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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. I'd like to see the Cheatriots blow it! And have half the bench with towels draped over their heads, and Belechick refuse to give a post game interview. But I'll settle for hitting a square or two!
  2. Man....that's a sweet looking predator rig!!!! Good luck out there. Let the fur fly! Let us know how it goes.
  3. Fisher for certain. We've had them around here for a long time. Absolutely, one of the coolest critters roaming the woods! And yup, a killing machine!
  4. grampy

    Dink perch.

    Just from the picture, that has to be a record perch! Gotta be pretty strong too, to hold it up with one hand like that!
  5. Sounds like an awesome hunt moog! And no doubt with treeguy's experience, it shortened the learning curve a bit. Just getting a predator to respond, and come in for a shot, is more than half the fun!!! Huge props to treeguy, for taking out a newby!
  6. Here in Albany County, it's a brutal, nightmare too. But in neighboring Schoharie and Schnectady Counties, it's much easier to do anything handgun related, in their offices. Or even obtaining a NYS, PP.
  7. Incredible detail work! Amazing!
  8. Good luck out there! Stay warm and hope you see some eyes! I'm going to put another log on the fire. As I'm a little under the weather tonight.
  9. I have someone like him at work. They are never wrong Mike. And twist words around to make their misguided points. If you talk to a blank wall, you will get more understanding, than from someone wearing blinders. Just sayin....
  10. Hoping they can get you fixed up and back to shooting, pain free, without surgery. With retirement coming, you will have lots to do! Prayers and good vibes sent.
  11. Pizza, wings, and soft drinks, with the kids and grandkids! We have it here for every SB. Always a fun time.
  12. Beautiful buck! And still getting it done! Pretty cool!
  13. It's sad indeed, when we lose our beloved pets. Lexi was very lucky to have you.
  14. Pretty simple really. If it doesn't have a string and limbs, it's NOT a bow. Therefore, it should not be included in any BOW season.
  15. I want to build a coyote rig. Was thinking of a bolt action, so that I could have all the bells and whistles, that the Safe Act will not allow on an AR.
  16. Very happy that your son is on the road to recovery. Prayer is something I believe in. And there is no doubt, it's helped me in my life. Sending prayers that your son will continue his recovery.
  17. Ask for gas money...........though I dont 'see' any pockets.
  18. Yeah, we just couldn't get our schedules to line up last year! But I'm really looking forward to trying again this year, up at Saratoga Lake!! It's on!
  19. Happy Birthday! It's all the good stuff for you today!
  20. I have no doubt, that when I was younger, I could have pulled it off. But now? I wouldn't make it through the first winter.
  21. The "Grampy Blind" has a nice rig to it!..........................hehehehe. Hope you christen it before I get there though!
  22. Sometimes, when one buck meets his end, another will take up some of the same rubs! Or even have multiple bucks using it. Could this be a multi buck rub moog? Either way, it's impressive!
  23. For DIY stuff, DeWalt is the way to go. Never had any problems with mine. I usually upgrade before they wear out, pass them to someone else, and they are still using them!
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