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So what about Zimmerman?

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news reports have Zimmerman spending his first full day of freedom in seclusion wearing a bulletproof vest................this guy's in prison either way.



Yup...plus the justice Dept. is looking into charging him federally on "hate crimes" charges. The Justice Dept. that, by the way, is lead by Eric Holder.  One way or the other this WHITE............hispanic is going to get it in the a$$.

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Understood and sorry for the mix up....I hope you received the PM I sent as well...Thanks...


ps.......... never saw the "likes" until after I read the post...but thanks...because my misunderstanding gave me a reason to post how I felt about the situation as a whole...


I feel bad that one group of ppl can manipulate a incident in  such an insidious  way just to spread what ever hate they have in their own souls...It's also a sad statement in how us Americans view each other. 


You know in general ppl say it's a cultural thing....I don't by it...I grew up with the "original Archy Bunker" Yet all my best friends in school were African Americans....By the way they hated that....they said they are blks and Americans...Like I'm a white American ...My first room mate was my best girl friend...and we had no problems..but the parents did...but that was their problem not ours...One doesn't have to grow up buying into the views of their parents or "elders"....they can have enough back bone to judge ppl as individuals for good or bad...

Hhhhmmm just occurred to me racism is probably the sins of the father visited upon son  mentioned in the bible...yet that got reversed to each paying for their own sins and theirs alone....humans being as judgmental as we are.... should try to adhere to that philosophy





Yes I received the PM's. I think what threw you off was were I said  "you"  which was in reference to the idiot not you per say lol. 


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Some of you seem to ponder why all the media hype rapped around this whole stinking deal that went down.  Well the great masia Obama if you all recall held a press conference and made a comment that if he had a son he would be like Trayvon or some crap like that.  I also believe if not mistaken Trayvon's mom was a special guest at one of his speeches where he made reference again about Trayvon.  The media picked up where he left off.   The press on this all started with him. 

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Some of you seem to ponder why all the media hype rapped around this whole stinking deal that went down.  Well the great masia Obama if you all recall held a press conference and made a comment that if he had a son he would be like Trayvon or some crap like that.  I also believe if not mistaken Trayvon's mom was a special guest at one of his speeches where he made reference again about Trayvon.  The media picked up where he left off.   The press on this all started with him. 


So Obama is to blame for what's happening in LA.



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Right after the shooting occurred, Obama comes out and states that if he had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin thus implying the kids youth before all facts had been laid out.  Rather than doing the sensible thing as the president and urging the public to have faith in the very judicial system that he serves.  You know...something along the lines of "This is a tragic event and my heart goes out to the family of Trayvon Martin.  I am sure the Sanford Police Department are doing the best they can and in court, truth and justice will prevail."

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Well let me ask this, how many other riots have started on the other side of the country about crimes that never made it to the media?  How many people predicted the outcome if Zimmerman got off once the media ran with this story?  As a president dont you think some common sense would come to mind before he opened his big mouth?  I dont get his desire to expose such things that might have went un-noticed to the media and most all of america just like any criminal act in any city at any given time that never ever gets heard about locally let alone on a national level.  Why the desire to expose the supposed racial hate crimes as he has done?  Seems to me as president one would be trying to unite the people of this country not segregating and exposing "white on black" acts and the white on white, black on black, black on white, purple on orange, yellow on pink blah blah blah crimes is not presidential press worthy to this guy?  I cant honestly believe there was never one point he did not nor his advisers fathom the thought of rioting if the outcome was in Zimmermans favor.  The worst president ever just keeps making more and more obvious where his priorities are. 

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Obama is to blame for everything... He's a poor excuse for a president and a bad example for a leader of this country. I have never recalled so many negative actions and statements come from a presidents mouth and doings since he's been our so called president. He's fooled to many Americans and continues to do so on a day to basis.

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Obama worsen the situation by elevating Trayvon into sainthood even before most of the evidence has been revealed. I was telling everyone for months now that Zimmerman will be acquitted and riots will start and everyone knew as well. Why didn't the he do more than make a simple address to prevent rioting from occurring? Why didn't he stand strong against it. If I was him, I would issue something more along the lines of "rioting will not be tolerated!" instead of the "okay, now, lets be calm, ok?" that he did.

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