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Seems like everyone is getting out of NY


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Interesting map - thanks for the link!  But it didn't really surprise you that people were leaving NY did it?


It's a gorgeous state but "normal" people just can't take the way things are shaping up and changing and judging by voter turnout, sadly I don't see the trend reversing.

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bad thing is I think the bad ones are coming here

state trying to pass a couple bills  one making it a felony to even loan anyone a gun / Universal backround checks & at the same time to allow illegal immigrants in-state tuition rates as a resident gets

guess we all need to move somewhere

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As much as we would like to think that the outward migration is due to political concerns or the liberal influences on our rights and freedoms, I am suspecting it has more to do with financial opportunities leaving the state and people running after them. Yes a lot of this is due to taxation and regulations driving the conditions here to be less business friendly, but as far as the actual reasons for people bailing out, I'll bet it is more based on financial concerns than political.


Here in Rochester, when I look at the huge powerhouses of Xerox, Kodak and Bausch & Lomb in terms of what they used to be and then compare them to what they are today, the differences are dramatic and undeniable. The thousands of people that used to work at these places lost the plush high-paying jobs to downsizing and have been forced to settle for who-knows-what as far as income. And that is just one city. I'm sure that has been going on in every major industrial city in the state.

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  On 1/23/2014 at 11:54 AM, gonehntn said:

wonder how much of the decline has to do with retiring people leaving to go to warmer climes to retire?


There's certainly some of that, there always has been so that's nothing new.  And actually, if you look at the 10 year trend on the posted map, the number of people entering and leaving has steadily declined.... go figure. I'm going to do my best to add to the "leaving" column in a few years... only thing is; to where...  (rhetorical question)

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I wonder how many are actually leaving the country. This new "global economy" has got a whole bunch of jobs not even located in the US anymore, and not just low-tech, low paying jobs either. It was damned nice of us to ship our technology and training overseas to make this actually happen. I remember back in 1986 when my company asked me to go over to Taiwan to train the engineers over there how to design and build our products using our own procedures and technical knowledge. I refused. Of course the activity went on anyway even without me, and a whole bunch of other products went in the same direction. We did the same thing in England. We taught them how to do our jobs. That was great for the companies. They got lower paid employees, and skated out from under our oppressive and expensive regulations. But obviously it did not work out so good for employees. I wonder how many of our own citizens are now going over to these foreign countries, hat-in-hand, begging for some of these jobs that used to reside here state-side.

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The most driving force for me is the rapidly increasing costs to live in this once great state. My property taxes keep going up, $8,000/yr 4 years ago, $10,000/yr now, and my assessment went up again (I haven't done anything to increase my home value in that time except build a few treestands - maybe that's it). The Safe act is one more straw on the camels back.


Now yesterday I read that Andy is giving tax credits to renters, but none for homeowners. Another straw.


I won't be able to afford the projected taxes here when I retire so I can't retire here. That's how I feel.


I'm in research and explore mode. Thinking of Tennessee. 

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  On 1/23/2014 at 10:11 AM, sits in trees said:

NY has become a state for the very rich and the people who can make good money providing services to them. Manufacturing is quickly dying here and will do the same in the rest of America with the new trade agreement those idiots in Washington are pushing thru...


dying? sh!t's been dead.

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If I left NY now, regardless of the safe act, I would destroy part of my retirement plan. That is, if I put the property right back on the market. Im not going into details but planning to split to another state isn't as black and white as some might want it to be.

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I was flipping through the channels a few days ago and stopped on Hanity and fox news. Not a fan of these shows, but he was talking about leaving NY once his contracts expire... because after all Cuomo doesn't want him here.


He pointed out that there's been an exodus from NY, CT, NJ ect for years and places like the carolinas and texas are where people are going. His point was also that the exodus from NJ would hurt Christi's chance for election. He also pointed out that all but 1 state that was growing (Washington), were no income tax states and industry friendly. Not a coincidence... also the carolinas have in my opinion probably the most ideal weather in the country.

Edited by Belo
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Picking up and leaving is not as easy as some people make it out to be.  I talk to so many retirees here in NYC and almost all of them gives you the same response.  Their dream was to come to NYC, make the money, then retire to some place like Florida or something like that.  But along the way, they met someone, got married, had kids, then grandkids, and now they can't imagine leaving them behind and only getting to see their grandkids once or twice a year.

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