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Way to go, Thanks Deer Search


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My son hunted my stand on Sunday morning and shot at a nice 8 pointer at 7:30.   He took a 43 yard shot, knew he hit it, and it took off up the hill and to really thick stuff.  He waited an hour and headed over but found no blood.  He followed where the deer headed, found the arrow, covered in a clear liquid and some other stuff on it.  He put the arrow in the ground looked up the trail and still no blood.  He came home and looked up "Gut shot deer" and other material on the subject and they all said let it sit for 8 to 12 hours.  Instead, he called find deer search, who said they'd try to send somebody and he'd call back.  He came down around 2:00 and they found the original spot where he'd shot, hit the arrow on the trail, and the dog kept going up the hill.  Within minutes, the dog started pawing at some high grass area, and sure enough, the deer bedding back in there, and was dead.  No blood at all.  It turned out it was a great heart shot, but closed up right away, even where bedding down. 

Thanks to deer search, and an interesting thing he said is that he called them right away without disturbing the area.  Too many times, hunters go in, disrupt the whole area and make it hard to find a good scent trail.  Anyway, the buck may still be alive if I were in the stand instead cause I won't take a 40 yard shot.  I may have to practice a lot more at 40 and 50 yards to even think about it.  Hopefully, he left me a nicer deer, but it's still a long season to go.  We'll see!! post-1579-0-45370700-1382379611_thumb.jp

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Congratulations to the OP on a nice deer! And calling in the experts to help retrieve it.


Deer Search services are free.  While donations are not expected or mandatory, they are certainly appreciated.  Some of these guys will travel 100 miles or more to help find downed game.  Please remember their dedication when using their services.   Just training the dogs in itself is a huge undertaking plus all of the time the volunteers donate at all hours of the day and night. 

All donations are tax deductable.

Edited by SteveC
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If it were me, I'd have given him $60.  He was on his own with this, he had a hundred in his pocket and gave it to the guy who said he would pass the donation on.  A lot of guys and girls donate their time and efforts and it's not for the money, it's just for a good cause.  They're helping hunters in need and should really be commended on a great program and great people. 

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If it were me, I'd have given him $60.  He was on his own with this, he had a hundred in his pocket and gave it to the guy who said he would pass the donation on.  A lot of guys and girls donate their time and efforts and it's not for the money, it's just for a good cause.  They're helping hunters in need and should really be commended on a great program and great people. 


Absolutely.  They're never gonna get rich from it, only satisfaction.


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You have a intellegent son there doing what he did calling Deer Search Inc. as soon as he did,  Many wait too long and make it a lot harder on both the dog and handler. Out of curosity what  breed of dog was it.A lot of time and effort is put in training the dogs.When i was a member of the group and in training I went out with a dedicated whoman handler named Lee,She is the one I mentioned on Shelter Island, NY, spent 2 days but thet found the deer a really big 10 pointer.So if you call them Tips are appreciated.And Young fellow congrats on a nice deer.

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Thanks for the great comments and congrats to my son.  He's a far better hunter than I ever was.  And I believe the picture doesn't really do the dog justice, but if you get a closeup, I believe he was a black dachshund.  And the gentlemen that came down was great.  Sometimes you just have to get lucky.

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There a guy from Deer Search in upper Westchester whose dog is really good.  He helped me in the past.  I found this guy by going on the UnitedBloodTrackers.org website.  You can find the nearest tracker and his direct telephone number on this site.      

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