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Another Celeb Deer Hunter Busted

Five Seasons

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I used to pay extra for the outdoor and sportsman channel but since the price jumped a year or so ago I dropped it. I do like grant woods, he has a pretty good free web based show I watch.

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Having been in the circle for a short time and seeing how the industry operates... none of this is surprising... lots of these guys and gals push the envelope of ethics all the time... more than that though... they have turned trophy management ( or to some QDM) into a huge deer farming operations that helps increase the odds of killing a big buck for television... I could take many of these so called "super hunters" into the Adirondacks and drop them off with just a compass, and not only would they probably never kill a deer with all their Super deer knowledge, I bet there would have to be search parties sent out to find their lost butts... might be fun to see some of that footage on their shows though...lol


IDK... I think a lot of these guys started somewhere. They were all 14 and nobody at some point learning to hunt on daddy's farm. Now they might not all be ground stalking mountain men, but I'm not sure they're incapable of shooting a deer on an unguided hunt. I will agree that their new found styles are not realistic to what you and I do to get a deer.

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I agree with Belo.  I suspect most of these TV hunters started out as avid hunters and found a way to make a profession of it because they loved it in the first place.  Not saying they are better hunters than many on this forum, but I doubt they are Elmer Fudd's (no offense to our member Elmer) either.  That said, the pressure to put big bucks on the wall to justify their product/show/income pushes some over the ethics edge.  Happens in many professions unfortunately.  Obviously, most of these individuals are hunting on lands that are superior to the average land we hunt (be it managed or simply optimal location).  I would choose superior land too if my living depended on it.  I would hope I wouldn't fall prey to the dishonesty in which some have engaged.


With that said, anyone have a huge set of sheds that I can use for my mount next season.  lol

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Moog I agree as well about the pressure to push the limits and that it's not limited to just hunters. We see everyday the shop manager bend the EPA or OSHA rules to make a quota. We see wallstreet and banks constantly bending and breaking the rules to earn their bonus or keep their job. We see athletes cheat in sports, people lie on their resumes. It's sad really...

Edited by Belo
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Belo - think about how the whole subprime mortgage collapse occurred just a few years ago.  Much bigger and farther reaching impacts than a hunter lying about his deer.  The motivation for personal and optically corp success by the bankers motivated that debacle.


I know everyone is sensitive because we tend to compare success even in our hobby, but in the end, if a cheater is caught, good and good riddens and we move on.

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IDK... I think a lot of these guys started somewhere. They were all 14 and nobody at some point learning to hunt on daddy's farm. Now they might not all be ground stalking mountain men, but I'm not sure they're incapable of shooting a deer on an unguided hunt. I will agree that their new found styles are not realistic to what you and I do to get a deer.

Most of them would get lost in any real woods... and yes they started somewhere just like the rest of the guys that would get lost in the real woods. I'm sure they could kill "a" deer on an unguided hunt, but I'll bet it would be nothing like what you see them kill on their shows off the big deer farm ranches in south Texas.. just sayin'


Somebody like a Jim Shockey would be a bit different ... I doubt many hunters could keep up with him.

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For every single braggart out there looking for fame and glory for their accomplishments, there are a dozen people with huge bucks on their den walls. They will tell you a great story about that deer if you ask them, but they don't care about calling the newspaper about it. These are the hunters who impress me: with their quiet stories that not many hear.

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                              Any hunter who wants that trophy, shooter.wall hanger or has a so called hit list of bucks. Or even manages for trophy class bucks wants what this guy did, Something to brag about, I shot a big decoration look at me, the guy who impresses me is the one who shoots a big buck and doesn't care about the rack. If mounting or displaying a deer in any way were made illegal then every one with a bow would stop hunting. yea this guy is a looser but it is what hunting has come to in this day and age so not a suprise to hear this at all. Only suprise is that more of these guys haven't been found out and the number of people who believe there stories just because it is there dream.

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IDK... I think a lot of these guys started somewhere. They were all 14 and nobody at some point learning to hunt on daddy's farm. Now they might not all be ground stalking mountain men, but I'm not sure they're incapable of shooting a deer on an unguided hunt. I will agree that their new found styles are not realistic to what you and I do to get a deer.

I have to wonder how much is lost when you start consistently getting successful hunts completely laid out for you. Is it possible that they become dependent on those guides who do the scouting, tree-stand placement, and fenced ranches, and pen-raised, genetically enhanced quarry? Could it happen that they lose all abilities to go back and do some of that stuff for themselves? Even more likely, could it happen that they lose interest in doing all those things for themselves and perhaps even reach a point where they refuse to do that?

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Welcome to the future. This will play hand in hand with high dollar leases and any kind of good deer hunting being a rich mans sport. After watching where hunting has came and went over the last 50 years its easy to see the writing on the wall.

 Even on this site you hear of leases being spoke of and protected to the max. Hunting is all about money and bone in most all states that have any kind of deer herds. Ny will not have to worry to much about this problem although the better parts of our states are seeing some influx of leasing. If you can ever afford a chunk to hold on to, I would do just that!

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Any hunter who wants that trophy, shooter.wall hanger or has a so called hit list of bucks. Or even manages for trophy class bucks wants what this guy did, Something to brag about, I shot a big decoration look at me, the guy who impresses me is the one who shoots a big buck and doesn't care about the rack. If mounting or displaying a deer in any way were made illegal then every one with a bow would stop hunting. yea this guy is a looser but it is what hunting has come to in this day and age so not a suprise to hear this at all. Only suprise is that more of these guys haven't been found out and the number of people who believe there stories just because it is there dream.

I would never stop bow hunting even if they started protecting all bucks. I like hunting and harvesting whitetails, not antlers.

I'm very proud of my 8 point this year, not because of his rack...because he was a mature buck taken inside 10 yds with a bow.

As for the other 7 deer I harvested in 2013...no racks at all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by Meat Manager
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                              Any hunter who wants that trophy, shooter.wall hanger or has a so called hit list of bucks. Or even manages for trophy class bucks wants what this guy did, Something to brag about, I shot a big decoration look at me, the guy who impresses me is the one who shoots a big buck and doesn't care about the rack. If mounting or displaying a deer in any way were made illegal then every one with a bow would stop hunting. yea this guy is a looser but it is what hunting has come to in this day and age so not a suprise to hear this at all. Only suprise is that more of these guys haven't been found out and the number of people who believe there stories just because it is there dream.


Man you like to take unwarranted shots at bow hunters Stubby.  You realize that when you make such generalized characterizations, you lose credibility.  Just an observation.

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I stopped watching hunting shows in the early 90's , after they stopped being instructional (whitetail visions, quest hunting videos if you can find them are full of good tips) a few started that way early drury videos, primos,fitzgeralds,pererson vids as well. now its watch me shoot this big buck.. i'n my opinion is it the cause of the antler craze and removal from family and hunting values that were the traditional backbone of hunting. the animal was always secondary. now emphasis is placed on size of the rack and if you can kill a big buck every year.....

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                              Any hunter who wants that trophy, shooter.wall hanger or has a so called hit list of bucks. Or even manages for trophy class bucks wants what this guy did, Something to brag about, I shot a big decoration look at me, the guy who impresses me is the one who shoots a big buck and doesn't care about the rack. If mounting or displaying a deer in any way were made illegal then every one with a bow would stop hunting. yea this guy is a looser but it is what hunting has come to in this day and age so not a suprise to hear this at all. Only suprise is that more of these guys haven't been found out and the number of people who believe there stories just because it is there dream.


I have a few trailcamera's, I am selective in what I shoot, and I would like a nice wall hanger some day. 

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I like to bowhunt.  I like to rifle hunt.  I don't spend $ on scent killers and other garbage.  I don't care about record mounts.  I don't watch hunting shows on TV.  Not sure what Stubby has against bowhunters.  Such a strange comment that bowhunters would stop bowhunting if they couldn't mount their buck. I like archery,  I always have.

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                                    PWG bow hunters are all about the decoration and put down any one that shoots deer for the meat.Any time you talk to them or read there posts they complain there are not any big bucks and say gun hunters are just brown and down shooters. They think they are the only ones who should be aloud to hunt deer. When I say this I mean most not all, 90% of them think this way.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Moog, Who is it that lobbies against all other forms of hunting that is not with what they feel classes as a bow?BOW HUNTERS. Who is it that says it takes special skills to do what they do and that they are the best? BOW HUNTERS who is it that puts down gun hunters saying they are trigger happy, redneck,brown is down killers, need no skill, shoot all the bucks so there are no big racks?Oh BOW HUNTERS again. they can say what they want about others but god  forbid someone say something against them.  This thred was started with a post about someone who lied about what he shot with a bow just to get in the spotlight and yell look at me i am the best.Typical of 90% of bow hunters out there today.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I use to bow hunt so I am not against hunting with bows. I stopped bow hunting years ago when more and more people started.I never needed special skills to kill deer and never needed to brag about what i got. As more people started useing bows they started thinking they were special and were better then those who used only guns and the crying that there weren't any huge trophy bucks started.Just listen to bow hunters or read there posts and you see what i mean. If you need a big rack so you can use it as a decoration and brag about how good you are then you are not a hunter or even know what hunting is realy about.  

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                                    PWG bow hunters are all about the decoration and put down any one that shoots deer for the meat.Any time you talk to them or read there posts they complain there are not any big bucks and say gun hunters are just brown and down shooters. They think they are the only ones who should be aloud to hunt deer. When I say this I mean most not all, 90% of them think this way.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Moog, Who is it that lobbies against all other forms of hunting that is not with what they feel classes as a bow?BOW HUNTERS. Who is it that says it takes special skills to do what they do and that they are the best? BOW HUNTERS who is it that puts down gun hunters saying they are trigger happy, redneck,brown is down killers, need no skill, shoot all the bucks so there are no big racks?Oh BOW HUNTERS again. they can say what they want about others but god  forbid someone say something against them.  This thred was started with a post about someone who lied about what he shot with a bow just to get in the spotlight and yell look at me i am the best.Typical of 90% of bow hunters out there today.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I use to bow hunt so I am not against hunting with bows. I stopped bow hunting years ago when more and more people started.I never needed special skills to kill deer and never needed to brag about what i got. As more people started useing bows they started thinking they were special and were better then those who used only guns and the crying that there weren't any huge trophy bucks started.Just listen to bow hunters or read there posts and you see what i mean. If you need a big rack so you can use it as a decoration and brag about how good you are then you are not a hunter or even know what hunting is realy about.  


You are really digging yourself into a hole here. 

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