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Honest opinion on the safe act being repealed

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In everyone's opinion do we think the safe act will be repealed or is it hear to stay? I honestly hope it is but I don't really ever see laws being repealed I just see them passing more of them in every aspect of our daily lives. What are your thoughts?

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I think some of it will get tossed out, but alot of it will stay in place. I agree with the increased penalties, etc, just not the equipment bans, ammo background checks and the other parts that will never affect what a criminal can/will get ahold of, and infringe upon our rights.

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Whatever can be diluted, will be diluted in the ACT. I doubt it'll ever be repealed. The best we can hope for is a paper tiger Act. One that after considerable back-pedaling and correction, only includes the parts that increase penalties as noted above.


I do think getting the weapons definitions and ammo check costs (database) will be hard to overcome. I don't see New York giving up any revenue generating aspect.

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Banning guns for the sole reason that they have a pistol grip is just stupid. It does nothing to make anyone safer.  I am really hoping that part of the law gets repealed, especially now that they already have "NY Legal" stocks that look stupid, but have basically the same functionality.


I really wanted to get a DPMS Prairie Panther for coyote hunting.  I was planning my trip to Cabelas the day before they bullied the SAFE Act through.  :(

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Banning guns for the sole reason that they have a pistol grip is just stupid. It does nothing to make anyone safer.  I am really hoping that part of the law gets repealed, especially now that they already have "NY Legal" stocks that look stupid, but have basically the same functionality.


I really wanted to get a DPMS Prairie Panther for coyote hunting.  I was planning my trip to Cabelas the day before they bullied the SAFE Act through.   :(


Just build your own with the legal grip, or the updated mag catch, which makes it legal with the pistol grip anyway. Its cheaper and more fun to build one lol.


sorry, back on topic...

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repeal starts at home. i received a questionnaire from dave valesky yesterday on my opinions on all sorts of recent ad proposed legislation. i answered his questions and told him id be voting first and foremost for candidates that do not impose restrictions on my consitutional freedoms. I wouldnt vote for anyone if they supported the safe act. The only way to get albany to listen is to vote

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No, I do not.   If all of NY gun owners would join together to be heard and all vote against those who voted the law in, then we could turn things around quickly.  There are just too many who don't care, who don't think it will effect them and don't want to take the time to write a letter or even get out to vote.

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No, I do not.   If all of NY gun owners would join together to be heard and all vote against those who voted the law in, then we could turn things around quickly.  There are just too many who don't care, who don't think it will effect them and don't want to take the time to write a letter or even get out to vote.


I think you vastly overestimate the ratio between gun owners and non-gun owners. 

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I think you vastly overestimate the ratio between gun owners and non-gun owners. 

It is not necessary to be in the majority to influence an election. A large minority block of voters (like gun owners and other that sympathize with supporting the 2nd Amendment) can have an impact if the passions run high enough to get better turnout at the polls that the majority.


Also, minority interests can have greater impact when their voting choices happen to align with others who have different gripes with Cuomo (and there are many). I have not given up on turning the political make-up of this state yet. A lot of the future of gun control rides on this election. We need solidarity in our voting direction. Even well intentioned discouragement is something that we really don't need at this point in the election year. I am convinced that a well-motivated and passionate and large block of voters can pull off the upset. But we can't bury ourselves in hopelessness and self-pity and throw in the towel before the fight even begins.


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I think you vastly overestimate the ratio between gun owners and non-gun owners. 

I think you vastly underestimate the ratio of voters and non-voters... gun owners being a large portion of the voting population. Not to mention the number of non-gun owners that still believe in the protection of the 2nd Amendment and the Constitution. Wrong is wrong and most people still know it.

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I think you vastly underestimate the ratio of voters and non-voters... gun owners being a large portion of the voting population. Not to mention the number of non-gun owners that still believe in the protection of the 2nd Amendment and the Constitution. Wrong is wrong and most people still know it.


Couldn't be further from the truth.  I know all about how small of a percentage actually show up to the polls, especially on a non-presidential year.  The only way this issue is going to get more people to the polls is if the Republican candidate makes repealing the SAFE Act a major platform issue.  Making it a central point of your campaign is a double edged sword, because it also inspires and motivates the people who are against it.


Republicans would need a very heavy voter turnout north of the city, with NYC and LI to post their normal dismal numbers, to even have a chance to win.

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The SAFE Act has to go. It creates a Special Class of citizens by exempting Retired LEO and Correction Officers (how many CEO can carry at work, not very many of them) to own the guns that are banned to the average citizen. So much for all men created equal. How can 7 bullets be unconstitutional and 10 bullets is ?

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The SAFE Act has to go. It creates a Special Class of citizens by exempting Retired LEO and Correction Officers (how many CEO can carry at work, not very many of them) to own the guns that are banned to the average citizen. So much for all men created equal. How can 7 bullets be unconstitutional and 10 bullets is ?

haven't there always been exemptions for active and retired LEO's well before the Safe Act?..........why are some just waking up now?

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Its not hard to see why this might be tough to get rid of in New York ... just the number of "glass half empty" guys on here pretty much explains things. Many ready to give in before the fight even begins.

Yes, That was my point. We seem to be our own worst enemies. Rather than rallying the troops and helping them believe that we have a chance at an overthrow, so many are so willing to do the work of the antis as far as demoralizing the very forces that are needed to pull off a Cuomo overthrow. I am not sure what it is that makes people do that, but there seems to be some attraction to playing the defeatist card. All I know is that such attitudes work directly opposite for what we need to happen on election day. We do not need people trying to convince gun owners that they might as well stay home on election day because all is lost and defeat is a foregone conclusion. These are the people who become victims of the polls and surveys and then content themselves with saying, "I told you so". That's a pretty empty and worthless victory that accomplishes everything for the opposition and benefits no one in the pro-gun camp.

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ok my unpopular response. will the safe act be repealed yes.  Will it be this year no. I expect it to take about 2 to 3 election cycles to get it done.  As I have stated it will take much more than getting a republican governor to get it done.   We also need a senate and assembly to support it.  If we can replace Cuomo and a few of the seats in Albany this November, we have made headway.  As long as they replacements stay on track,.  In the next cycle, we can gain a few more until we have what we need.  Relying on the courts to turn this around is not going to be a good plan.  Replacing the bums who put it in place and standing behind those who vow to get it gone is where we will get the job done.  However if the majority of continue to sit on our hands and do nothing but hoping everyone else does the work, the work will not get done.  The problem with this scenario is people tend to lose interest fast and will not stay in this fight.  If you think this will all be over this November, you are very wrong.  This will take years to accomplish.  On the other hand remember only 3 percent of the population won the freedom for this country.  The majority became patriots when there was less to lose after.  

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The only way this issue is going to get more people to the polls is if the Republican candidate makes repealing the SAFE Act a major platform issue.  Making it a central point of your campaign is a double edged sword, because it also inspires and motivates the people who are against it.


Interesting that you should say that because the only Republican candidate in the race announced the need to repeal the safe act at the same time he announced his candidacy.


Now about who that brings out to the polls, I believe that gun owners have already displayed a rather wild passion against the Safe Act. Its a funny thing, but I haven't seen a single pro-Safe Act demonstration yet unless it was so small that it wasn't noticed. The fact is that even those that accept the safe act are not emotionally invested in it. Other than gun owners, I believe that the overwhelming majority of people probably think that the Safe Act has something to do with contraceptives, or Lockable iron containers for money and documents.

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ok my unpopular response. will the safe act be repealed yes.  Will it be this year no. I expect it to take about 2 to 3 election cycles to get it done.  As I have stated it will take much more than getting a republican governor to get it done.   We also need a senate and assembly to support it.  If we can replace Cuomo and a few of the seats in Albany this November, we have made headway.  As long as they replacements stay on track,.  In the next cycle, we can gain a few more until we have what we need.  Relying on the courts to turn this around is not going to be a good plan.  Replacing the bums who put it in place and standing behind those who vow to get it gone is where we will get the job done.  However if the majority of continue to sit on our hands and do nothing but hoping everyone else does the work, the work will not get done.  The problem with this scenario is people tend to lose interest fast and will not stay in this fight.  If you think this will all be over this November, you are very wrong.  This will take years to accomplish.  On the other hand remember only 3 percent of the population won the freedom for this country.  The majority became patriots when there was less to lose after.  

It is true that while Cuomo has been the focus of this discussion (he being the head of the snake), we must not forget that he had a large contingent of willing accomplices (lap-dogs) in the Senate and Assembly that need our attention this election also.

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This is Alice-in-Wonderland talk. In case you haven't noticed the entire nation has been on a socialist downward spiral for at least 40/50 years. It doesn't have too far left to travel and that's why things seem worse now but the thread is long and can be followed back quite some ways. If you think the answer is in the ballot box, I have some Montana beach front property I have been trying to shift.


The 'Tree of Liberty and the Blood of patriots',  etc etc.

And there is exactly a response that my previous message was aimed at. These are the words of a defeatist that chooses to do the work of the anti-gunners. My point was actually best made by this particular response.

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  On the other hand remember only 3 percent of the population won the freedom for this country. 



Where is that statistic from and what was the criteria involved to measure being an active participant in the winning of "freedom"?


Serious question, I have never heard of the number being that low.  Most higher level (post HS) history books I have read split the feeling of the country into 3 parts ( 40% Revolutionists / 30% Loyalists / 30% Apathetic).


Rough estimates, of course.  

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Not to jump ahead but I think it would be a wise idea that once the ballots are set to start a thread listing which of the cadidates are for the repeal of the safe act. This in turn to be used at the polls.



We have a document on board that tells you which legislators voted for the Safe Act and which ones voted against it. That is what is guiding my vote exclusively. Check this out:  http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/17272-lest-we-forget/

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