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For you old guys...


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I like that! That old dog probably had that sign made in his likeness and it would probably be a hoot to have a conversation with him.

I'm not old, I'll be 30 in 4 months. I have a great deal of respect for the elderly folks of this era, they're also known as the greatest generation and a prouder bunch would be tough to find.

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My condolences to you and yours.Travel safely.

Just lost my Gramps last year and Gram the year before. I know it's not easy saying goodbye, but their memories live on through us.

I'm gettin ready to go give the coyotes some hell for a few hours.

Edited by PREDATE
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yeah she came pretty close to living a century..... lotta history died with her.... still have grandpa and grandma tho... lots of history in those two LOL from growing up in NYC to veitnam (where grandpa lost a lot of his hearing) to being a backwoods trapper in the mountains of arizona....

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yeah she came pretty close to living a century..... lotta history died with her.... still have grandpa and grandma tho... lots of history in those two LOL from growing up in NYC to veitnam (where grandpa lost a lot of his hearing) to being a backwoods trapper in the mountains of arizona....

Condolences to you & your family Joe.

Remember the good times.........

Travel safe.

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My condolences Joe. Have a safe trip.

Got back this afternoon... was BEAUTIFUL weather!!!! upper 60's!!! jeans and t shirt weather... had a lot of fun and got to meet some relatives i havnt met in YEARS... great uncle john (former sherriffs deputy) great uncle jerry (not sure what he does for work) and different others... might try and post a few pics.......

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