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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Now this may seem odd to many, as it first did to me, but I bought these boots for work one year and just happened to use them for hunting one day. Amazingly, they kept my feet warm and dry in the snow all day while also being very comfortable and agile in the woods. Traction and feel of the forest floor is very good. I've walked in a lot of water with them too and they stay dry. They're like "tactical" hunting boots. LOL! Believe it or not, I use them all the time for deer hunting now, with only one pair of wool blend socks on my feet, and am just surprised by how well they suit the task, not to mention how inexpensive they are. I think this was the fourth season using them and they are still in like new condition. Great value for the money. I get them 1/2 size larger than normal for less foot restriction, which can stifle blood circulation. I'm also partial to the side zipper for ease of use. I have black as well as brown ones, but so far have only used the black ones for hunting. The brown one's will be used when the black one's give up the ghost, which looks to be some time from now. I don't know why they work so well, but I kid you not, I like them a lot. BTW, my feet just turned 64 years old. Keeping them warm should be hard, but it isn't with these. For the money, I'd recommend giving them a try. https://www.sportsmansguide.com/product/index/hq-issue-men039s-waterproof-side-zip-tactical-boots?a=1564514 https://www.sportsmansguide.com/product/index/hq-issue-men039s-waterproof-8-side-zip-desert-boots?a=1580856
  2. From the article: Wolf population control has been a political football ever since the states agreed to reintroduce the animals to the North woods decades ago Wisconsin’s first wolf hunting and trapping season took place in 2013, but was quickly halted by Federal judges when lawsuits were filed by the Humane Society of the United States and The Fund for Animals — two anti-hunting organizations. The goal of the anti-hunting groups is to have the deer population controlled by predators, not hunters. When deer numbers decline in the state, hunting deer will be banned and the wolves will thrive. The anti's don't mind deer kills, as long as hunters aren't allowed to do any of it. I see the same anti-hunting group strategy being applied to areas with large coyote populations. They do everything they can to minimize coyote kills as much as possible. More yotes, fewer deer and fewer hunters in the long run.
  3. If they are going to get killed by a car, what's the difference?
  4. So why do they give discounts for other things?
  5. You can buy "finger cots" at a drug store. They are latex, like rubber gloves, but are made for just one finger. No need to cut anything and they have a better base to work with than a cut off glove finger. No need to put anything around the base to hold it on. They also come in a pack that has about 50 in it.
  6. I was involved in a discussion about car insurance and discounts offered for various things, like taking a safe driver course. A man suggested deer hunters should get a 1 year discount if they bag a deer during hunting season, reason being high deer populations wreck many auto's and insurance companies have to pay. This might also be a good incentive for people to take up deer hunting as well. I laughed at first, but the more I think about it, the more I think it would be a great idea. So many things the insurance companies give discounts for are really not preventing auto collisions. This idea really does.
  7. A good informative article on the 16 gauge. I have a JP Sauer Royal SxS in 16 gauge and love it. Great upland gun. https://www.americanhunter.org/articles/2019/5/28/an-ode-to-the-16-gauge-shotgun/
  8. I don't see how Phoenix knows him, or so much about what has transpired lately, when he just got here and only has 8 posts to date. Go figure.
  9. Welcome to the site. I think Molson Golden is the only thing Canadian I have experienced, but I like it a lot. Wait, I did fly to Spain out of Montreal once.
  10. Al had to do something for money after his political career crashed and burned. He wasn't averse to lying as a politician. Lying about the climate is very comfortable for him.
  11. The knob is simple. Turn it to the number that corresponds to the distance you are shooting. That gives you a clear picture of the target and reticle and removes any sighting error due to parallax.
  12. I still love being out there and I still enjoy taking a nice deer, but now that I'm 64, I'm well aware of all the work I'll need to do right after the gun goes off. Thinking about that when I see a big buck sure helps to eliminate any buck fever. "The fun's over when the gun goes off!"
  13. My last 2 eight point bucks were both 2.5 years old. Both came to me alone and no other deer, buck or doe, had been seen all morning.
  14. I hunt my own land and rarely ever see another hunter near where I'm hunting, so I don't wear blaze orange when I'm not moving. Just wear a blaze hat when I move. If I thought I needed to wear a total neon orange suit and hat to hunt somewhere, I'd hunt somewhere else.
  15. Deer and turkey do hang together quite often though. It seems they have an innate understanding they benefit from this symbiotic relationship. The deer can alert the turkey to dangers they cannot smell and the turkey can alert the deer to danger they cannot see. I've seen this many times in the woods during hunting season and neither one seems to mind the other's presence. They actually seem to desire it.
  16. District and appellate courts both ruled in favor of the city. Once the Supreme Court granted review of the case, however, New York City amended the regulations to allow residents with a premises license to transport their handguns to another residence within or outside the city and to gun ranges outside the city. Now the city argues that the case is moot because the changes gave members of the shooting club everything they sought in the lawsuit. The members disagree, maintaining that the case is not moot because the Supreme Court still could rule that the original transport ban was unconstitutional. Such a ruling would prevent the city from changing course in the future. The New York case does not present the justices with the opportunity to rule on broader issues that have percolated in the lower courts since the Heller and McDonald decisions. Nevertheless, the fact that the justices will hear the case is a step in the right direction, hopefully providing lower courts guidance they sorely need.
  17. Bucks are currently traveling far looking for any doe that hasn't been bred already. This is why you will see bucks that were never on any of your trail cams. It is not uncommon to see them cruising during daylight hours now too. Many don't think so, but now is a good time to stay on stand all day long.
  18. Congrats. Bucks are currently traveling far looking for any doe that hasn't been bred already. This is why you will see bucks that were never on any of your trail cams. It is not uncommon to see them cruising during daylight hours now too. Many don't think so, but now is a good time to stay on stand all day long.
  19. Big buck have been doing this forever. Whenever you see a line of doe, if there's a buck in that line, he will be the last one in the line. Smaller bucks always walk in front of the big one. I've seen very large 8 point bucks followed by even bigger 10 point bucks. Older experienced bucks know this is the way to survive. If they were men, they would be vilified for sending women and children into the mine field ahead of them.
  20. This has been reported in various pro-gun venues for quite some time. NYC changed the long standing rules it imposes on handgun owners soon after they learned the SCOTUS would hear the case, indicating they KNEW the law was unconstitutional all along. I'm not sure what changes were made that make the law constitutional now and justifies the city's request to have SCOTUS not hear it. I hope the court still wants to hear the case so it can also rule on some of the other NYC rules that are not constitutional. It really aggravates me that these laws stay on the books for decades, with innocent people being ruined by them, before the SCOTUS finally steps in to stop it. Washington D.C.s unconstitutional handgun laws were being used to ruin gun owners for 30 years before the laws were finally ruled unconstitutional. Even then, D.C. didn't abide by the ruling and continued to harass gun owners for years with impunity. Elected officials who do that should be charged with felonies and jailed. If they violated any race based civil right like that, they would be. It also saddens me that many NY gun owners are not even aware of this development. We lose our rights when we don't keep up with government infringement, or tolerate government tyranny with illegal laws. NY gun laws are as bad as they are because too many NY gun owners tolerate these laws without any resistance. If a gun owner is not actively fighting these gun laws, they are part of the problem.
  21. What??? LOL! I like the in the ear plugs that use a string to keep them together. They don't hit the stock of the rifle like muffs do and have high DB reduction too
  22. That's an old round that was very popular at one time and is gaining a following again. It's a good round for a brush rifle. If you want it, get it. The .308 would be fine for your needs as well and ammo is much less expensive.
  23. Hunter007, I believe the .30-06 lever BLR has a longer action, longer receiver and weighs more than the same rifle chambered in a short action like .308. Since you want a brush gun to be light and fast, but are looking for long range power, the .308 version would be a better choice IMHO. No real loss of power compared to a .30-06, but lighter and shorter when the two rifles are stood side by side.
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