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Whats so hard about passing yearling bucks?


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do you want deer meat or a rack is the ?

older the deer is to me it dont taste as good ill shoot what i see i can always buy a nice rack if i dont see one

if i dont kill it and let it pass someone else will shoot it if you want qdm get your own privite land and pass on small deer i hunt for meat not trophys its just me if i wasnt aloud to shoot a 4 pt buck i guess i wouldnt but as today if its brown its down

Well said, obviously from a highly educated individual.  I'm just basing that on your extraordinary typing and spelling skills.  A++++!!!! 

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Typing and spelling skills are not requirements to have an opinion.


i can always buy a nice rack if i dont see one

Thats a good way of looking at things, it must be fun to shoot an animal in cage.

older the deer is to me it dont taste as good

They all taste the same to me, yummy. Except the slightly older, more mature deer have more meat.

if i dont kill it and let it pass someone else will shoot it

Ahh, thats the spirit!  Except with AR, that won't happen unless your illegally taking the deer.

today if its brown its down


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Well said, obviously from a highly educated individual.  I'm just basing that on your extraordinary typing and spelling skills.  A++++!!!!

We're not going to get into a critique of typing and spelling are we? ...... Lol. That's destined to piss-off just about all of us ...  ;D


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Ahh, thats the spirit!  Except with AR, that won't happen unless your illegally taking the deer.

The Hunter.......Since you want to criticize people for there spelling/grammar I will point out that it is obvious that you didn't get an A++++ in english either.  In your above statement, "your" should either be "you're" or "you are"........take your pick.

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It seems that NYers like to hide behind the legality of cheapening their hunting experience by any darn shortcut they can take...note this thread borders one on making baiting legal....&^% of our survey goers say pro Ar and the pics paint a drastic difference....so frickin sad.

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Thanks for the suggestion- but there is no displeasure here other than the company i am forced to keep due to ignorance of the other students. Post after post on why i need bait, a crossbow, this n that.... bet many guys though denying up front would shoot em tied to stake and claim to be a sportsman...its an experience and if you cant raise you should go elsewhere..such as the aforementioned golf game

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Well after reading some of this. The author thinks people are ignorant for following the laws. And then there is an english major. Do i support Ar's sure? Do i spell or use good grammar not really! But as a supporter of antler restrictions for my own personal goal in hunting. I definitely don't see how coming out and calling people ignorant because they don't see it my way,is gonna promote or justify it. Or help any cause for that matter. When or if the state sets antler restrictions across the state then it will be law. But for anyone who takes the deer they decide to take, it's their decision. I don't look down on anyone for what they want. Hunting is not for just particular people who have particular agendas. It's for everyone. By the way last year i made a mistake on  my own personal standards. It was the last day of rifle. I had two bucks get switched around a good 9 and a small 8. I pulled the trigger and that was it. When i got closer the 9 ran off and there lays the small 8. I passed on that deer on video and have trail cam pics of him around my stands,during archery. I was disappointed with myself. But if someone else had taken that deer. And they were happy,i would be happy for them. I love seeing people trying to promote their agendas in this way. And it amazes me how many of them have never had the satisfaction of even taking a buck,let alone a mature or big racked buck. I like venison and like hunting mature bucks. But I have taken my share of deer and at this point in my hunting life I try to be realistic. Take the best buck i can and have passed on several for several years. I hope I spelled and used proper grammar. My next book is comin out in january. ;)

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I find killing a small buck as easy as one tied up to a post... and not very sportsman like.  But some guys have got to get a buck every year to prove that they are "great" hunters or maybe its to fill up the box of spike & crotch horn antlers in the garage. Oops these remarks ought to get some feedback!

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I find killing a small buck as easy as one tied up to a post... and not very sportsman like.  But some guys have got to get a buck every year to prove that they are "great" hunters or maybe its to fill up the box of spike & crotch horn antlers in the garage. Oops these remarks ought to get some feedback!

Yeah it will get some feed back.  I would shoot young bucks.  I have never gotten a deer with my bow and I would be proud as hell to get any buck.  I don't find it easy at all.  What makes you think you're better than the rest of us?  Can't we just each hunt our own way and agree to disagree without throwing around insults and mocking each other. 

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point well taken .. i apologize for making it sound like I'm better than you. Not my intention. In fact I have been hunting 34 years and have taken just 19 bucks and numerous does.  12 of the 19 Bucks score between 110 and 155. The 7 smaller bucks I killed before 1994 when I was younger.  I have only killed 3 bucks with my bow EVER. All score over 100. Forgive me for thinking that killing small bucks is easy.. but,I have passed on more small bucks in one days than most hunters have see all season. And more in  a season than some hunters have in their lifetime. I hunt in central NY and the adirondacks. The fact that I haven't killed a lot of bucks has never diminished my pleasure for hunting one bit... cuz hunting big bucks is what does it for me. It has never been about killing for me.. and I love venison. I usually harvest 2 does a year with my muzzleloader (flintlock) one of which I donate to the venison donation drive to feed the hungry. Whatever does it for you is okay too... I'm just not into the fellas that hunt like its a competition to see who can kill the most bucks and I personally have never heard a good reason for killing a small buck.

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I'm 20 years old and I've been hunting for 4 years.  I love the whole experience, I don't get off to killing but I do work hard for any opportunity I get.  I don't get nearly enough time in the woods due to school and work so when I get a chance to go out and even see a buck I will take the opportunity to harvest him.  And you bet your ass I will grip his little spike antlers and smile just as wide as you with a 150 class.  It's rewarding to me just as a big mature deer is to you.  I respect your love of mature deer but a big rack for the wall just isn't that important to me.

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NY..I have to tak. Exception to one thing you said....the competition comment. I haven't heard one person that supports the ability to harvest a buck they want brag about how many they take. The big buck crowd, though, those comments seem to have an underlying tone of it being a competition for them...the whole rack scoring and "book" bucks to me is what ruins the sport. For me personally the act of hunting doesn't have to end in a harvest....that is just a bonus.

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NY..I have to tak. Exception to one thing you said....the competition comment. I haven't heard one person that supports the ability to harvest a buck they want brag about how many they take. The big buck crowd, though, those comments seem to have an underlying tone of it being a competition for them...the whole rack scoring and "book" bucks to me is what ruins the sport. For me personally the act of hunting doesn't have to end in a harvest....that is just a bonus.

I have noticed this too and not just from any particular person, but it seems that you hear a lot about how bucks "score" and they're "140 class" or "160 class" etc.  We get some nice big bucks in our tent camp in 5H (on State land no less) and we get some nice smaller bucks too and we work our butts off for all of them.  We've had a couple big 10s, a couple 9s, a bunch of nice 8s and I couldn't tell you what any of them scored and don't care either.  The memories of the hunt are worth more to me personally.

Then we talk to a couple guys we know who shoot some big ones too and they are always asking us what ours "scored".  We always just shrug and tell them "I don't know, they were pretty big by the time we got done with the drag though!"  My big 9 took me and Dad 3.5 hours of dragging just to get him to the tent!  No motor vehicles allowed in there!

On the other hand though I knew a guy in high school whose mission in life was to kill spikes.  He was convinced that "Once a spike, always a spike" and you had to kill them all to "get the runt genes out of the pool".  And then he would complain that there were never any bigger bucks around. 

I guess I am pretty much in the whatever (legal) works for you camp.  I like getting big bucks but when I do decide to shoot a smaller buck I don't feel like less of a hunter, because I put a lot of hard miles on my swampers to get him.

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There is a lot of that "hunting by the numbers" game going around these days. When you talk about competition in hunting, I always consider that competition to be between me and the deer, not between me and other hunters. So for me there is no need or value in keeping score. I'll be honest, I don't have a clue how to score a rack, and most likely I'll never have any need or desire to learn. I don't need a numbers system to evaluate my hunting abilities or to determine my goals and challenges. What the heck, it's not a hockey game ..... lol.


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Ever notice the DEC suggests on voluntarily passing on small bucks (or did on their webpage last year).....hmmm.... more food for thought....guess their opinion doesnt count either

Not a fan of shooting small bucks...but my larger aspect of contention is that guys say ARs/QDM? blah blah blah..and then hammer the first 1.5 yo dink that walks by after letting does pass. Speaking as someon that understands deer, and hunts them...that is not being a steward of the land or "sport". Hating hypocricy

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First off- please excuse my lousy spelling/typing

The hypocricy stems from a few aspects;

the majority of hunters (even on our survey here) state ARs are great idea- but then they blast button bucks

why should i listen to "your pro AR mentality"- but then denying the DEC "strongly supports voluntary ARs"

they "trophy is only a trophy in the takers eyes"..but then passing on does just to shot a small buck

scientific evidence says there is no need for ARs- but shooting little ones skews the population age/breeding structure

surely someone will go for the point by point rebuttle...but riddle me this; Why not wait for a mature buck?

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