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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Swamp_bucks

  1. That close ide just drag it back. Gut it on the property i have permision to hunt.
  2. My single shot 20gauge with beaded sight, short barrel, short stock, lightweight and easy to draw on anything with from rabbit to deer.
  3. Well ill say i was rooting for the bills eventhough im not a fan. But that had to be one of the ugliest football games i ever saw between 2 playoff teams.
  4. Yea they are good dogs get a little dumb but great when we are outside the black one loves chasing birds dont hunt with them because they arent a fan of gun shots. But they are very gentle with my baby boy. Son had rsv when i took this picture and my male wouldnt leave his side.
  5. My great dane lab mixes from over the summer.
  6. Im in the same boat i let water drip and i have a good space heater where pipes come into the trailor in my built on laundry room and that seems to do the trick. My best thing i use is 2 little corner fans that hang on the ceiling to push heat down my hall way and my place stays perfect down to about 15degrees. The space heater helps keep it comfy below that.
  7. I feel you this was out my back window the day after muzzleloader last year.
  8. Black Velvet on the rocks or with some gingerale.
  9. Yea thats what we all said. The deer numbers here are getting worse every year. I wouldnt be opposed to them only giving doe tags out if your a land owner, disabled or a veteran. They have to do something.
  10. Feel you there 4 of us drove a bunch of pieces in 7m and 7p no tails, no tracks. Couldnt tell you what a deer looked like havent seen one since my opening day buck.
  11. I know ive seen the county and state just take them to one of the local dumps in the area.
  12. Have to go with the Mossberg 500 in 20 or 12 gauge with the beaded sights, good for any game and always reliable. Close 2nd would be a 22mag.
  13. Nothing this am was a great sit even without seeing a deer. Off to get the christmas tree then hoping my dad can still make it out for pm hunt. Good luck to everyone thats still out.
  14. Same here ide like to just see one while on stand.
  15. Oh yea i agree im sure there are alot more. Especially in all the woods in mcdonough and pharsalia they could live their entire life and never be seen. Only seem to hear about 1 maybe 2 a year being taken. I've heard of alot more sightings in the last couple years. Ive only seen 1 and that was 10 years ago, did cut some tracks in the snow a few years ago. Nice to know there are more and more in the area i think there one of the coolest animals.
  16. big news in my area a guy took a black bear in chenango county saw a picture not huge but its a bear. any body else that hunts in the county knows its not all that common. I know who shot it(actually know who shot the last 3 that i heard of being taken now that i think about it), im not close to him so i dont want to give out any info. Had a nice coat on it.
  17. Well its been a long 5 years and alot of hope and prayers but i will be taking my dad out sunday only for a couple hours do to his health. He doesnt have much energy but cant wait to just sit out there with him. Hoping a decent body size anything comes through hes got tags for both. Man has taught me alot hes only killed 2 deer his entire life(18years apart) and i was there for his last buck 10years ago. Hoping to be there for a couple more.
  18. Such a waste, happens to often found a button buck 2 years ago all they took was the back straps. An old native american woman told me once that shooting a piebald deer would bring bad luck to the one who took it. So if thats true that scumbag has got some real bad luck coming for taking it and leaving it.
  19. I wanted a crossbow, then dicks had a sale and i bought a barnet recruite recurve. Not the best one out there but for $130 my wife told me merry xmas. Found the catch though she already order a 100dollar purse earlier in the day for her xmas present.
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