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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. Buckmaster 7600 Congratulations ! In so many ways, you really earned that buck! What a giant! Way to go! Have another beer, you deserve it!
  2. LOL.....! Ya just never know what you will see at Wally World. Always an adventure.
  3. grampy

    Safe weekend

    As we all know, a little common sense goes a long way. No deer is worth getting hurt for! Always set a good example for the young and inexperienced hunters. Always think safety, before and after, the safety comes off. Let's all make this the safest hunting season ever! And a heartfelt good luck to all!
  4. Takes all kinds, to keep things "interesting".
  5. Good thread. You had a season, similar to my own. Wish you good luck for the rifle season!
  6. X-2! An excellent book! John is one of the most knowledgeable, tracker/dog breeders in the world. He has gotten so many of us started. I'm proud to call him my mentor and to have shared the the woods with him and his wonderful dogs. And what an absolutely awesome team, outdoorstom and Luna are! You just keep getting better! The skill, dedication and talent the two of you have is amazing! This is one of my favorite threads and I look forward to each new post! Wishing you continued success and keep safe out there!
  7. Congratulations! What a stud of a buck! Wow, way to hang in there and get it done, on the final day of early archery season! Great job!
  8. Brushed in nicely! After working almost 30 years in commercial shops, I know exactly how you feel. Deadlines always came before time off. When you do get out there, I wish you the best of luck sir.
  9. Congratulations! Nice buck and nice job!
  10. When deer feel hunting pressure, most times they will go to the thickest most inaccessible places on the property. Places hunters don't go or won't go. Find these places and hug them close, like a loved one, from the down wind side.
  11. According to the great responses, there should be a bunch of dead deer opening day! Keep em coming! I'm out of likes, but like everyones spots so far!
  12. Pretty cool rob! Best of luck to you and Miss B.!
  13. Is it a spot you've used many times? Is it somewhere you never hunted before? Perhaps just set up on fresh sign or a recent sighting? Private or public land? Do you expect other hunters to push deer to you? Or is other hunters tha last thing you want? Will you just walk in the woods, find a good looking spot and sit down? Maybe even still hunt? I'd like to hear what everyones "opening day spot" is like! My opening day spot will be in a ladder stand overlooking, buckthorn and overgrown pasture field, that borders a hemlock swamp. After post season scouting, last winter, I found this spot. Moved the stand a couple months ago and will be hunting it for the first time on Saturday . It's on the very back of our property and State land is not far away. So hoping for maybe a bonus deer or two, to be pushed my way as well. Some of the best bucks we have on camera, this year, have been frequenting this area. Will just have to see how it all plays out. No matter where you will be on opening morning, best of luck to you all!
  14. Let him hang overnight, then just do him up in the morning. He will be fine.
  15. Nothing wrong with old school. Old school was just a couple years ago in 4H. Never had a problem killing deer with a shotgun.
  16. Three and a half. Beauty of a buck no matter his age. He would get no pass from me.
  17. Why don't you just get one of those "crossguns" that LJC used to talk about?
  18. After seeing your work here before. I'm sure this will be very nice as well! I'll be following this one too!
  19. It doesn't matter what day of the week the the opener is on. I will always be doing last minute things and not seeping well the night before. But I do kinda miss the Monday opener.
  20. I shot my biggest buck ever, in a blizzard. Going to air out my portable chair blind tonight. No deer is worth getting hurt. So use common sense and keep safe, traveling and in the woods.
  21. Congratulations Grizz! She looks like lots of tasty vittles, no matter what she weighs. Most times, unless it's a HUGE doe we don't weigh them. Just cut em up and put em in the freezer!
  22. Congratulations grow!! Nice shot and recovery. Some tender morsels going in the freezer. Way to go!
  23. I tried being a good guy many, many times. And tried taking extended family, social friends and co-workers hunting, on our farm property. 90 percent of the time, it ended in a circus act, me being ticked off, hard feelings on someones part or all of the above. Now it's just my lifelong friend / land partner and our "close" families. Once in a great while I will invite someone to hunt my lake property. Only after I consider them to be an experienced, competent hunter. If I am mentoring a hunter, or hunting with someone I'm not real familiar with, I do it on state land. This seems to work well for me. And is much less aggravating!!!
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