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send letters for crossbows in NY

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And if you would read the article he reworks the article and admits the crossbow has a slight advantage but again you have to read ... this artiicle was written in florida to i don't see why or how he was pushing for crossbow when in effect the author was against it.. took the time did some research and wrote his findings..

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Well the ohio dnr does keep track of bow and crossbow, do you know they have a mandatory , deer check and it is written down what was used, as for the statistics i am not a stadisticion, but i can read what is complied by agencys, i also have the ability to look up other opinions and state my own same as you do, i haven't seen you post any articles or sites that are agreement with your opinion. you refer to studie s but when i look them up i don't see what your trying to convey written there. Again to you as you said in an earlier post the bow hunters are dissappearing in ohio to crossbow hunters... how did u get that when as you just said ohio doesn't seperate the stamp?? your are you just saying..obiously you are getting your info from somewhere...i presented my opinion based on experiance and was even able to back it up.. Sorry but as i said its the hunter that makes the difference not the type of bow....

I don't understand your jibberish, but.....

I agree OH know who killed how many with which implement.

But they do not know how many are hunting with which implement, because they do not have separate permits...or any permits, for that matter.

OH assumes that the harvest ratio is the same for bowhunters and crossbow hunters, and estimates the number of hunters from the harvest data.  It night be right......but it is probably not right.

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Well the ohio dnr does keep track of bow and crossbow, do you know they have a mandatory , deer check and it is written down what was used, as for the statistics i am not a stadisticion, but i can read what is complied by agencys, i also have the ability to look up other opinions and state my own same as you do, i haven't seen you post any articles or sites that are agreement with your opinion. you refer to studie s but when i look them up i don't see what your trying to convey written there. Again to you as you said in an earlier post the bow hunters are dissappearing in ohio to crossbow hunters... how did u get that when as you just said ohio doesn't seperate the stamp?? your are you just saying..obiously you are getting your info from somewhere...i presented my opinion based on experiance and was even able to back it up.. Sorry but as i said its the hunter that makes the difference not the type of bow....

I don't understand your jibberish, but.....

I agree OH know who killed how many with which implement.

But they do not know how many are hunting with which implement, because they do not have separate permits...or any permits, for that matter.

OH assumes that the harvest ratio is the same for bowhunters and crossbow hunters, and estimates the number of hunters from the harvest data.  It night be right......but it is probably not right.

The Ohio DNR does not care what legal archery implement kills a deer. The end justifies the means.There is no need to differentiate among the legal archery weapons. A dead deer is all they record and all they care about.

If crossbow hunters kill more deer than traditional bowhunters and compound bow hunters so be it. It is archery hunting, choose your weapon.

Clearly, you have a problem with crossbow hunters, get over it! I hunt with a recurve (35 years) and have no problem with archers using compounds nor for that matter those archers who use crossbows.

A dead deer is a dead deer. Its all about controlling numbers and crossbows serve their management aims.

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Has anyone who is against these "weapons of mass destruction" actually shot a crossbow that is considered legal in ny? They have the same trajectorys as modern compounds although the new hoyt composite bow far surpasses the ones i've seen posted. I don't see the difference... its still up to the hunter the sucess rates are still below 20% for archers in nys and amazingly they are the same in ohio where these "wmd" are legal so it doesnt seem to give an advantage in any capacity .....

I've shot one.  It was no different than shooting my slug gun, minus the boom.  Nothing at all like shooting a bow.

As for the rest of your post....... ::D

Inaccurate (and I am being polite) on most every point,

Should not mix alcohol and shooting - obviously effects your judgement.

Or since the ballistics and killing potential are the same with a crossbow and a compound, you are saying a compound and your slug gun are similar as well.

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But crossbow pushers demand crossbows for everyone....even those who don't need it.  That is where the controversy begins, and where the dishonesty starts.

It goes both ways arrow, why is it that you or NYB should force your opinions on everyone and say who "needs" a crossbow and who doesnt? The dishonesty comes from your side of things constantly. For instance, who is saying crossbows and compounds are identical? Sure they are different, just not different enough to not be in the same season. That is what people are saying, but you try and twist it into something it isnt.

You are just about one of the most perfect examples of why I, and many other bowhunters, are against x guns. You are practically their poster boy.

You have no sense of honesty, or decency. You are poorly educated.

You do not have the ability to comprehend other's points of views without trying to bully, and or character assassinate them, to make your point seem credible.

You will probably have to use on online dictionary to even understand what I am saying to you now.

You see, if you don't want to debate x guns, and would rather personally attack people...it's on..you sound like a little turd that watches too much MMA, and thinks his typing fingers can put someone in an armbar..lol.

Sits in Trees..you are no better than your Siamese reject here.

CulvertCreek...good luck, and I hope you, and your dad can get out there. Nothing can replace moments like that.

i love it when anti hunters like you get all pouty like this :'(  it boils down to this, i'm a hunter who wants to have the choice to hunt with a particular weapon especially on my own damn land, a weapon thats been proven time and time again will have no ill effect on your deer herd or your bow season.

your an anti hunter because you wanna prevent me and other HUNTERS from hunting with or having the choice to one day maybe hunt with this weapon. so like it or not you are an anti HUNTER, go on with your pouting :'( :'( :'(

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Has anyone who is against these "weapons of mass destruction" actually shot a crossbow that is considered legal in ny? They have the same trajectorys as modern compounds although the new hoyt composite bow far surpasses the ones i've seen posted. I don't see the difference... its still up to the hunter the sucess rates are still below 20% for archers in nys and amazingly they are the same in ohio where these "wmd" are legal so it doesnt seem to give an advantage in any capacity .....

I've shot one.  It was no different than shooting my slug gun, minus the boom.  Nothing at all like shooting a bow.

As for the rest of your post....... ::D

Inaccurate (and I am being polite) on most every point,

funny how all you anti crossbow guys have all shot a crossbow, a weapon you have all this distain for, huh ??? ?? truth is you never shot a crossbow and i'm certain you've never shot a slug shotgun to be able to make that statement.
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Watched the reality show top shots last night. They had a crossbow challenge on there. There were two guys on there that had no prior experiance with a crossbow and within a matter of a few hours of practice were shooting or near missing apples at 45 yrds. With that said they were shooting at known ranges off of a rest which i imagine increased thier accuracy considerably. I wouldn't want to attempt a shot standing or sitting unsupported. The down side I could see to using a crossbow is they are very difficult to cock and would not want to try it out of my tree stand. Also they are very, very noisy. Up side is they are very fast and if you can keep them steady on the shot I don't see why a relative novice with minimal gun shooting skills couldn't shoot targets at 50 yrd in very short order.

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Watched the reality show top shots last night. They had a crossbow challenge on there. There were two guys on there that had no prior experiance with a crossbow and within a matter of a few hours of practice were shooting or near missing apples at 45 yrds. With that said they were shooting at known ranges off of a rest which i imagine increased thier accuracy considerably. I wouldn't want to attempt a shot standing or sitting unsupported. The down side I could see to using a crossbow is they are very difficult to cock and would not want to try it out of my tree stand. Also they are very, very noisy. Up side is they are very fast and if you can keep them steady on the shot I don't see why a relative novice with minimal gun shooting skills couldn't shoot targets at 50 yrd in very short order.

todays vert bows are getting very near the 400 fps mark. i can also have an abled body person shooting a vert bow and shooting and near missing apples at 45 yards in a few hours or so. shooting at a deer further than 20 yds is a hail Mary very much because of the noise.....but all you anti crossbow guy's who shoot crossbows already know that. and besides the furthest thing from reality is a TV reality show ;D
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todays vert bows are getting very near the 400 fps mark. 

Not even close, if we make n apples to apples comparison andu se a 420gn arrow like crossbows use.

You are being misleading by refencing IBO..and exaggerating that, even. 

i can also have an abled body person shooting a vert bow and shooting and near missing apples at 45 yards in a few hours or so. 




shooting at a deer further than 20 yds is a hail Mary very much because of the noise.


You are obviously one of those dishonest crossbow pushers I was talking about  earlier.  Shame on you.

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Dishonest is: It was no different than shooting my slug gun, minus the boom.

Again please - drinking and shooting do not mix.

Totally honest.  I shouldered it the same.  I aimed it the same.  I flipped off the safety the same.  I took a deep breath and let out half, like I do when I am shooting guns, and squeezed the trigger just like I did on my old smoothbore.  Ithit the bullseye at 40 yards just as surely as I would expect with my shotgun.

No difference but the boom.

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Dishonest is: It was no different than shooting my slug gun, minus the boom.

Again please - drinking and shooting do not mix.

Totally  honest.  I shouldered it the same.  I aimed it the same.  I flipped off  the safety the same.  I took a deep breath and let out half, like I do  when I am shooting guns, and squeezed the trigger just like I did on my  old smoothbore.  Ithit the bullseye at 40 yards just as surely as I  would expect with my shotgun.

No difference but the boom.

And lack of gunpowder, a bullet, a barrel, recoil, range, velocity, kinetic energy, quick second shot capability, etc. Yep, just like a slug gun  :;)

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I wonder if you guys would flip if they said you can have a separate crossbow season but its coming at the exspense of the first two weeks of gun season.

;D  Stand back I am trying to throw gas on a fire here.

I really dont' want to see any changes that could have a negataive effect on our hunters experiences......reducing their opportunity to get out there and enjoy it and harvest a deer. The loss of season for those who gun hunt would reduce their experience....possibility to take.

It really doesn't seem like a big problem to come up with a solution passify any reasonable hunter with this crossbow topic. I would love to see them move the bow season date to the October 1st....allow inclusion for all disabled with the crossbow. split the bow season in two and allow full inclusion for half of the now longer bow season....everybody reasonable gets tossed a bone....minus the purest...(try to stay awy from the term elite just for you Arrow...lol)

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Hey, now theres an idea! I could deal with that. Granted, full inclusion would be simpler, but like you said, everyone would get thrown a bone. You could even take that first half of bow season and make it longbow/recurve (primitive) only (except for disabled), then allow compounds and crossbows in for the second half.

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Dishonest is: It was no different than shooting my slug gun, minus the boom.

Again please - drinking and shooting do not mix.

Totally honest.  I shouldered it the same.  I aimed it the same.  I flipped off the safety the same.  I took a deep breath and let out half, like I do when I am shooting guns, and squeezed the trigger just like I did on my old smoothbore.  Ithit the bullseye at 40 yards just as surely as I would expect with my shotgun.

No difference but the boom.

At only 350 fps instead of 1500

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"It really doesn't seem like a big problem to come up with a solution passify any reasonable hunter with this crossbow topic"

I agree, it will require some changes but again those changes will be met with harsh words and fighting. Maybe DEC should treat it like a bandaid and just freakin do it, if it fails misserable, change again. Change is good, and if done right can last a long time before needed again.

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"It really doesn't seem like a big problem to come up with a solution passify any reasonable hunter with this crossbow topic"

I agree, it will require some changes but again those changes will be met with harsh words and fighting. Maybe DEC should treat it like a bandaid and just freakin do it, if it fails misserable, change again. Change is good, and if done right can last a long time before needed again.

A+---the world didn't fall apart when they opened up areas to rifle....allowed optics for ML...changed the definition of shotgun to allow rifled barrels....relaxed rifle caliber to allow smaller than .25 calliber...allowed sign over of Doe tags....went to a computerized licesne system.....welll that on I didn't like....I ust to look forward to seeing the stamp art and saved my old licenses...lol

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"It really doesn't seem like a big problem to come up with a solution passify any reasonable hunter with this crossbow topic"

I agree, it will require some changes but again those changes will be met with harsh words and fighting. Maybe DEC should treat it like a bandaid and just freakin do it, if it fails misserable, change again. Change is good, and if done right can last a long time before needed again.

A+---the world didn't fall apart when they opened up areas to rifle....allowed optics for ML...changed the definition of shotgun to allow rifled barrels....relaxed rifle caliber to allow smaller than .25 calliber...allowed sign over of Doe tags....went to a computerized licesne system.....welll that on I didn't like....I ust to look forward to seeing the stamp art and saved my old licenses...lol

The world wouldn't fall apasrt if we allowed baiting, hunting with dogs, poison pods, high fence, night hunting, or a variety of other things, either.

Should we enable all of that, too, since you are so interested in change?

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I think a reasonable solution can be reached by extending archery season to oct 1, and giving the xbow a 2 or 3 week full inclusion within the season, allowing disabled full access with a xbow for the whole season. The ohio hunters i work with hunt with both or prefer a vertical bow over a crossbow but they don't see a difference between them, I still don't see or understand how a xbow impeeds on a vertical bowhunters experiance,i dont think i would even know they are in the woods. I still think the underlying setiment against the xbow is i don't want more people in the woods when i am bowhunting.... As i have yet to hear or see documentation as to the contrary.

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