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Flu Shot?


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I have never got one, and seldom had the flu until LAST YEAR...

I contracted the flu last year and had to cancel a visit to my sister in Florida...Then I got it again this year and missed most of the final week of deer season..

NEXT YEAR, I will get the durn shot....Y'all remind me next year to do that...I CRS anymore...I think it's time for my nap...

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We never have and never will..... the stuff they put in them is CRAZY bad for you plus i think some of the ingredients are extracted from aborted babies... i know a lot of the sweeteners in soda are.... its CRAZY what they put in our food and medicine nowadays.... my mom is a very health minded person as well as being studying to try to get a healthcare (midwifery) license (LOTTA medical schooling!!!) so she knows her stuff.... also we have always been a very healthy family

Edited by josephmrtn
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I got it once many moons ago and only because it was being offered right at the office I was working at at the time. I've been meaning to get it ever since but I either forget or get lazy. Also because I haven't gotten the flu in years.

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I knew there was something funny about my diet pepsi !!!

I still believe that jello is made from horses hoove !!

But you're not wrong. Jello is made from horses hooves. At least partially. The main ingredient in jello is gellatin which is made from the collagen from the hide and bones of animals. Usually pig, cattle, and horses.

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We never have and never will..... the stuff they put in them is CRAZY bad for you plus i think some of the ingredients are extracted from aborted babies... i know a lot of the sweeteners in soda are.... its CRAZY what they put in our food and medicine nowadays.... my mom is a very health minded person as well as being studying to try to get a healthcare (midwifery) license (LOTTA medical schooling!!!) so she knows her stuff.... also we have always been a very healthy family

Just being bottled in China is enough of a warning for me. Not sure why we allow anything we ingest to come from an enemy nation that feeds it own people melamine and other poisons.

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Anybody got any links to support some of the doom and gloom claims here?

Had 2 bad cases of the flu in the early 90's - never want to be that sick again.

Got the shots the last 15 years or so with zero side effects - and have not had another case of the flu.

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