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Media Demo




Everything posted by philoshop

  1. Is this the chant that lulls you to sleep every night?
  2. Cruz is in a desperate situation, and he thinks Fiorina can help him. Too little too late, in my opinion.
  3. Naht be smoke, jus' be 'da heavy water vapor what smell like berries or 'da cinnamon bun. Like cold wedder Rasta breathin', mahn.
  4. What vapor flavor do the birds like? You're not putting bugs in your juice are ya'...
  5. I posted this in the "gunmageddon" thread... An attempt to further CA's 'Gun Violence Restraining Order' beyond 'the concerned family member': http://www.breitbart...ker-complaints/ If you don't like your neighbor, co-worker, boss, employee, customer, etc, find an anti-gun judge and you can have law enforcement break down their door in the middle of the night and take their firearms posthaste. Bill of Rights be damned.
  6. There is a link in Grouses link. I'll paste it for you. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/justin-curmi-/a-revision-on-the-bill-of_3_b_9772428.html
  7. This was kind of a joke. But kinda' not, as well.
  8. Why only fourth graders? Do they have a lobbyist?
  9. Sounds like the "midnight rambles" sessions in Levon Helm's barn. Pretty amazing stuff. There's a documentary/movie.
  10. RIP. May the whang-bar flying 'V' escort you to heaven. You could play, my friend. A little acoustic guitar duet with SRV for your enjoyment: https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=A0LEViSJ7RtXr2QAuOUnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTEwZHBxMGxyBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNyZWwtYm90?p=lonnie+mack+youtube&ei=UTF-8&hsimp=yhs-001&hspart=mozilla&fr2=rs-bottom%2Cp%3As%2Cv%3Aw%2Cm%3Aat-s&fr=yhs-mozilla-001
  11. He could write both music and lyrics, play any instrument in front of him, sing, engineer or produce studio work, perform on stage, and at the same time keep the media titillated. That's not easy to do, and he did it for over forty years. Like his stuff or not, he was an extremely influential musical talent. He was an artist.
  12. Just a refresher: http://www.wimp.com/the-american-form-of-government/
  13. It's certainly becoming an oppressive regime. We've transitioned from being a Constitutional Republic to being a Democracy, and are now quickly becoming an Oligarchy. I see nothing "radical' about trying to preserve what remains of our founding principles, or restoring our Republic.
  14. philoshop

    Erie perch...

    It's a drive for me now, but I'll send it along to friends in the area.
  15. Harriet Tubman will replace Andrew Jackson as 'the face' of the new US $20 bill. http://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/will-harriet-tubman-be-first-woman-20-bill-n357936 Aside from the politically correct nonsense that has brought this change about, and the expense that will be incurred by the tax-payers as a result, I'm glad she was chosen over others, because she was a hard-ass, gun-totin', full-blown Republican in the face of Democrat atrocities of the time. It waits to be seen whether the PC crowd that 'voted' on this will backtrack on their position once they read some history. I'll give it 3...2...1. http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2016/04/robert-farago/blue-force-gear-quote-of-the-day-harriet-tubman-gun-owner-coming-to-20-bill/
  16. Don't forget the camera and bug spray, and have a great trip!
  17. Sheesh! I just wanted everyone to know there was voting going on today.
  18. If I dig up several thousand from around my shooting bench, with authentic dirt on them, would they be worth more?
  19. There are a half-dozen videos currently being aired with that basic message.
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