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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. I like the wheel barrow idea , that big inflated tire should roll much better then those skinny hard ones on the carts.
  2. I've had one for years, hardly use it . It's not to great for where I hunt. Most of my stands take walking a pretty far distance along/ through crop fields, they not any good on that plowed ground. The thick brush I hunt is not easy to use them in either. I keep it in my hut, from some stands that would be a 40 minute round trip walk,( although I can dump my coat and gun or bow in the hut) I often just put that time in the drag. In some cases I do use it, big deer, alone, no plowed ground. It is nice for bring my pools sand filter into the garage each year ! Packing out the meat and rack like my western friends do with their elk, is starting to appeal to me as I age and those fields get longer ....
  3. Thanks I got a chuckle out of that, but I've had a few gin and tonics watching St .Louis school the Cubs.... i always carry 365 , a knife, small light and a bandanna along with normal phone , wallet, keys .
  4. I'm just happy you have the papers and what is needed to have value. it always the opposite for me, I think what I have is worth something only to find it's not worth squat !
  5. IIRC. The bayonet lug is just one of the features used to determine an " assault rifle" but since the SKS has a fixed box magizine that's a moot point, as an assault rifle has to,have a removable box magizine . If the gun is over 50 years old then of course it falls under C&R regulations ( curio and relics). After the safe act SKS prices climbed as they didn't fall under " assault weapon ", guys were getting $700 plus . Today I don't know . I'll look around . edit. It seems if you,have the " capture papers" it's a total different animal, you could be looking at $1,000 or more. Based upon a quick Google search , of Viet Nam SKS . http://www.georgestragand.com/gunstockmarket/sksMarketReport2014H1.php
  6. Carry an extra closed loop, either on your harness or a pocket you can reach . If you find yourself hanging by your harness which is attached to you line via a Prusik, simply use the loop to,tie a second Prusik low by your feet. Now put a foot in it stand and slide the upper Prusik down, then sit , slide lower Prusik down, replete inchworm style till on ground. At work we've gone up and down 5 stores in training like this .
  7. And she only has 3 sponsors, all in the shooting world . Id sponsor her just for the publicity the antis would stir up when she showed up on my cereal box with the Beretta over her shoulder ....
  8. As far as knives I use an Old Timer carbon steel stockman, ten bucks used at a gun show . As far as big knives I often carry a Puma Whitehunter, a classic to be sure. I'm a knife nut and the woods is about the only place I feel ok carrying a large fixed blade . Handy for chopping that sapling you forgot to trim or blazing trails in thick brush . I just enjoy that knife and look forward to strapping it on each fall. To me knives are of course a needed outdoorsman tool, but also a personal item that I enjoy sharing advantures with . I have one that dressed my first buck, canoed the Yukon River and was on my belt as I traveled many states on my motorcycle , it mostly sits in my safe as it brings back so many memories I'd hate to lose it. the only issue I have with th butt out is the old lady doesn't care for me tossing it in the dishwasher.
  9. Hard for me to visualize, but I say give it a try why not ? ive sure hung stands in "stupid" spots over the years .... some turned out to,be great spots. Killed a buck out of one the first sit , my buddy said he thought that was a stupid spot, next day he killed one there. Guess it's what the deer think sometimes .
  10. I use a Muddy and of course a safety line with Prusik . I had an old HSS with seatbelt buckles , hated that thing . The buckles made noise when striking things like guns and bows, and those pockets kept getting caught on tree steps, till I stared putting it under my jacket , then you can't use the hood though . Back when I stared I used a rope... a clove hitch around tree and a bowline around me, and my tree steps were small pieces of 2x4 tied around the tree...
  11. Zero here, in Webster.
  12. From one Larry to,another that's w-a-y to long for most here to read. im good for two maybe three paragraphs and that's if it also has a pic of Biz's pool . we're hunters , it's pretty much "look deer" , " look big deer, me must shoot ."
  13. The buck is the first deer I ever killed back in the early '80s. My friend gave me a 35mm film can with Cotton balls in it, we then poured in Tinks 69 , and he walked out of the woods nose down right to,it in a winter wheat field and I dropped him with a smooth bore mod11 bird barrel .... The years following I must have dumped a few gallons of that stuff in the woods, and failed to repeat . Ah Atomic Fireballs, here's the deal. When you've been sitting awhile and deer movement is dead, pop one in your mouth , before its gone ( about 20 minutes if you don't chew it ) you'll see a deer . If you look carefully at the base of the trees on all those " hunting" shows you'll spot the wrappers on the ground , if you look closely at photos of Milo Hanson you'll see his lips and tongue are overly red .... Some say the reason Mitch Rompola won't have his " world record " WT scored is he doesn't want the world to know he's uses Atomic Fireballs .
  14. I don't use any . Oh I have from time to time, and a couple years ago I put out Ever Calm and had a young buck lick it off the branch . I try to,keep scent free well that's next to impossible , I try not to stink to much and use the wind to decide my Stand ,approach and departure , that's my grand plan . Myself I prefer to leave the woods in its natural state. although bagging and moving a licking branch sounds like something I may try someday. Oh and I've had great luck with Atomic Fireballs.
  15. Nomad


    Hey now Genny gets it from the river .... Tonight I had Genny IPA and the Mrs , Genny white label .
  16. Many many rifles started as military arms, the bolt action rifle was the standard issue rifle of two World Wars . Should those military weapons of war then never made it to civilian hands ? U.S . Soldiers killed more in wars with them ,then ARs after all. What civilian needs a gun as powerful as a 30,06 ?
  17. Most bow hunters I've seen , group better with their bow at 40 yards then their handguns ..... Especially small pocket pistols and snubbies that often find there way into a bow hunters pocket or so I'm told .
  18. This one time I hung my pack with back tag on it close to my gas fire place to,dry...... It turned black alright . As for wallets, I keep my hunting lic. in there , my wallet is pretty thin , DL, work ID, pistol permit , one CC one debt card, health care card, plus a few hundred cash, oh and two dec officers cards....
  19. Have not even thought about getting tags/lic. yet . They give them out like candy for 8h no rush . Oh Lawdwaz I'll sign over a 8h if you want , if that helps . I could often get 4 ( 2 rounds) but sledom do as I use the farms DMAPs. I'd you want I'll go to the town hall tomorrow and grab 2. 2 deer is more then enough for the wife and I these days....
  20. Oh goodie a mountain lion thread .......we haven't had one in at least a couple weeks Personally I don care for 200 pound Cougars , I'd say 135 at most ,if they are tall .
  21. Well idk. Guy at work owns a large ,narrow but deep lot. Neighbors land runs along it then turns 90 degrees behind it. "L" shaped if you will. They hunt the rear part, which my co -worker never liked, but they were over 500 feet from his house. So he built a large playhouse for his Grandkids right on the line , he watches the kids everyday. Hunters said that doesn't count, he called DEC , they came down, he told them he's in it playing with the Grandkids everyday . DEC told them can't hunt within 500 feet of playhouse . like with so many things involving the DEC, it depends who shows up , what zone, and your horoscope that day. the regulation reads," structure in occupation " . Yep me and the grandkids are in it everyday ..... Reading the regulation first then explaining it so it fits the regulation is key .
  22. I'm planning on pulling my camera cards early Sat. What time does it start ? I may also get called in for overtime tomorrow , which would cancell all my plans . I would know that sometime early tonight .
  23. Nomad


    It's a neighborhood joint , big with Kodak workers back when Kodak had workers .... Beer was included within the ticket price of the party , i asked for a Fat Tire, she brought me a pitcher ..... Saves on trips I guess.
  24. Nomad


    Retirement party for my BC last night , 40 years on the job ! Check out the beer prices at this place ! Yes full sized pitchers .
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