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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. I got almost the entire shot sequence on my buck harvest, last week, on a trail cam. I'll post it soon!
  2. Great people for sure. This being John's first year of not actively tracking, he is always happy to have someone stop by. I know he is very impressed with you and Luna! John's dog, Tommy is on a roll this year, as well. And being used by a couple different handlers. Very impressive.
  3. My feeling is that there would be even more accidents. If all hunters were moving at the same time in the woods.
  4. I'm with ya Grizz. 100%.... New moon is always better than full moon for deer sightings. JMO.
  5. I'm glad you liked the book Larry. The wealth of information in that book, can and will, make all the difference between recovering a deer or not recovering it. It's one of those books in my opinion, that every hunter, no matter their experience should read. I can't recommend it highly enough. I too, have bought and given away, quite a few copies, to new hunters and friends. Gets five stars from grampy!!!
  6. In my area of 4 H, the hunting pressure will continue to drop from here on out. But so will daytime deer sightings. Though the last week of regular and the late ML season have been productive for me over the years. Just go to the nastiest, thickest cover you can find. Then just hang out down wind of it.......and wait. Small, two man pushes have worked for us as well, in late season. There are still plenty of deer out there! So don't throw in the towel until it's over! Also, some of the years biggest bucks are killed in late season!
  7. Sorry, I just can not or will not make myself take that shot. I have let more than a few live another day, when that was the only shot presented to me. To each their own. Congrats on your deer.
  8. What an awesome deer and story! A big congratulations to your son on a truly awesome first buck! And to have three generations there to share in the hunt is just so cool! Some lifelong memories were made that day!
  9. It truly amazes me, that someone can totally disregard the the very BASIC, rules of firearm safety! For what? A deer? So very sad. Prayers to her family.
  10. Accidents happen when someone puts killing a deer, as their number one priority. And puts safety a notch or two down the priority list. There is no deer walking this earth that is worth someone getting hurt or killed! And most "accidents", are not caused by new or inexperienced hunters. But by hunters that "should" know better!
  11. Congratulations ! Nice Schoharie county buck! And great first buck!
  12. A little snuggle to share body heat?.........Or boots two sizes big to have room for heavy wool socks with enough room to move the toes. A tight fit restricts blood flow and feet get colder, faster. And oversized ice fishing mittens with a hand warmer inside, will keep hands warm all day. And you can easily slip your hands out when needed. Also a good wool hat, that covers the ears and a neck gaiter make a huge difference, when used in cold weather.
  13. "We can't get out of the driveway"! Answer.......Take that handful of bills and use it to wipe your behind or buy a snowblower!!! Click.........
  14. Sorry you were not feeling so great. Good that your surgery went well though. Hopefully you will be able to get out for a couple days before the season is over. 30 seconds is all it takes to turn your season around! Hope you feel better soon! And best of luck when you get back out there!
  15. Not to mention, every time the wind blows and you hear those creaks and groans! CREEPY!
  16. I thoroughly enjoyed this piece. Very well written and it seemed to capture some of my own thoughts as well. I've liked seeing your work here, for quite some time. From the fishing, metal detecting, hunting and exploring. Your work exudes wholesomeness and family values that I cherish in my own life. Thank you for sharing with us. And keep this going. I look forward to seeing more from you sir.
  17. Cool find! But did your heart skip a beat, when you made eye contact with those beady eyes in that hole? Mine would have!
  18. I had a very similar experience a few years back.I will not say here what I did or did not do. What I will say, I slept very well that night.
  19. Being part Native American, owls are held in great respect as a spirit bird, in Native culture. As a boy, I was told stories of the owl spirit birds, from my grandmother, great grandfather and great uncles, who were all full bloods.
  20. From what I see, the longer the season goes , the less hunters are out there on state lands. During the late ML/ Bow season, you may not even see another hunter. On lands that were packed with hunters on opening weekend. The deer will be there! But again these will be educated deer and no pushovers.
  21. Just my opinion . But common sense tells me if you shoot all the young bucks, eventually you will have very few older bucks! Or am I missing something here?
  22. A warm and Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! Good hunting to all who are in the woods today. And go ahead , this is the one day where it's ok to have that second piece of pie!
  23. After this week, most state lands will be seeing a dramatic drop in hunters. The deer will calm down and move back in. Though they will be a bit spooky. They will be there. In recent years, this is how it's played out after Thanksgiving, on the state land in my area. The last two weeks of the season, is almost void of hunters. This is when most of the state lands bigger bucks are taken. This is the time for the experienced, persistent hunter to shine!
  24. I still have great "deer" vision. And I like to think that I don't miss much. But there is no question, that I have been duped many more times, by deer than I know. And I think that's pretty cool!
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