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Everything posted by mowin

  1. mowin

    AR's suck

    Wow. Seen the thread title and was like how the hell is AR platform responsible for a miss or bad shot compared to a bolt action in the same caliber. Lol. Was ready to bash the OP. Have to agree the AR he's taking about would suck.
  2. Even though there not mating now, they show and establish their pecking order throughout the year. Definitely a cool pic.
  3. 9 doe. Couldn't grow a horn on any of em.
  4. Shot many deer with a 243. But, I used to handload. Don't remember the exact recipe as I stopped handloading yrs ago. Never had a issue with deer going more than 60 yrds if hit correct. Shot many with a 22-250. But wouldn't recommend that either. A 7mm-08, however. Great for youths, and experienced hunters alike.
  5. Rain not starting in my area,4U, till late morning. Got a ground blind on the other side of the swamp for the afternoon sit.
  6. Western.??. I think I'm the only one from the East. But wherever your from, welcome and enjoy.
  7. Glad she's doing better. Continued prayers and vibes on the way.
  8. When I was 16 I had a full length leg cast. Didn't stop me from hunting. I was tape a garage bag around the cast. Mom wasn't pleased with me, but she sure wasn't stopping me.
  9. So someone who doesn't post about wounding a deer is not telling the whole truth? Maybe, just maybe, the person is sick over the fact of looking for hrs or days for a deer they didn't find. Why post about something your not proud off? I think that's part of the problem, there's way too many posts about the ones they didn't find. Some are proud they even hit the deer, and post how excited they are and hope they find it. I've lost deer, it happens. But I'm not about to go on a forum or SM to let people know. I'm sick when it happens (hasn't happened in 15 yrs, knock on wood) I usually don't hunt for a few days.
  10. I think it's more of " I might get lucky and hit it in a good spot" mentality. When they can't find it, then they call the dogs.
  11. I get excited when a yearling walks into view, but I've been hunting long enough that I know how to control my emotions that I'm not going to take a marginal shot on a big deer or a small one. The guys I was talking about are the essence of slob hunters. And they don't understand when someone asks why did you shoot. Their answer is " well you gotta shoot or someone else will get em. They don't care if it's a buck or a doe. I see these guys at a few gathering each yr, and just shake my head in disgust. They been like this for 20+ yrs, and there not going to change.
  12. I know a father and son that hunt. They wound several deer every bow season. There motto... Ya ain't gonna get em if ya don't stick em. Makes me sick. Tried talking sense to them, but they would seriously rather hit and wound a big buck and loose it then have someone else take it. I cringe each time I see them out and about as I know they will "brag" about how many they hit.
  13. mowin


    Well, I guess I was stupid for not reading the article. . Lol.
  14. mowin


    Are you saying I'm stupid because I made a sarcastic comment?
  15. I agree. But I would use that service if needed. But I'm also not going to take a marginal shot just because I can call someone with a dog.
  16. mowin


    I'd have to stop hunting. No way to top that.
  17. Mt loin, maybe, but thinking tom cat. Definitely not a Bob cat. They don't have a long tail.
  18. Took this pic on Dec 3rd few yrs back. If you look closely you can see the rows of spots along the spine.
  19. I've butchered 100's of deer over the past 30 yrs. All were in our group of hunters. No commercial butchering. I've let them hang "age" skin on, skin off, young, old buck and doe. I've also processed the same within a day or two as long as they cooled off. I've skinned them the same day and packeged the next. The ONLY factors I've found affected the tenderness and flavor of venison is the age of the deer, but more importantly, how quickly it was dispatched and how soon it was recovered and cooled.
  20. $80? Around my area their getting $120. I enjoy processing my deer. Find it relaxing. I bone everything out, and can have a deer skinned, cut, and packaged in 3 hrs including grinding.
  21. mowin

    Broken Antlers

    I say leave it the way you found it. True story. Shot nice 8pt few yr ago. He died slamming antler first into a oak tree. The sound of him hitting that tree will never leave me. His broke up antlers were at the base of the tree. Ended up being a 5 pt.
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