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Everything posted by mowin

  1. True, but the other options suggested won't pull stumps either. I'm thinking a SC MIGHT be the only one machine option for both jobs. But agree two different machines for two completely different duties is probably the way to go.
  2. I believe you're correct. Don't recall which thread though. Something about his wife took the pics close to home IIRC. Found it. Page 8 of potential world record from Kentucky thread.
  3. Your basically looking for a large frame garden tractor. I think a sub compact tractor might be more than what your looking for. What kind of budget?
  4. mowin


    I guess that's a good reason not to sign out.
  5. Kidde. They worked great, until they didn't..
  6. I'm actually ordering ones I can replace the batteries. I'm guessing they went wacko because the batteries were loosing strength??? Purchased them from HD. I'll check the last one and see if it has a date.
  7. At least mine went screwy while we were awake.
  8. I absolutely hate the "10 yr” combos. They don't come close to lasting 10 yrs. I'm lucky to get 1-2 yrs before they start going haywire. Bought a 4 pack Jan of 2019. Had one go off about a month ago. Beeping and saying fire. Nothing on the stove. Windows open no candles lit because the wife was a work. Put it outside and it continued to sound off for 20min. Week later another one went off for CO. Again, nothing that could produce CO was running. Did that for a few days before I tossed that one. Got home from work today and I can here beeping and FIRE, FIRE. Ran inside and nothing except 3 dog freaking out. I give the last one about a week before it short circuits.
  9. mowin


    I'm not seeing the old threads.. The adds, yep, unfortunately I'm seeing those.
  10. Took a walk yesterday around the swamps. Fortunately, I didn't see any dead deer. Hopefully I stays that way.
  11. This time of year there mostly boundary rubs and velvet cleaning rubs. Found a couple the other day. Definitely gets one excited.
  12. I'd contact the airline your flying with and get the info from them.
  13. My dad taught me to always keep both eyes open, so that's how I learned, and continue to shoot.
  14. I'm with you there on some of my most memorable hunts were nothing special to most hunters, but to me they were trophies. I've never went out with the intent to kill a specific buck. But I can guarantee you that if two bucks came walking in at the same time and one was noticably larger, both of us would shoot the same deer. The larger one..
  15. I didn't say anything about getting your name in the book... Can you just admit that you would be more than happy to take a big whitetail?
  16. Your correct, most would be happy with any buck. As I am. But I also go into the woods, as most hunters do, with the hope of getting that big buck. Same as you did last yr in the pine bush. You know there are monsters in there, and your hopeful to put your tag on one this season.
  17. I never said anything about being delusional. All I is FS is correct. Hunting IS driven by antlers for MOST people. I can assure you, I've never shot a P&Y or B&C deer. Do I hope to someday? Absolutely. If you can't admit that you would like to also, then your the delusional one.
  18. I've got a old(70's) commercial floor model chamber vac. What a awesome piece of equipment. However it's past it's prime, and parts for this German made unit are hard to find and outrageously expensive. I'm thinking about getting a new one, but at around $800-$1000, I'm hesitant to do so.
  19. However, he's correct. Do you see packaging with spike horns or does on them? No. It's all big racked bucks because that's what sells the product. Do you think these hunting shows would be so popular and lucrative if they only shot small deer and does? Of course not. So antlers do drive the hunting world. MOST of us go hunting to relax and enjoy nature and to experience the thrill of the hunt. We also get up at crazy hrs hoping to bag that big buck. It's a fact.. we do hope to take the big buck in our area, it's what drives us to keep doing this yr after yr. But the fat doe or spike is going to be this yrs trophy for a lot of hunters, and there's definitely nothing wrong with that either.
  20. Wish my area had a good population of bears. I'd shoot one every year if I could.
  21. I won't go back to plastic wrap and paper. On my 6th or 7th yr with a Cabela's brand. Countless deer, a few hogs, couple beef, and countless bulk stuff from the stores.
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