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Youth hunt


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Just wanted to wish all the youth hunters and their mentors luck for a successful hunt this weekend!


Post some pics/stories so us guys who can't take youth out tomorrow can get a little taste of what is to come in 10 days!


Have fun and stay safe!

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Sounds like wind will be a factor tomorrow. Decided to scrap my plans and not hunt on top of a hill, like I had planned, and stay at the bottom of the hill in the hardwoods, where I'm hoping they'll go to be protected from the wind. Because I'll be within 50-100 yards of where they've been roosting lately, I decided to go in today at lunchtime and set the blind up, so I don't have to make any noise doing it in the dark tomorrow morning. Crossing our fingers....

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o.O....that's a no-no...


I'm stuck working today, but I'll be driving up from the city at around 3AM with my boys to get some hunting in Sunday morning. Can't wait, this is the first year they are old enough.

Edited by Sogaard
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That's what I was thinking! Then I thought maybe it was in another state, but even PA youth season just opened today so....


All quiet in my neck of the woods. We sat in the blind on the wind protected side of a hill, where they roost alot, from 5:00-7:15am. Then walked around and and checked a couple other areas. Nothing..... Daughter got a good nap in this morning though! :biggrin:

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My neighbor called a few minutes ago to tell me that her 13 1/2 year old grand-daughter shot a turkey yesterday . She has 2 younger brothers and wanted to go turkey hunting before her brothers come of age so she would have her dad to herself .

Ain't too late to edit this one "fasteddie". (Grin)

Someday I'll tell you a story about a mix up I made once............(involving ducks, guns & kids)

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My nephew scored on a jake this morning. Called in a big ole longbeard with ten hens but he followed the hens. Two jakes came in and at 25 yards that was close enough.

Bird has a 4.5" beard with 1/2" spurs and weighed 17.2 lbs.

it was a real quiet morning till 10 am when I got a hen fired up. Thirty minutes later the toms came in.

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My son and I went out this morning and had a little action.  He could have taken a shot at Jake but if it was 10-12 pounds and he decided not to shoot it.  We also played with another bird in a different spot but did not get a look at him.  It was fun but very cold with rain, ice rain and snow.

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no luck, it was windy and snowed for the first couple of hours. Went for a long walk checked all the normal locations, nothing not even a fresh track in the snow. gave up around 11:00. needed to get warm and have a hot meal. Today would have been the day to go out, but Sunday was out of the question. Sorry no pics.

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My daughter connected on a jake this morning! Her first! She missed one last year, so this one built up her confidence and gave her some redemption!! Possibly the most exciting/suspenseful turkey hunt I've ever had and her getting it was the icing on the cake! Talk about highs and lows and we both learned a few lessons!  

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no luck, it was windy and snowed for the first couple of hours. Went for a long walk checked all the normal locations, nothing not even a fresh track in the snow. gave up around 11:00. needed to get warm and have a hot meal. Today would have been the day to go out, but Sunday was out of the question. Sorry no pics.


You get an A+ for effort.  Had to be awful tough to hear with that wind I'd guess......

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