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NewYork Bill Banning Out Of State Ammo Sales


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2 hours ago, landtracdeerhunter said:

 And transporting across state lines in 2024. Starting to see this show up on a few outlets. Anyone else seeing this or have information?

I talked to a buddy today who is a lawyer for Assemblyman Barclay. He said what he is seeing in this bill is the state going after “sellers” not “buyers”. Similar to what they did with online sellers. Nothing about buying and bringing ammo across state lines. 

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I wonder if it will work out like drugs or the law against bringing illegal guns into NY, unless all the states agree join in, the manpower and time would require makes it almost impossible to stop.

Like drug runners and drug dealers it will create a big underground money industry running ammo adding more crimes to the mess we already have.


Edited by airedale
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Went to a shop last week in  PA,Bought a few long guns had to pass the states nics check which is similar to the check that is done here.They were trying to use some of the NYS restictions on the purchases,passed 2 guns that they shouldnt have,and declined on another that was totally legal in NY.Bought approx. $500 in ammo,took it up to cashier didnt ask for any kind of identification.Just like the old days,I dont see any possibe way that the politicans in this state are going to force businesses in other states to adhere to the unconstitutional laws.

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16 hours ago, boo711 said:

I talked to a buddy today who is a lawyer for Assemblyman Barclay. He said what he is seeing in this bill is the state going after “sellers” not “buyers”. Similar to what they did with online sellers. Nothing about buying and bringing ammo across state lines. 

Take  the blinders off 

Politicians are good at twisting wording and making it all seem rosey red. The Safe Act is meant to do one thing, put the firearms sellers out of business in New York. The politicians know it and won't let up until the agenda is complete. 

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On 1/5/2024 at 2:03 PM, landtracdeerhunter said:

 And transporting across state lines in 2024. Starting to see this show up on a few outlets. Anyone else seeing this or have information?

Nope haven’t seen a thing 

However I wouldn’t doubt it ..assume it would be hard to enforce ..

People better start waking up 

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22 hours ago, boo711 said:

I talked to a buddy today who is a lawyer for Assemblyman Barclay. He said what he is seeing in this bill is the state going after “sellers” not “buyers”. Similar to what they did with online sellers. Nothing about buying and bringing ammo across state lines. 

I'm thinking that there is no way that NYS can tell a business in another state that it can can be held legally liable for sales of ammo to NYS residents. They could make it illegal for NYS residents to bring ammo into NYS from out-of-state. But we cannot set up laws that effect legal situations with businesses in another state.....can we? Has anyone ever heard of such an arrangement?

What they can do is to make it illegal for NYS residents to bring ammo purchases from other states into NYS. That would be a legal restriction of NYS placed on a NYS resident rather than a law written to effect a business in completely different state. Is that perhaps the way the bill is really written? Do you all see the distinction I am trying to make. I do not think that a state can write laws that affect the people or businesses of other states. If you want to do something like that it has to be a federal law.

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But another state can pass laws that determine what out of state ammo buyers have to do.  NJ will make you show your NY pistol permit to buy a box of .22LR or any round they feel can be fired in a pistol.  They also make you do a NICS check for ammo because you are from NY. These blue communist states stick together.

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On 1/7/2024 at 12:45 AM, Grouse said:

But another state can pass laws that determine what out of state ammo buyers have to do.  NJ will make you show your NY pistol permit to buy a box of .22LR or any round they feel can be fired in a pistol.  They also make you do a NICS check for ammo because you are from NY. These blue communist states stick together.

But these are voluntary restrictions placed on businesses that are in states cooperating with NYS wishes. The bill being discussed here is a NYS law that would penalize out-of-state business operators with or without cooperative assistance from their home state. I don't think it really works that way.....legally.

I'm still thinking that the law is either in error, or it is written to apply to those bringing ammo into NYS, not the out-of-state businesses that sell to NYS residents. Perhaps they will work out arrangements with cooperating states, but I doubt that they can write laws that penalize residents of outside states.

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The problem is, many unconstitutional laws are written and enforced for years before they are struck down as unconstitutional.  Remember, the decision in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen, overturning a New York gun safety law, was law and enforced to the detriment of many for 111 years.

And the very next week after that law was overturned, NY wrote even more unconstitutional laws in direct contempt of the SCOTUS and it's Bruen decision.  They do this because they know there will be no consequences for doing so, as the electorate is too stupid to care they do these things.

Leftists know from the start their laws are unconstitutional, but they know they will be able to oppress their targets for years with those laws anyway.  That's Soviet style governance.

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Yes, NYS can write as many bogus laws as we want, but forcing other states to enforce those laws on their own residents for us is quite a different story. We have no legitimate authority over entities within other states.

No, I believe the bill likely would make it illegal for NYS residents to bring ammo from outside NYS into this state. I don't know because I have not read the bill, but I am guessing that is the way it is most likely constructed.

Of course, that does not make it any better for us legal NYS users of the out-of-state ammo that are being illegitimately denied. And if passed, it should be tested against the 2nd amendment for Constitutionality and likely won't.

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Are the prices for out of state ammo that much lower, that it is worth a drive for 55 cent a mile to purchase? Or is it the fact that people don't want New York officials to  know what weapons they own?

Firearms dealers are already struggling to stay in business, with this state tightening the  noose around their necks. I don't see the reason why consumers would want to tug a little harder.

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Depending on location of dealer in PA the prices vary.I have found in my travels that the farther from state line the cheaper the prices.A couple weeks ago middle of the state prices averaged  about $2 per box lower on most calibers.

I would say most are not interested in providing this communist state any more information than they absolulty have to 

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17 hours ago, farmer 52 said:


This should show the complete bill

According to this paragraph of the bill, I am wrong.

(c) Investigate and prosecute any individual seller of firearms or retail firearms dealer should they knowingly sell ammunition to a resident of the state of New York or to an individual who purchases ammunition on behalf of a New York state resident without contacting the New 24 York state police for authorization pursuant to section two hundred 25 twenty-eight of this chapter and any other law, rule or regulation.

Apparently, they do intend to reach inside of other states and tell them what they can or cannot allow their own businesses to do. And obviously they do feel they have the right to do so.

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I would think that is way overstepping their bounds,but that is how this state with its commie leaders operate.The guy that winters in Florida,buys ammo there and brings it home ??? Do these clowns believe that every purchase by every person is going to be asked for identification and then the vendor will call nysp,actually I find it hilarious and impossible.



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1 hour ago, Doc said:

Apparently, they do intend to reach inside of other states and tell them what they can or cannot allow their own businesses to do. And obviously they do feel they have the right to do so.

They know they DON"T have a right to do this, and they know they are violating your rights and the rights of out of state sellers by even considering this, but they don't care!  Even if the law is overturned by the SCOTUS, by the time it happens they will have collected a ton of data on gun owners in an illegal registry and will have prosecuted many and removed ALL of their 2nd Amendment rights in the process.  All of these blue state governors are on board with this oppression and are all aligned in an evil compact to oppress as much of this nation as they can. This is Soviet style tyranny and we are not going to be able to vote our way out of this mess.

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