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Super Bowl


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soooo i know its a bit early but what are ya all planning to do Feb.3.2013 Super Bowl Sunday? i will prob get up late prepare some snacks run over to church for the service and then come home and watch whatever of it i can find streaming online.... how about you? looks like Beyonce is the halftime preformer this yr....

ALSO who are you betting on going to the super bowl? ive got several bets... mine are: Packers, Patriots, 49ers and Bronco's but i cant decide who i think will make it....

Edited by josephmrtn
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Since my Giants are tackling suntan lotion in the beaches of the Carribean right now, I'm going to have to root for Eli's brother and the Bronco's. Would make a great story to come back from a career threatening injury to win the Superbowl.

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I'll be watching the only football game I watch all year i guess...

Thing is my nephew had two neighbors who played in the NFL and got players passes ect. he would invite us down but it was of no interest to me. tailgate with the players families and so on.Some guys would go nuts for the chance, I'd guess .

As for the Giants, the coach's sister Laughton or something,lived on a lot my father in law sold them, and her husband (who is the coaches best friend) used to shoot on my range behind their house. He would tell me inside info stuff, and I had no clue who he was talking about....

Oh well enjoy the game, for me it means no more football messing up my tv shows !

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I can honestly say I have never watched a football game on tv. Just something odd about a bunch of guys in tight pants jumping on top of each other then getting up and slapping each other on the rear end. Yep something odd about it alright. LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

Used to be a big football fan, but years of rooting for the Bills ruined that!!

Not a big believer in "Divine Intervention", but this year's Super Bowl has that sense.

Opposing coaches that are actually brothers.

And a retiring superstar's (Ray Lewis) team that has been inspired by him.....?

Also, a little humility injected to what some often view as a God-like QB (Brady).

Can't wait for the commercials!!

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