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Everything posted by Gthphtm

  1. DO what WNYBuckHunter sad and pay someone to come in and do it,most farmers have all of the right equiptment to do the job right. If you break a piece of rented whatever,you have to pay for the repair.Been There,Done That.
  2. According to the NYSDEC person I talked to a few years ago.Racoons and Fox will not take fish unless the are already Dead.I can see a Mink killing a 16" to 24" fish but not be able to move it in one piece,A heron will kill a fish that size and in most cases just leave it there IT cannot swollow it or carry it away.There were no fish scales or drag marks at all.The Shot Gun still at the back door.
  3. I just discovered that the 8 Koi I had are gone.And they were 16" to 24" long,Did a search Too big for Hawks,Herions,no tracks on the ground or remains.This was after the water temp.went down and they want to the bottom for the winter.I walked around the pond all winter looking for sign of critters coming to the pond.(Mystery).Last year I blew away a Mink that had the last of 14 fish in its mouth I had 6" to 10",it was much colder last year and the mink take them and store them for a later day when it is cold out.
  4. Gthphtm


    If you have any ponds near you it might be Frogs they just started going into the ponds yesterday and making there making a heck of a racket.A couple of days ago I thought I heard turkeys too.
  5. Iv heard the had problems with the heads on that engine.A friend of mine put on 2 sets and the 2nd. set has problems now.He now just uses it as a work truck around the area.
  6. 7 years ago I bought a ladder stand like that,Bought one of the swivel seats that you strap on to a tree,made my own tubular hingded guard.Still up there,only thing I do is stand the seat up and put a plastic bag over it when not using it.Buy a seat of the 1" load binders you will need them,what they give you is not enough to make it sturdy.
  7. I looked into buying an ATV for doing what you are planning to do with one.I bought one with a 500 cc engine auto trans.It has moved everything I wanted to,I have a tilt wagon to tow behind,Carried just about anything you can think of on the side of the mountian I live on. If I had it to do over again I would get a UTV.
  8. Same way you do a straight razor a fine stone and a strop.Or a paper wheel.All them electric gismos are doing is removing metal,that doses not need to be removed unless you are letting the edge get that bad. .
  9. Buy a motor home and hunt whever I wanted to.
  10. Put a 4 power wide field scope on mine use it with every choke.
  11. It's all about shot placement,some people jack deer with a 22.
  12. Had a trail camera picture of an adult one last year and another of a young one this year,now I know why the fox on my property are almost gone.
  13. Going back in time,in the 50's, it was very popular then.
  14. Pick up some road killed deer,might need a permit from the PD where you see them to take them.Should have them coming for a free dinner in a few days.With the snow on the ground you might be able to follow there tracks.If you are anywhere near the side of a hill with plenty of big boulders or rocks,I would look there.#4 heavy shot.or #4 dead coyote works but not cheap.
  15. Gthphtm

    Deer tracks

    I have them all around my bushes all around the house looking but not eating yet.Time to mix up some hot pepper,egg and some olive oil,one lick and they do not touch them again.
  16. Any good food and grain store should be able to test your soil.It is nor rocket since,I worked in a lab.for 45 years and we had quite a few chemists and all kinds of fancy test equipt.And beleive it or not those little paper test strips were very close to all of the latest test.equiptment.
  17. Clover can be planted before mothers day,it can be planted around the end of March and early April when the ground starts to thaw out.I buy my seeds from the local feed and grain store.Most of the wildlife seeds have a lot of seed that deer and turkeys do not eat.You can buy seeds and mix what you want.I have 3 different clover seeds mixed with other grass seeds.Clover seed is not cheap.
  18. Another thing 30' x 30' is not that big,think of it as a garden you also need sunlight for the grasses and clover to grow,I have some small plots like that and the are pretty well shaded most of the day and they are not as good as the ones that get sun most of the day.Also in the fall you have to go in there with a leaf blower or do a lot of raking because the leaves will smother the grass over the winter.
  19. What ever spray you buy,look at the recommended temp.for spraying.I have not used any spray or weed killer at all and in the last 6 years have planted many acres of conservation and wildlife seeds in areas that were wooded at one time.After clearing out as much of the roots and stone i York raked the areas over and over added the above stated fert, and plenty of lime.The deer go from one spot to another almost every day.Everything grew just fine.Have fun.
  20. I am 2 years older then SOB,I bought my property where I live now simply because I love hunting and fishing.Being retired and have a little piece of property on the side of a hill that I can hunt whenever I feel like to,I have put a lot of time and effort into clearing areas and planting wildlife grasses and it seems to be paying off,I have had 8 deer hanging around on my property all hunting season (all does) letting them walk to build up the herd,the 2 bucks wandered off during the rut and never returned( most likely shot) Hope we are all here to do it again next year.
  21. The recommend NOT washing it after using,just wipe all of the krud out of it while still warm.
  22. Lets start with your base layer it stinks,under armor,polyester and fleece.They are not letting moisture escape.A number us found under armor smells after a days use.Look into Helley Hanson or Cabalas, Polyproplyne under garments.It does not seem to hold moisture as the others.Actually the best is{according to hunters out west,is a mesh type.Outer Layer I prefer 100% Wool,Not reprocessed wool,quiet does not absorbe water,that fast.When I hunted from tree stands I wore my Predetor brand,with the wind brake liner(pricey) but warm and quiet,with many options.As said above your Vest could be the problem also.
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