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Lost Another Hunter/Friend


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Lost a good friend and one of the 4 original people in the NFA club.  Christopher James Flathmann passed away on 6/29/13 of a supposed self inflicted gun shot.  Chris was a stable NFA member for years and his story telling was epic.  He was present at my first buck kill and helped with the drag.  We will miss you dearly brother. 


This years NFA ADK Trip will be dedicated to his memory. 

Although Chris had issues none of his friends could see this coming and are all shocked at the outcome.  His drinking was epic yet he stopped a couple of years ago due to health issues yet after he started prescription medication he seemed to change, IMO.  Just trying to make sense when that some times seems impossible...

ARG!!!  WHY!

Life is so precious.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all the support it is greatly appreciated!  Always rough when we loose a friend or loved one.  Especially under suspicious circumstances.  Just lost a uncle yesterday, arg they say they come in 3's, tough month so far.  Treading lightly... Benefit Sunday to help with funeral cost, even harder when it happens on a holiday week and it is extended over 3 weeks. 


This is a copy of the the speech I gave at the service.  Posting this to possibly help others with their speech in times of sorrow and for some extra disclosure for me personally.


Chistopher James Flathmann


Psalm 23:4

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and staff comfort me. 


I wasn't sure why I choose this, yet his epic journey through life was supported by walking stick and later on in life by cane in the valleys and peaks of his life. 


I ask you not to forget the struggles Chris had but to speak of the victories he won!  As we all struggle with the passing of Chris, I pray some will find solace in these words. 


Protector, Brother, Friend and Son


Passion for LIFE! 


Chris could see things in a way many of us can't.  His political views where some times considered out in left field yet those who knew him well understood his point. While I would say "Do not do this on the internet.", he would do just such things I would never dare.  He had no fear of the Government and many times challenged their political views with a passion unmatched by anyone.


Chris was a defender of what is right and righteous.  Protector to his family and friends.  He was a defender of the constitution and civil rights.


His story telling was epic.  He could turn a 165 lb deer into a 200 lb deer.  He could turn a 200 lb deer into a 500 lb deer!


All though Chris was not big on rallies and protests he was a defender of our country and the liberties he loved.  He went against the status quo and was not afraid to show his passion on the internet through facebook and the many other outlets the internet provides. 


As a young man Chris was passionate about many things.  As he progressed in age his body failed him yet even though with great struggle he still made it to the top of the highest peak Mt.Marcy.  That was pure determination, that was Chris!


While none of us can ever expect to know the fight Chris had to endure through his life, to say he was a champion would be a understatement.  He fought through back pain, suffering, seizures and a list of other health issues. 


His love for life, passion for the great and story telling of epic proportions was the man I know and will remember and is what I ask you all to remember as we celebrate his life, love and passion.  Yes this is the man I will remember.


Chris is the only person I know who had a pet raccoon...  One of the first times I meet him, he said yea go check out the raccoon, he is in the cage.  As I approached the beast it snarled at me with the ferocity of a lion!!!  Slamming up against the cage wall I was like WT?!?  That is a wild animal!!!  As he takes the beast out of the cage and places it on his shoulder, still snarling at me with 3 inch fangs and 5 inch claws!!!  That amazed me...


The many journeys I was with my good friends and Chris.  One common factor besides myself in these journeys was his and my best friend Shawn McGauly.  Many of these epic adventures were taken with walking stick...


Newcomb lake:  Where we befriended a DEC officer, shared the lean too with him for a day, awesome trip.

Indian pass:  Grueling hike where a photo of album type status was taken.

Mt.Marcy:  Just an amazing trip

Long lake and the many trips in deep woods, the cold river and the many excursion we had were priceless.


Chris helped set up base camp in remote sections of the deep Adirondacks enduring 70mph winds with deep snow and falling trees.  The Rangers cut a path into our camp and informed us we were trapped for 3 days, glade we had food for 7!!!  Chris loved that fact that we were trapped!!! Amazing hunts in remote woods!


Hiker, adventurer, protector and defender , NFA deep woods hunter, animal lover,  Best friend and one I(and many others) called brother, and son.


Yes this is the Chris Flathmann I know, the legend I will exalt, remember and will celebrate with every camp fire for his light will shine on through us all.



RIP brother


God bless the Flathman  Family


Jeff Calderone



Thanks for all the support, it's greatly appreciated and helps with the healing.





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