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The gang violance is getting out of control. We need to take all of the vets coming back from war and bring them into the inner cities and get some control of this situation. Provide mentorship programs and training for troubled youth to get them off the streets and doing something productive. Military leadership brought into inner city schools and neighborhoods would go a long way into bringing gang violence down.

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At some point, the law of diminishing returns comes into play. I believe we're past that point. Society today is evolving faster than the human ability to provide corrective action. Things happen so much faster now.


My focus is on doing the best I can in my small world and setting the stage for my kids to have the best leg up possible in a real crappy societal enviornment. The have vs. have not issue has been around forever (and that's often the root), but it's only going to be more disparaging as time goes on.



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There are surely many factors at play here: lack of fathers in the home...sense of hopelessness...violence "empowers"...violence in movies and on TV...and, according to one FBI report, youngsters involved in crime generally lack the ability to read. Now, as to solutions, I sit here scratching my head!!! But, a couple of thoughts: Deadbeat fathers should be punished, severely! We must create avenues for everyone to succeed in life without being in a gang or resorting to violence. Those who choose to hurt someone should be hurt back, only harder. Much movie/TV violence is unrealistic: People get shot...hit over the head with a blunt object, etc., yet return in the next scene. Never do we see the emotional trauma of violence to family/friends. Clean up this media violence...Make sure all our youngsters get a well-rounded education; perhaps devote less effort toward the "gifted & talented".

ARRRGGH!!!....This is a serious problem

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So much more sad after reading a little about the man in Spokane. WW II combat vet, wounded in the Battle for Okinawa, now a widower, retired after 30+ years in industry, waiting outside his favorite pool hall for a friend because he did'nt want her to walk home alone. sounds like a stand up guy, I can only hope those pukes get a small taste of thier own medicine.


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Early is right on, too much violence everywhere and there is poor to nonexistant parenting of these kids.  Problem is these "thugs" are having kids of their own and there is nothing being done to turn the tide.  Deadly cycle for them and their victims.  Not many of the greatest generation left and this is how he is treated, disgusting!

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The fall of civil society can be traced back to the rise of the Liberal Great Society.  In the 1960’s government replaced fathers as the family provider.  Inner city, poor and others saw that the government was the answer to their problems, the government would provide for them.  Yes the government fed them, housed them and educated (indoctrinated them) towards liberal group think.  But at the same time the father was removed from the picture…The man wasn’t needed anymore.  Today nearly 80% of black kids are born to single mothers.  Before the 1960's more black kids were born to married parents than white kids.


For those of you who vote democrat, look in the mirror to see who to blame.


Sorry to be so blunt.  But in elections between Republicans and Democrats.  Its choice between a Turd Sandwich and a Giant Douche.  But the democrat is always the worst choice.

Edited by mmkay
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The day the mom's went to work was the beginning of the end. When the mom stayed home the children got the proper upbringing. This was the start of the decline of the Family Unit.


This all started in the 50's. The 2 parent family began to fall apart. Mom and dad both worked, the kids went to daycare. The parents came home tired and less time was spent raising the children. The fathers would cheat now and then on the wife b/c she was too tired to take care of him sexually but the day the wives went to work it just got worse because now both sides cheated. 


Alcohol became more popular and then it was followed by pot and then other drugs followed. Addiction fuels crime and once you are busted for drugs and DUI's you become marked and never get a decent job again.


Then people thought marriage was no longer necessary, it's is just a piece of paper they say and living together became the normal. Marriage was no longer the sacred institution it once was and couples did not work at and just divorced.


Then a woman has a child with a man she lived with for a few months... they have a fight and tell each other to Frig Off and then the cycle continues. The woman has another boyfriend and he moves in or visa versa and another child is born. The women signs up for assistance and never gets off it again. Another man moves in the cycle continues.  Look at the Births in the paper... it's running about 60% to unwed parents or single mothers.


No father figures, No stability. TV becomes the parent. The TV is filled with violence. The child gets desensitized to this violence. There is no one tell him right from wrong.


The homosexuality is shoved down our throats in the news and in TV programs. They say they should be able to get married and have children like heterosexual couple do. They say won't grow up any different living in this new era family with daddy and daddy or mommy and mommy. Well we will see how this whole thing works out soon enough. 


blah blah blah and the beat goes on...

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The fall of civil society can be traced back to the rise of the Liberal Great Society.  In the 1960’s government replaced fathers as the family provider.  Inner city, poor and others saw that the government was the answer to their problems, the government would provide for them.  Yes the government fed them, housed them and educated (indoctrinated them) towards liberal group think.  But at the same time the father was removed from the picture…The man wasn’t needed anymore.  Today nearly 80% of black kids are born to single mothers.  Before the 1960's more black kids were born to married parents than white kids.


For those of you who vote democrat, look in the mirror to see who to blame.


Sorry to be so blunt.  But in elections between Republicans and Democrats.  Its choice between a Turd Sandwich and a Giant Douche.  But the democrat is always the worst choice.

Sorry but I can't vote for a Turd Sandwich or Giant Douche. The increase in violence is in direct correlation with the economy, just history once again repeating itself.

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Sorry but I can't vote for a Turd Sandwich or Giant Douche. The increase in violence is in direct correlation with the economy, just history once again repeating itself.

I know the two side Rep. Dem's suck,  Just Dem's are worst in my opinion.  Most of the white liberals I know are pure racists.  The think people of color are children that need  to be cuddled,,,that blacks can't take care of themselves.   The great society that LBJ put in place placed the chains back on blacks that Lincoln removed.  LBJ put them black on the government plantation!


The economy is a factor, but I think the break down of the family unit is larger cause of todays troubles.  A child needs to learn his limits and get corrected (the belt) from a dad every now and then. 

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If anyone thinks that the Republicans, or any other party for that matter ,will change the morality in this country, they are living in a dream world. It is, what it is..They can tweak a few things, but that's about it.


You cannot legislate morality, or conscience. You can cut some welfare, but you have to care(pay) for the children. You can legislate against some  abortions, but the better off will go overseas, as they used to, and the poor will still have babies. Cohabitation before marriage is here to stay, so the institution of marriage is on its way down.  The Thugs have no conscience., how do you legislate a conscience


The politicians are not the cause of this problem, they are the result of how people think. No party is going to stop this rolling snowball of violence and immorality, etc..



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The "belt" never taught a kid anything...other than the one wielding the belt was a hurtful bastard!!!

'The Belt' is figurative language for punishment and corrective parenting.  Setting rules, curfews, taking away games explaining what is expected...nothing more.  


My point is there is lack of family structure in this nation.  I believe the cause is the governments policies...others disagree and believe there are other reasons. 


I'm not advacating corporal punishment...sorry if there was confusion

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Bored black kids killing a white man jogging . Where is the media on this one ?



I think that the media  ignoring crimes like this is a huge part of the problem. If they honestly reported black on white crime as much as they do white on black crime then I think more and more people would demand something be done about all crime, and maybe more would be done about it.

A couple months ago, a white man was beaten to death by a group of black kids, in Syracuse.  The guy was just standing on the sidewalk outside of a store. Remember how that was plastered all over the national news for weeks??....No??......  Huh.

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The "belt" never taught a kid anything...other than the one wielding the belt was a hurtful bastard!!!


That's only true when that's all they ever see.  I got the "belt" a bunch of times.  Every single on was accompanied with a thorough explanation as to why I got the "belt".  I was also rewarded very well when I did anything positive.  It's a problem when the parent is never around and the only time they "show up" is to pull out the "belt".

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Excuse my rant but...


Society has started viewing teenage pregnancies as more and more "acceptable" and less horrific.  I was stuck in traffic the other day and saw a toddler climbing on top of a newspaper booth.  The young mother was sitting off to the side talking on her cellphone and not paying any kind of attention to this toddler.  She had other priorities it seems.


I can't speak for others so I can only speak for myself.  My wife and I had long discussions on when we would have a baby and when we would be ready.  We didn't start trying till we felt we had everything in place to be prepared parents.  It's irritating to put in so much thought, consideration, planning, preparation, and sacrifice to make sure we can raise a child right and then watch others pop out children like if it's nothing.  Top it off, in a way, I'm paying for both kids to boot and eventually I'll probably have to teach my child to defend himself against the other child.

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I know the two side Rep. Dem's suck,  Just Dem's are worst in my opinion.  Most of the white liberals I know are pure racists.  The think people of color are children that need  to be cuddled,,,that blacks can't take care of themselves.   The great society that LBJ put in place placed the chains back on blacks that Lincoln removed.  LBJ put them black on the government plantation!


The economy is a factor, but I think the break down of the family unit is larger cause of todays troubles.  A child needs to learn his limits and get corrected (the belt) from a dad every now and then. 

To think that people still have this hope for the Republican party is sad. Back in the 90s we had a none party true Independent by the name of Ross Perot who garnered 30% of the vote and that was very scary for the rich and powerful who really control this country and the political system. They quickly made adjustments and with the resources of media and much of the country's money have now cunningly corralled the nations vote for the ole choice A or B to a stunning 95%. It amazes me that that the power of these people have gotten this country to a point where almost the whole country votes either Democrat or Republican and almost right down the freakin middle "WOW" ingenious you really got to hand it to them the control is mind boggling, all while most of us still sit around thinking we bask in freedom and liberty, pretty good huh?

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