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Ole Piers Morgan making us look bad....

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Lol .... Oh my .... the drama. Soldier of fortune magazines and armagedon???? These are all emotional terms that seem to once again related to the physical appearance of the modern semi-auto sporting rifle. I wonder what would have happened if the military had not adopted this "black" look for their weaponry. Would the antis then be looking at our other semi auto hunting firearms for confiscation. I have to admit that the design of today's rifles do "look" rather menacing because they have modeled the appearance after military rifles. They do make an inviting target for those that are simply looking for something to confiscate. I keep wondering what the next target for confiscation will be after these "evil-looking" guns are banned. Perhaps I will make it through what's left of my lifetime before they work there way down to my bolt action and pump firearms ....lol.

Doc, I will put your name up for nomination to represent us gun owners instead of Jones or Nugent. I am confident that you will NOT make us look like a bunch of bafoons! I think you are exactly what our side needs. LOL Good luck, and let us know how it all works out!!

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Here is my concern in a nutshell.

Assuming their goal is true and they want to lower murder and crime.

They will have no choice but to go after a ban on other weapon types becasue the assault ban will not, has not, achieved the desired effects. THey are focusing on a type of weapon that is 'responsible' and tied to less that 3% of murders. (becasue all rifle types account for less than 3% of murders). So where is an 'acceptabel line to let them walk up to? If they want the lions share of guns that are used it is pistols.

But the mjority of the gun crimes and deaths are in cities over 250,000. Whay not a death penalty felony for gun posesson of any type in those cities. African Americans are committing the vast majority of the gun crimes so maybe they should be banned from owning them. What step is too far? Because this first step won't do what they are claiming and they know it.

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Doc, I will put your name up for nomination to represent us gun owners instead of Jones or Nugent. I am confident that you will NOT make us look like a bunch of bafoons! I think you are exactly what our side needs. LOL Good luck, and let us know how it all works out!!

You know, that is where I give these guys a lot of credit that I'll never be able to give myself. For all their flaws, they are putting themselves out there debating something that they feel is important. And along with an occasional bump in the road, they are doing a fair job of keeping their arguments on a factual basis. Well Nugent anyway. This other guy (Jones?) is a new one for me and I know absolutely nothing about him other than that severely edited patch-job of a video interview. We on the other hand kind of keep our debate to a rather ineffective, very low-key version of simply typing. I'll say one thing .... I don't believe either of us would win a second of a debate with Nugent. The man will take anyone to school when it comes to instant command of the facts and figures regarding any gun or hunting debate. He did it flawlessly to Morgan, and I have seen his debates with others where he basically made fools of his opposition. Could he tone down some of the language and abrasiveness? .... sure, but then that wouldn't really be him would it. No one ever said he was perfect. But he is out there trying in a very public way and holding his own. Who here on this forum can say as much?

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havent seen the thread in a while....you call me funny....NO truth is you bleeding heart Liberals who what the leeches of society to suck the country dry are getting what YOU VOTED for and this BS politics is what comes along with it. I was not saying that the world would be better under the Roman Empire, just making a point that when u hand out too much it slowly takes its toll until there is nothing left to give out...and of course in your liberal fashion you twist everything. Im not from NY so I could care less what your Laws are I just bow hunt there and I doubt that will change in Westchester due to the high deer population.


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Better ban shotguns to, They are nothing more than a claymore mine you can use at close range and a far better choice for mass murder than any AR / black rifle that costs 5x's a shotgun. Thousands of people are killed with handguns every yr to, I beg the libs to try and ban them. The last time they went down this road they lost power so by all means lets ban something. Funny thing is last time I owned an AK I bought it during the last ban from a pawn shop so ban away its not going to matter and it wont stop crap.

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Very true, the crime rate is lower. I would say this is due mostly to better economic opportunities for some that didn't have the same opportunities back then. Even with lower crime rates, I don't think society finds the idea that someone could easily obtain a rifle or pistol that can easily have a high capacity magazine attached to it acceptable. I sure know that when I started getting into hunting and shooting in the late 70's, such equipment was surely not so readily available. Today, it's almost like a game where people are arming themselves to the teeth with this stuff for some sort of armegedon. Guns used to be advertised as equipment to hunt or target shoot with. Today you look at a hunting or gun magazine and it looks like you are reading "Soldier of Fortune" magazine. Now that we have had people actually commiting crimes with this equipment, we have ALL become suspect thanks to those who wanted the gun industry to go down such a road.

But people have been comitting crimes with revolvers, shotguns and other rifles for far longer, and with a much higher frequency than the so called "assault weapons". Bottom line is that these guns differ from your average hunting rifle only in the cosmetic department. They operate in a very similar fashion, and are no more or less deadly when used in an unsafe manor.

Now, did you hear what Cuomo said yesterday? Do you understand that these anti gun loonies will not stop at the so called "assault weapons"? They want to tighten down the definition of such, which will make many hunting style rifles, as well as handguns and shotguns fall into the category and be banned. They want to limit how much ammo you can posses, and force you to submit to a NICS check to buy it. Are they stepping on your toes yet? If they arent, just give them some time, because they will be before you know it.

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To kill a bunch of people with a bomb or poison actually takes a bit more ingenuity than buying an AR15 with an extended magazine in many peoples opinion. Not everyone knows how to make a bomb or concoct and administer a poison, while getting a gun and ammo legally are as simple as driving to your nearest gun retailer. That's what we have been seeing of late, and that's why the anti's are all over this now. We as gun owners see guns in recreation or collection, etc. while the rest of society ONLY sees them in violent acts. I for one can see why they would feel the way they do. Trying to point out to them that guns are NOT part of the problem simply will not work anymore.

No sort of gun control would have stopped the McVieghs, Nicols, Sandy Hook, and the Columbines. It may not have even slowed them. McViegh, Nicols and even the Columbine boys made working bombs. The argument for gun control is weaker, not stronger, when addressing this type of determined criminal.

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No sort of gun control would have stopped the McVieghs, Nicols, Sandy Hook, and the Columbines. It may not have even slowed them. McViegh, Nicols and even the Columbine boys made working bombs. The argument for gun control is weaker, not stronger, when addressing this type of determined criminal.

I have never claimed that further gun control will be a sure fix. All I know is that the anti side is coming with a vengeance like never before right now. Even many who were pro-gun politicians are admitting that some things need to change. The momentum seems to be on their side, while our side still continues to sing the same worn out tune. In my opinion the tune just doesn't fly anymore with modern day thinking, so we shall see what happens.

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I wonder what would happen if instead of just discussing gun control we would all go down to albany and inform cuomo that he had better not pass any of these laws if he values his political standing, ect ect.... sorta make a show of force.... ya know.... how many gun owners are there in NY state? if we ALL would show up at the state capital and tell cuomo that its a very bad desision to pass these, WOULD HE CHANGE HIS MIND???? OR would the riot police get called and we would all be gunned down for the "safety" of the people? just wondering?

IM NOT SAYING ITS A GOOD IDEA!!!!! im just wondering what would happen and if it would be in our favor....

Edited by josephmrtn
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Posted Today, 11:10 AM

I wonder what would happen if instead of just discussing gun control we would all go down to albany and inform cuomo that he had better not pass any of these laws if he values his political standing, ect ect.... sorta make a show of force.... ya know.... how many gun owners are there in NY state? if we ALL would show up at the state capital and tell cuomo that its a very bad desision to pass these, WOULD HE CHANGE HIS MIND???? OR would the riot police get called and we would all be gunned down for the "safety" of the people? just wondering?

Edited by virgil
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I have never claimed that further gun control will be a sure fix. All I know is that the anti side is coming with a vengeance like never before right now. Even many who were pro-gun politicians are admitting that some things need to change. The momentum seems to be on their side, while our side still continues to sing the same worn out tune. In my opinion the tune just doesn't fly anymore with modern day thinking, so we shall see what happens.

I am moderate, not a right-winger, but modern day thinking isnt too swift either.

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