an anti to some scummy little dude with a history of run ins wit the police. Either way it sucks.
  5. Too bad Doc...People will steal anything. A few years back I caught a car full of guys (like in their 20's) stealing my neighbors lawn ornaments. They were just cheap little frogs and a fake rabbit. WTF?
  6. When Im getting dressed in the morning I go into my wife's closet and grab a pair of her yoga pants . ........Ohhh...scratch that.... never mind.
  7. LOL !!... The old nose fro..... I worked with a guy who had so much nasty hair in his nose that you couldn't look him in the face when you talked to him. Seriously people trim it up..
  8. I have been using 300grn xtp's on top of two 50grn pyrodex pellets for years. Very accurate and work real well on deer. BUT.... they are hard to find now. I only have a few left and have been looking everywhere for them. Been thinking of just switching to shock waves because you can find them anywhere.
  9. I use core loct in my hunting riffles and love it but like Pygmy said, every rifle is an individual. You're just going to have to try a few loads until you find the "magic bullet". I suggest you start with the cheapest ammo and work your way up. Hornady has a line of ammo out called White tail classic (or something like that...red white and blue box) that is in the same price range as the core loft.
  10. Sad part is that little king Andy Knows that criminal scum are the problem (as does everyone with 1/2 a brain) but it's easier for LIL Andy to restrict guns for honest, law abiding citizens than it is to restrict guns for criminal scum who have and use illegal , untraceable guns . LIL Andy has no way of showing how many illegal untraceable guns have been restricted, because criminal scum don't register their ILLEGALLY POSSESSED GUNS. BUT by restricting and limiting, the legally possessed and registered guns of law abiding tax paying citizens, LIL Andy can provide "stats" that give the appearance that something is being done to curb gun violence.
  11. A bunch of guys at work got into this about two or three years ago. All but one dropped out. The ones that did give it up said that it was B.S. and too hard to sign up enough people make real money at it. One guy went all out. Knocking on doors, soliciting strangers in stores, gas stations anywhere he could, every free minute. Last I knew he was making about 5-600 bucks a month off it. It probably works but you have to work your a$$ off to get enough people signed up. Just like Amway.
  12. Remington 870, Mossberg 500 & 535 are all good choices, as far as a brand new gun in your price range. I have two 870's two 500's and a Mossberg 835. All solid reliable performers
  13. I have had real good success with the Rage 2 blades. The blood trails are ridicules but you really don't need them, on properly hit deer, because they will fall well with in eye sight. The buck I took last year, with a Rage, went maybe 30 yards. Good luck.
  14. Think maybe people "jump on the band wagon" because you're 100% wrong? You're the one who started the name calling and talking down to people....Like you always do... Grow up
  15. Been out for a while. Did I miss some "racial slurs"?
  16. My old bows had prong style rests that worked well. My current bow has a WB that also works well and I have heard good things about drop aways. I doubt that any of them offer a huge difference over the other as far as real hunting situations go. It's all a bunch of " I drive a Chevy so Ford sucks, I drive a Ford so Chevy sucks, I drive Dodge so they both suck....blah ...blah...blah....
  17. I'd say start with the least expensive plain old rifled slugs you can find. Remington sluggers, Federal Classic, Winchester Double-X....... See which ones fly best and stick with them. My old iron sight smooth bore liked Federal. My friends smooth bores liked Remington..Who knows???
  18. Years ago me and a friend were hunting state land. We were driving down a road and it was getting late, but still light enough to see. There was a truck stopped ahead of us and the guy had his rifle out over the hood. Then we see that he was aiming at a deer way out in a field. They guy saw us stopped behind him but didn't care. We were watching the deer through binos and the other guy just kept his scope on it. My friend yelled to him "you aint shooting from the road are you?" and the guy never flinched. It finally got so dark that we drove off as the guy was getting back into his truck. We spent a good 10-15 minutes there and the deer never moved. To this day I think it was one of those fake DEC deer and that guy would have shot if we weren't there.
  19. Im not a pistol hunter but my buddy used a T/C in 35 rem. for a while. I watched him smack a big doe at well over 100yds with it. It worked REAL GOOD. He also has a 357max. and .223 barrel for it, but always used the 35 for deer. He hasn't hunted with it in a few years. I fired it a few times and couldn't hit Schmitt with it !
  20. I used an old Suzuki (I think it was a 220) for years. Paid about $300 for it and it ran for ever. One day me and the old farmer were setting stands and I parked the machine at the top of a hill and walked down the hill. After a while we were standing on the road talking when we heard something. All the sudden the Suzuki comes rolling down the hill, passes us doing about 30 and smashes into a tree about 10 yards in front of us. Some idiot forgot to set the brake. That was then end of that machine. Its been like 15 years and there are still pieces of orange plastic laying all over the place LOL!!
  21. Same thing happens every other week, when he takes his mandatory bi weekly, elaborate family vacation.
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