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Hit by car deer/ what would you do ?


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If Im there I ask the cops if they just want me to shoot it. The answer has always been yes. Saves them paperwork. They have always just turned their lights on and blocked the road so I can get it done and drag it to the shoulder. Im not going near the deer with a knife or crowbar and risking getting kicked.

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I agree with the above posters...I ain't risking getting my mangy old butt kicked by a damn deer !!

Having said that, once when I was young, dumb and bulletproof, I crawled under a junked car with a bayonet to finish off a wounded porcupine..

True story..I'll let you all guess as to whether ALCOHOL was involved in that incident... I managed to escape without getting a face full of quills, but it was touch and go there for a couple of minutes..

Edited by Pygmy
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Another problem with law enforcement not shooting in the head is the lead contamination. Many road kills end up being scavenger food - and even bait for those of us who use them for research.


As far as using a knife. I've killed 2 with a knife. Both were barely mobile. Grab and ear and cut. A deer that can move about is a different matter.

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I always said I would use my CCW to put it out of its misery but the more I think about it, the more trouble it could get me into. I would just call the police or DEC and be on my way. I personally don't have any desire for a roadkill deer, as being stated above... seems to be more work than it's worth most of the time.

yeah, but for some odd reason, after reading countless threads on this forum about "what would you do?".........deer seem to make people want to teeter on the brink of doing silly stuff. I don't lose too much sleep about the every day horrors that deer face......

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yeah, but for some odd reason, after reading countless threads on this forum about "what would you do?".........deer seem to make people want to teeter on the brink of doing silly stuff. I don't lose too much sleep about the every day horrors that deer face......

In reality we are not all that brutal compared to Mother Nature.

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I would be reluctant to take on an antlered buck with a knife for fear of loosing an eye with a tine, but I was able to dispatch a big doe and a button buck in similar situations without too much trouble.   The doe connected with a hard kick to my leg, causing some swelling and a big bruise.   This thread is a timely reminder to always have a sharp knife in your vehicle at this time of year.   I have picked up a dozen or so road kills, and most had lots of good meat on them.  The doe that kicked me must have just knocked herself out, because there was not a mark on her body after the hide was removed.  I tossed her into the back of my pickup and drove directly to the town police station.  The desk officer looked up at my blood-splattered attire and asked: "did the deer have to be shot" ?   I answered: "no, I killed her with my knife".  He replied: "that would be no", then handed me the carcass tag.


Most have been struck near my house, and I just drive up with a tractor and throw them in the bucket, then drive them back in the field to gut, then hang them in the garage, then call the police for a tag.  I have no fear of being "caught" with a road-kill deer on the tractor before getting a tag.  My priority is always to care for the meat first.  I get the guts out as soon as possible.  Providing tags for road-kill deer is close to the bottom of a cop's priorities and it is dumb to wait for a tag before you get the guts out of a deer.  The ones that are obviously in bad shape (broken legs, etc.) I just throw on the "carcass pile" behind my bedroom window, as "coyote bait" and don't even bother getting a tag for.   The good ones are tagged and processed just like those I kill with conventional hunting methods.  They all taste the same.  The best thing about road-kills is they allow me to be more selective with my hunting tags.        

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