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So I Passed...


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My bow course... took it at jims archery shop in pulaski on saturday. passed with only one question wrong, so now im an official NY Bowhunter!!! yehaw!!! oh the one thing they stressed like crazy was RAZOR SHARP broadheads... that stuck with me... i think im gonna be doing some sharpening before the season even tho mine are brand new...

instructor told a story bout a deer he shot, thing looked up glanced around and went back to eating... he said it was bleeding like a stuck pig and he could see his arrow in the ground on the other side of the deer, anyhow long story short deer stands there eating for a little bit and then drops over dead... easiest blood trail ever lol

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Great job! A few hints you may or may not know.....

Always shoot bow with broadheads( many bows will not hit same spot...need to be tuned or resighted) well before hunting season, so you can fix any problems

When in a treestand or any other awkward position, bend at waist, do not drop or raise arm.

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One wrong is not bad at all. But what time did you think it was from?

i was not sure< i selected 1/2 hour before till sunset... really was stupid of me since most things are sunrise to sunset i just didnt think...


Congrats Joe. Can't wait to see the pics from the first deer. Good luck and the guys are right...practice practice practice

Me too!!! lol yup im practicing

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Congratulations on passing!


i was not sure< i selected 1/2 hour before till sunset... really was stupid of me since most things are sunrise to sunset i just didnt think...


Not really all that "stupid".  Some place and/or some game is like that.  For example, in Jersey legal hunting hours is 1/2 hour before sunrise to 1/2 hour after sunset.  I can see how that can be mistaken.

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