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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Merlot

  1. Waiting for the late October/early november timeframe to begin. Too early for my liking, although I do see results coming in on the "Live from the stand" thread, which is always a treat for me. Now if I lived on/near the property I hunt, I would have grabbed the bow and given it a whirl.
  2. How about Baking soda to wash out clothes?
  3. Good to hear you got out for a bit. Hope you continue to get better. Throw a log on the fire tonight and relax.
  4. There have been times bow hunting where I have been caught in the rain and stuck it out for awhile and saw bucks on the move in the rain. I would have to have a great high percentage bow shot to shoot in the rain.
  5. Have lived in the southern tier of New York since 1981 and saw a bear only twice....once a bear trashing a dumpster at a golf club on Bradford Pa., and one running across a road in front of me while driving in Allegany.
  6. I guess you could drive to pumpkinville in Great Valley and load up on cider...fresh squeezed stuff. Route 16 south out of Franklinville, hang a right onto Route 98...maybe a dozen miles south and you're there.
  7. I can feel it in my bones when a shooter buck steps into range.
  8. When does the cookbook come out with all these recipes?...dang good stuff.
  9. One of those chicken drones fluttering through with a camera imbedded in an eye...
  10. I would never bait deer, but sometimes I would just like to try it once...just get a truckload of the licks, apples, Deer Caine, etc. , dump on a main deer trail and just sit and watch....maybe when I'm real old and gray and don't give a crepe anymore...just kiddin'...
  11. Probably the scum were wearing their hoodies, making identification hard.
  12. Don't use it...just expel it..
  13. I have cookies and milk set out for bigfoot at camp out on a stump after the second full moon after autumnal equinox. It always leaves a "thank you" note, butt asking that I change out the milk with Merlot....up to this point I have refused...
  14. Gone are the days of slick passing, 3 on 2's 2 on 1's, stick handling, body checking...now just trapping the other team and vice-versa, plus people have to suffer through this stuff into June. I loved this game and the Sabres when they came into the league, now I could care less. Agree steve863 that a lot of time was wasted on this and other sports.
  15. Just call the environmental boys and let them handle.
  16. Another 3 hour tour next week...the week after that...and so on...
  17. Bills on a similar "3 hour tour" to disaster today, ala Gilligan's Island...
  18. TF, enjoy the challenge. Have taken a few bucks at less than 10 yards, and I can tell you the excitement is a memory that lasts forever.
  19. Happy birthday FastEddie...get well soon
  20. Grandparents gave us kids some silver dimes decades ago. I haven't bothered to look at them...maybe it's time. Maybe a fortune that I've ignored for years, believe it or not.
  21. I purchased my Bowteck in 2004 and have been happy with it. It has killed a few deer...Mossy oak camo too from early 2000's. No need to switch to another gadget if the stuff I have works. Same mossy oak camo too. A Glass of Merlot and steak after a hunt and I'm a happy camper.
  22. I agree with your sentiment about " EYEBALL TO EYEBALL" excitement hunting deer on the ground. I usually post up against a tree, with good visibility and some ground cover, and wait for ambush shot. I still like tree stand hunting, but more often than not, I'm on the ground hunting, even with hunting buddies with me. I never go into a tree stand when I'm hunting alone.
  23. The gal that played Dr. Cuddy on the TV series " House"...
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