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Ok so who is going to vote for Romney/Ryan in November?

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I have never voted in my life. And the reason mainly being is that i'm young so I only lived threw one presidential election. I don't feel that Obama has done much of anything he is claiming to have put so many new jobs in place but the unemployment rate is higher than ever.

But on the other hand, I firmly believe that my elders including people like my grandmother that has worked her hole life for what she has should be able to have health care and benefits that are needed to live!

I'm stuck and chances are I won't be voting again!!

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Well Noodle, the goal should not be to tax anyone more than they already are, the goal should be drastic cuts in excess spending and shrinking of the government. Thats the ONLY way to fix things. Will R&R do it? Cant be sure. Will Obama do it? That question has been answered in the last 4 years, hasnt it?

Who cares where he shot that deer, as long as he did it legally, theres no problem.

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After the last 4 years i would rather have anyone else than Obama. I am sorry that i voted for him 4 years ago. I got tired of the Bush sh*t that was being shoveled on us for 8 years with the many trillions of dollars of our money spent on a war that should never have happened. They all make promses we want to hear but when they get elected and push comes to shove we the people are the ones who always get shoved. The promises have always been empty on both sides of the podium.

At least with R&R, hunters and gun owners have a fighting chance against those who want to control us and our sport to the point where we may have to hunt with spears and blow guns again.

I also agree with WNY, who cares where the buck was shot as long as it was done legally in accordance with that state's hunting laws.

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That picture dosn,t tell you anything. He could have got that on a high fence hunt. As far as voting for Rod and him, HELL NO,I can not vote for someone who wants to leave the poor and middle class behind and to only push for the rich.

Who cares where he shot it as long as it was legal.

So you'd rather have a president who robs from those who busted their arse to make their money and give it to the lazy good for nothings with their hand out?

No thank you!

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Lets see, vote for someone who has never run a business in his life and has run this country into the ground. ( America was one of the biggest busineses around till now ) Or vote for Romney who has run successful bussineses all his life and has done what needed to be done to make a company work? Hmmmm I dont know? All I know is you better choose carefully the path for the next 4 yrs because this election will make or break America. You might want your pills cheap and your doctors cheaper but if it enslaves your children and your grandchildren is it really worth it. The poor have more benefits than we do and they just keep getting poorer maybe let them starve and see how fast they find a job.Medicare,foodstamps and the like should only be for the people who are truely in need. I find it funny how the libs call themselves progressives but they dont show much in progress, everything just keeps getting worse, Education , exploration, science, the economey. ect,ect the list could go on. Maybe they should relize that the money makers they hate so badely are the ones who fund progress but then they would be republicans and there would be no more democramps. :hi:

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No way will I vote Obama. He hasnt even opened up his can of whoop american ass yet. My biggest fear is he is holding out on his ture intentions in hope of re-election. With knowing he is done after the second term he will destroy what he has not already. As far as the rich and taxes, well I know Im not rich if you are referring to money lol. But I do know this, The rich employ, the more you tax them the less they have to spend on business and employees. The more the government takes from them theres less reason for them to grow a business and profits. Why reach the next tax brackets if the reward for the extra work and time is dismal. Every american has the opportunity to be rich, and the ones who are succesful at that should not be chastised for it. A flat tax percentage rate across the board is perfectly fine with me. The more you make the more you pay but the tax % is the same across the board. You want health care for the elderly? Kick the damn illegal immigrants out of the country, take away all the BS priveledges for being on welfare like free cell phones EBT cards they can buy beer with, put them on a short list where if fully capable to be employed they have to get off there ass and get a job. If they cant support them self when fully capable sure the hell dont encourage them to birth more kids to get more damn handouts. Take those funds and provide the health care for the elderly that cant afford it. Any Obama voters should take a look at our national debt prior to his election and now. Now tell me who has spent the amount of money he has in less than 1 term and not done anything to improve this country? So no he will never get my vote unless its a vote to kick his ass out of this country!

Edited by wdswtr
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No way will I vote Obama. He hasnt even opened up his can of whoop american ass yet. My biggest fear is he is holding out on his ture intentions in hope of re-election. With knowing he is done after the second term he will destroy what he has not already. As far as the rich and taxes, well I know Im not rich if you are referring to money lol. But I do know this, The rich employ, the more you tax them the less they have to spend on business and employees. The more the government takes from them theres less reason for them to grow a business and profits. Why reach the next tax brackets if the reward for the extra work and time is dismal. Every american has the opportunity to be rich, and the ones who are succesful at that should not be chastised for it. A flat tax percentage rate across the board is perfectly fine with me. The more you make the more you pay but the tax % is the same across the board. You want health care for the elderly? Kick the damn illegal immigrants out of the country, take away all the BS priveledges for being on welfare like free cell phones EBT cards they can buy beer with, put them on a short list where if fully capable to be employed they have to get off there ass and get a job. If they cant support them self when fully capable sure the hell dont encourage them to birth more kids to get more damn handouts. Take those funds and provide the health care for the elderly that cant afford it. Any Obama voters should take a look at our national debt prior to his election and now. Now tell me who has spent the amount of money he has in less than 1 term and not done anything to improve this country? So no he will never get my vote unless its a vote to kick his ass out of this country!


Sent from my DROID RAZR

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No way will I vote Obama. He hasnt even opened up his can of whoop american ass yet. My biggest fear is he is holding out on his ture intentions in hope of re-election. With knowing he is done after the second term he will destroy what he has not already. As far as the rich and taxes, well I know Im not rich if you are referring to money lol. But I do know this, The rich employ, the more you tax them the less they have to spend on business and employees. The more the government takes from them theres less reason for them to grow a business and profits. Why reach the next tax brackets if the reward for the extra work and time is dismal. Every american has the opportunity to be rich, and the ones who are succesful at that should not be chastised for it. A flat tax percentage rate across the board is perfectly fine with me. The more you make the more you pay but the tax % is the same across the board. You want health care for the elderly? Kick the damn illegal immigrants out of the country, take away all the BS priveledges for being on welfare like free cell phones EBT cards they can buy beer with, put them on a short list where if fully capable to be employed they have to get off there ass and get a job. If they cant support them self when fully capable sure the hell dont encourage them to birth more kids to get more damn handouts. Take those funds and provide the health care for the elderly that cant afford it. Any Obama voters should take a look at our national debt prior to his election and now. Now tell me who has spent the amount of money he has in less than 1 term and not done anything to improve this country? So no he will never get my vote unless its a vote to kick his ass out of this country!

I agree . Obama is making the country into a 3rd world socialist nation . I don't care for Romney but a vote for him is a vote against the Muslim President !

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Keep voting for the lesser of 2 evils and this nation will never stop its downward spiral until it crashes hard.

I could never vote for Romney because he is a 2 faced jackass that will change his opinion on something 3 times in one week or depending on what crowd he's addressing at the time.

Romney signed Massachusettes 2004 assault weapons ban into place, and also has a long history of trying to destroy the second ammendment.

And this running mate Ryan who wants to butcher social security and medicare, dont let it happen folks, anyone under the age of 55 out there watch out, your about to be robbed!!!!

the GOP's idea of medicare is when you get old and sick you pay with your house, and yea thats after you paid into their system for a lifetime.

Gotta hand it to the GOP, they can stand there and tell you that social security is broke with their hands up saying where did all the money go, oooppps, ohwell folks yer on yer own, thats how they are going to save us huh?

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